The Capitalist King

Yes heart Charka is green-between the yellow will power and identity of the solar plexus, and the blue creation/manifestation of your expression in the world, that’s what the throat chakra is-voice is just an aspect of it, voice communicated the summation of your being to the outside world, but it’s just one expression. The heart chakra is the center of our being, where the higher self and lower self feed eachother/merge. The love and compassion in your heart chakra, is rising to your head, the seat of perception, your god’s eye view of your life, and your connection to the divine and the world at large. In a way this is kind of like a language of the ‘soul’, or a deeper aspect of your being.

Do you see the yellow and red with green around your ‘third eye’. Red is where your rooted, and belong, yellow is action and execution, the third eye also knows when it’s time to ‘pick your bed up and move it’ metaphorically and literally-that combination in the head may mean-its an impulse to look for a new location or new group/ tribe of people out of Love for yourself.

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Does that resonate at all, or totally off base?
I’m not that versed in this stuff, just going off intuitive sense with some base knowledge.

Yes, it does make some sense. Not like I’m totally disbelieving in this kind of stuff.

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My mother is at the acupunturist’s for some problem with her nervous system stretching from her neck to her shoulders and her hands.

Thinking about it, I’m still more comfortable understanding stuff like chakras through traditional Chinese beliefs.

Maybe @Malkuth would have some insights on what is written about chakras from the Chinese point of view below.,upper%2C%20middle%20and%20lower%20centers.

The macrocosm (Heaven)/microcosm (Earth) inter-relationship is articulated through the dynamic relations of Yin/Yang, Five Elements, Qi (movement of everything) , Blood, Body Fluids and Shen. Chakras are articulated within Chinese Medicine through the Three Treasures (energy): Generating (Jing), Vital (Qi) and Spirit (Shen). These as a cumulative whole represent the Dantians (chakras). These dantians are composed of upper, middle and lower centers.

Upper centers represent Shen (spirit energy) and relates to the 6th (third eye) and 7th (crown) chakras. Middle centers represent the Qi (vital energy) and relates to the third (solar plexus), 4th chakra (heart) and 5th (throat). Lower centers represent the Hara as well as the Jing (generating energy) which relates to the 1st (sacral) and 2nd (umbilical) chakras.

These centers are interrelated with the meridians/vessels/channels and bones (Jing). Within Taoist literature the Shen is associated with three of the Eight Extra Meridians: Ren Mai (front midline channel), Du Mai (posterior spine channel) and Chong Mai (center of body where the seven major chakras are located from crown through perineum).


Thanks for raising such a compelling topic.

I feel you summarized the major points quite well.

There’s a saying ‘意到氣到’. Sensible and straightforward. When the intention/attention is directed to a particular locus or focus, qi, or energetic activation, comes to that place as well.

This is a pivotal principle in working within that traditional Chinese paradigm.

For myself, I think of Qi as dynamic living process or maybe activation. It seems natural, and not exclusively mystical or supernatural. Qi is like the ‘living style’ or ‘processual style’ of a phenomenon. We can talk about the 氣 of evening traffic on the highway, or the 氣 of a group of people exiting a concert hall, and so on. It’s that dynamic essence of any evolving phenomenon.

I think that’s pretty cool.

Chinese medicine/cosmology has the 穴位. Points where the bioenergetic flows ‘breach’ the surface of the body and can be influenced by various techniques. There’s also 內功 or internal work which engages the deep flows of functional energy directly, bypassing those points completely. Apparently, traditional Indian cosmologies have the equivalent concept of ‘nadi’, though I haven’t studied so much about that myself.

Well, those are just some randomly generated points.

I haven’t read fiction for many years. It’s been a stressful period of time over past few years for me, with my mind focused on practical activities that ensure my most basic survival. Leisure activities have taken the back seat for a long-time and I really hope I would have more time to spend on them soon.

Putting up that list below was really a fun mental exercise where I exercised my memory.

Lots of memories of my growing up years came up as a I ran through the bookshelves of my mind those novels that I read below and thought about what really motivated me in life.

Undeniably, reading fiction did have an impact on my imagination, my motivations and my experiences.

I’ve always wanted to improve my reading proficiency in other languages so that I could read some novels in their original languages and not English.

I guess it’s the time to work on this.

Yes, also known as 穴道. Any blockages will result in poor health in various aspects. That’s why acupuncture is supposed to aid the flow of this energy.

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Yes, actually both Eastern and Western religions both refer to this, just in different ways. If you think about it, God can’t be an old man in the sky if he is supposed to be omnipresent. The old man in the sky concept is just an anthromorphic way of viewing things that was easier for many followers to grasp.

That is a well-loved classic.

We humans have really loved our old men in the sky.

You make a very good point (re: omnipresence); at the same time, trying to use logic and reason to alter a person’s concept of the Divine is probably something like trying to use logic and reason to get them to abandon their loved ones. It’s probably not going to work, but if it does, there may be something wrong with that person. :wink:

Be kind. Protect yourself and whoever else needs protecting. Allow the rest to evolve naturally.

How do you say that in Latin? :slight_smile: I’d make that my motto.

Are you doing any 氣 cultivation practices? How is your journey going?

p.s. hope your mom’s treatment is going very well. sounds like an issue that acupuncture would really be able to help.

What effects did you experience from Information so far @King?

You mean Information Releaser?

Those books I put up on the favourite fiction thread are probably Information Releaser as my subconscious mind has been going through some serious digging today.

Informaticon not so much effect though I’ve somehow managed to come up with a solution for a problem I have with my web design project.

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Oh I made a typo, yeah I meant Informaticon :smiley:

Did you notice that you always somehow find the right information for a project?
Or I believe Informaticon also shall help with guiding towards the exact needed loops you need for the custom. Did you experience that?

Not yet. But preferably I like one full loop uninterrupted.

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I see, thank you for your insights @King

And all the best for your mums treatment

Esto benignus. Qui te custodiat et necessitates alium protegens. Reliqua autem naturaliter evolve patitur.

Read a book on learning Latin many years ago but have forgotten most of it. The above translation from Google sounds right though.

Still doing my “I am” meditations and focusing on observing my breath. I will aim at mastering this before doing a body-wide awareness meditation.

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Yes, she is getting slightly better with acupuncture. Thanks.

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Yes she is getting better thanks.

A: Okay, we’re ready to engrave the motto. What is it?

B: Oh, it’s just: Esto benignus. Qui te custodiat et necessitates alium protegens. Reliqua autem naturaliter evolve patitur.


A: …

(spoken in unison): We’re going to need a bigger shield.

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Strange. Did I manifest an error flight booking?

An airline sent me an email saying that I need to make preparations for a flight to an overseas destination on the 30 of August.

That’s strange. I’ve never made any flight bookings this year.

They gave me the booking number but that booking number doesn’t exist on the airline’s web portal.

Just called the airline and they told me there was a backend error in their system. Anyway, they let me be excited for a few seconds as I had thought that someone had booked a surprise flight for me and that I would really be travelling on the 30th of August. .