So this would be the first week of Emperor.
I didn’t manage to listen as much during Thursday-Sunday as I wasn’t home and I don’t wanna run Ultrasonic on my headphones. I probably only got in 8 hours total during those days.
The first day I didn’t feel anything at all. I was unsure whether I had the correct file on my phone. I began listening on my computer sometime during the day and I could feel my head begin buzzing and feeling energy move around.
By the 2nd to the 3rd day I was angry. Like really angry for no specific reason. I was easily irritated for the smallest of things and wouldn’t take any shit. Normally I would be like “fuck that” and not care about it anymore. But now I couldn’t. The slightest small thing would throw me off.
I had to do release this tension somehow so I did some Feldenkrais exercises and had some other ways I could get rid off all the energy that “got lifted” when my beliefs were changing.
On Saturday night I was exhausted, this was due to me being at a special family event, with a lot of preparations and things that had gotten taken care of the days before. This exhaustion was leading to an intense anger/furiousness. I ended up walking 3 km with a suit back to the hotel trying to cool down, even though I was exhausted. If someone had done something that pushed on my boundaries during that walk it definitively would have ended with my fist in their face. I was FILLED with Rage.
Sunday was a “chill-day” where I mostly was in the car back home. I was emotionally distant, slightly irritated and aloof. Now the night to Monday I had my first dreams while using Emperor.
I had some day-dream moments where I would drift away in thoughts into unusual “depths” of my consciousness. “Something” which caused my thoughts to drift into these patterns or such. But I never had dreams during the nights.
But tonight I dreamt about girls, more specifically I was railing both J-Lo and queen B.
Those dreams by themselves made it worth the purchase of Emperor.
There have been visible changes in my behavior, my assertiveness and with myself taking action. It’s not yet right where I want it, but there’s a significant improvement to pre-Emperor. This is also only week 1!
Women interest has been increased, but I also find myself restraining myself in this area for various reasons. These of which I’m slowly beginning to come to terms with and defining my own boundaries (the kind that I deem necessary), something which I already thought I’ve done but it’s a new sort of self-discovery with Emperor.
Something which I haven’t really consciously taken note of, but through the use/help of my activity bracelet. I now seem to be spending roughly half the time in deep sleep on Emperor, than what I used to. Before Emperor (through the data from my activity bracelet) I was getting an average of 30% deep sleep during a whole night. Now these last days with Emperor I’ve been at a fairly consistent 15%
I’m not sure if this is caused by the reconciliation process, or if it’s something in the script which may be provoking this response. But I will continue to check up on how “my sleep is doing”.
All in all, I am so far, very satisfied with my purchase of Emperor and I’m looking forward to see how it continues to progress.
For anyone sitting on the bench wondering if they should give it a try I would encourage to try it out, you still have that 30 days refund