The Eden's Gift - The poetic existence of Invictus

Now that Ramadan is over, that sexual energy will be doubled :rofl:


I wanted to write this in a post of its own:

I almost caused an accident.


Girls being too focused on you?
Fighting for you or being distracted by you?


long story short,
driving with windows down, reached a traffic light, girl in the car next to me was staring, traffic light went green, i left, she wanted to keep up with me and almost caused the guy in front of her to crash into the guy next to him.


I knew it!!!



The attention is getting annoying :upside_down_face:

Maybe I should have listened to my inner voice when it told me to not have both WANTED and Earthshaker Sexuality in there, when chicks were already getting somewhat aggressive in approach, as well as me causing traffic jams, because now I’m just straight up annoyed to the point I’m even ignoring my girlfriend :sweat_smile:

why are most girls so shallow?!

I might remake this with a couple tweaks.


Could it be the time for Khronos key to shine :old_key::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My ma’ is TOO wanted ahahaha


Ahahaha no
There are 2 other modules to be added, in fact I’d only remove true social and Earthshaker, those seemed to have intensified WANTED.

Like it’s not like I don’t like attention, but being too aggressive when approaching me is not nice, especially since I have 2 events coming up, and it might cause problems.


Yeah I can understand that would be putting off…

Anyway It’s always a pleasure to read your difficulty to go a bit less noticed :eyes:

It’ll open other amazing stories on other subject for me to enjoy :unlock::flushed:


The decision isn’t final yet :joy:
But most probably will be by tomorrow evening.


Today’s results:

  • yesterday’s 2 loops made my sleep feel weird, like I slept even less, and had 0 desire to sleep more.
  • Didn’t have anything to do, but my body wanted to just do anything.

Listened to 1 loop + ME to speed up processing, then:

  • physical sensations are back.
  • Feeling calm and collected again.
  • Teeth are shifting and aligning more (again).
  • Voice is back to being “calm”.
  • Feeling more sexy and sensual.
  • A “pump” like sensation started in my arms.
  • Social but in a calm way.
  • Food tastes better.
  • Right side of my face feels “different”.
  • Feeling like I’m Adonis reincarnated.
  • Feeling witty, similar to Stark.
  • Attention from girls is too high, to the point I’m getting annoyed.
  • Realizing that too much of this attention could lead to issues in my relationship.

Hm, I’ve had that on my left triceps for like 2 weeks now.

Great results :muscle:

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hey man, it’s been a while, what are you running atm?

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I’m running some Wanted, Primal Seduction, and EoG St1 at the moment. Going back to Khan after this cycle but planning on sticking with Wanted and EoG behind Khan.

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Seems like you’re liking WANTED huh :smirk:?

I’m taking it out of my custom, it’s causing too many good results that I didn’t even want :rofl:


The decision had been made.


I have played it for a while last summer on Qv2 and it’s one hell of a sub. And also in all honesty I think it is a great sub just for the way it operates in regards to masculine energy. The femenine is more flowy and loves the chase with all the ups and down, while the masculine is more on it’s own path, grounded, and non-reactive. And because many guys have a hard time to believe that they can be that man, Wanted is a great sledgehammer to instill it into them.

Mayby buy darker sunglasses so that bright seductive energy beaming from your eyes don’t blind people as much :wink:

EDIT: You already have strong sun in your country, and people get hit by a double sun whammy in your presence, have mercy :joy:


:eyes: Looking at what the result is??

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That’s a very good way to look at it, and it explains quite a bit about me as well.
WANTED is amazing, but being too WANTED can be an issue once your over the shallowness of others :rofl:
Like I like being sexy for myself, but when a girl approaches me, I’d rather it be due to recognition of my talents/skills, or my success, not the fact that I’m a 11/10 with an aura that puts lust into them :sweat_smile::joy:.

This is so weird.
Before checking your comment, I was checking out some new shades :rofl:.

Well I had a family gathering (with family friends as well), and the daughter of one of my Aunts’ friends kept staring at me way too much (and so were her sisters), but the thing that annoyed me too much was the fact that her mother came to my mom and started talking about marriage, like bruh, let me be :sweat_smile:



Ma man to bright to be let unmarried :rofl:

Their planning your life instead of you lol
Making plan on how to split the diamond that you are without destroying the whole family or starting a little war :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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