The chronicles of Invictus and ZP

Okay fair enough :joy::joy:


You had the chance to do what me and your brother did :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

You do realize that right :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:?


I realized, but I don’t want with her hahaha, she’s not in my standards!

But I can see wanted working in my life :grin:

I invited a girl I met on instagram, she’s doing yoga (she’s got the tight yoga shape) and studying in sexology, I might see her not the coming week end, but the other one!


Damn! Makes me even more excited to start Wanted. Unfortunately, Wanted won’t be released on the 1st. They still have to tweek it some more before they release it.

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It actually is afaik, the final testing version was good enough, and it will be released for public preview.

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Someone’s quoting the script it seems :smirk:


Now that’s some great news.

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Well, you’ve set it so often, I got to repeat it hahaha

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Trained arms last night, woke up with soreness in my shoulder and thighs :slight_smile:

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When you’re so strong you lift yourself from earth


Call it a manifestation or a crazy coincidence, but after my loops for the day, I went to smoke downstairs and found my dad watching a movie, so I stood there to see which movie it was and turns out it was……



Do you use headphones? Keep an eye on him to see if he gets results from your subs :slight_smile:

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Oh yeah, always.

AirPods Pro in case you’re wondering :slight_smile:

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You mentioned the air of superiority when on Wanted and even more so on ZP

How did this come across in interactions with women? Did they notice it or did they feed of it sort of thing?

Can’t wait to try Wanted out for myself mate, you’re gonna be looking in our journals thinking “ah yes young padawan is learning to be a jedi”


I had to ask my guy when I read your comment because I haven’t noticed him carrying himself as if he feels superior. He is on Wanted V2. Hasn’t tried ZP yet. He says that he feels this air of superiority and just “knows” that he is superior, so he doesn’t feel like he needs to act any differently. He thinks that the women notice this air of superiority and that they feed off of it. The way I see this air about him is that he is so good looking, how can he not be a person of higher status? His behavior has also changed to that of a higher status person. He doesn’t come across as rude anymore. We went to a very high status (elite) place the other day, and he fit right in.


I used to say this in my private testing journal a lot, but the way I feel, is like the forbidden fruit of Eden, irresistible to girls, and that’s how the “air” around me makes them look multiple times.
Like today I was out with a couple guys for dinner and the waitress forgot to write their orders because of how much she kept staring at me (since I took off my mask).

This is actually a reason why I still wear masks even though it’s not as mandatory like before (especially open spaces), because I do see the effects.

Also I’m rocking a beard right now, however, whenever I shave, it drives girls wild and the attraction increases, and I’m gonna shave it all on Wednesday for my graduation ceremony and let WZP perform at its absolute max :wink:


This should summarize how WantedZP changed my reality :sunglasses:


lol spot on for Wanted
We should do a song for a sub thread.

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I could fill this whole journal with a song daily :sunglasses:
Should I do that :thinking:

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