The alpha sales man

I have been listening to ascension for 3 cycles and true sell for 2 cycles, and my verbal abilities and charisma grew a lot.

Ascension has given me the inner confidence and strength to act as I want and true gave me the charm and persuasion skills.

I ordered a custom to become the best sales man at my new job which I will start at the 19/10.

The custom:

Ascension core
True sell core
Direct influencing aura
Dragon tongue
Emperor’s voice
Sacred words
Song of joy
Story teller

This custom will take my selling abilities to the next level, and when I actually start the action of selling I predict to see major improvement very fast.

I will try to update this journal consistently, usually I don’t do that but I will do my best.


All the best, bro. Love the custom!

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Yeah I made it light with only 10 modules and took your advice from other thread, thanks bro!

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