The AlchemLIST (List of books and sources)

What’s the deal with this devil/demonic books on magic
is that something people want to mess with?

It’s an aspect why not?

I have no reason why not,
I’m not familiar with this field.
Just asking

I do know people who have had deeply bad experiences with that-
and when i worked in shamanism there were certain forces -not to be reckoned with

it was human error and pride that assumed it could handle or control/use those forces-when those forces were handling that person.

so did not know if it applied here

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This is not a dumb question. It’s actually a very reasonable one.

It’s well and good to say people should have open minds, but if I see a freaking unlabeled bottle with a skull and crossbones on the front, maybe I don’t want to pick that shit up and swig it down without asking some very specific questions first.

The progress that you do or don’t make along your way will grow out of an increasing trust and attention to your own good sense, wisdom, and intuition. So, ask questions, explore, and investigate.

There are risks and rewards associated with every activity in the world. Hell, you can even pull your muscle going for a walk in the park.

The energies and entities that are summoned, engaged, and harnessed through magick run the full gamut of all aspects of our nature. And beyond.

If you’re training for an athletic event, you can draw on your beautiful dreams and aspirations of victory and of demonstrating the amazing potential of the human body. You can also draw motivation from your frustrations and anger about your defeats of the past, or even from your resentment and hatred of people who told you you would never win or amount to anything.

All of those energies are part of you. The higher ones are angelic. The lower ones are demonic.

A skillful sailor can use any wind to take her in the direction she wants to go. Really skillful sailors can even tack against a west-blowing wind in order to go in an eastward direction. Amazing.

In the same way, magicians draw on and harness all types of energies to travel in their chosen directions and to their desired destinations.

But it is not a light or casual thing to engage the most highly-charged aspects of your being, whether they’re positively or negatively charged.

Fools rush in. (and we’re all fools sometimes).

Anyway, one way to think of angels and demons is as positively and negatively charged energies, entities to which our beings and minds respond. Some may think of them more archetypally, as autonomous or semi-autonomous expressions of our own psyches. Some may approach them more literally as actual separate beings, independent of your mind.

Either way, that’s an idea about them.


But anyways; I’ve only been posting the things I own and used and have discussed. Also if your super new that course I posted is great. Honestly wish I had it when I started. And I’ll post more stuff again. There is one more course that I can vouch for too.

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Thanks Malkuth


Excuse the interruption…
I’ll be sure to revisit when I run Alchemist

@Pwnie21 :flushed: I forgot that you were the person who began this topic in the first place.

These are a whole lot of resources.


Heard good things about this and the fact VK Jehannum is in it oughta be good.

1 Like Found this thought y’all might be interested and yes it’s on sale

Not strictly magick but here’s a link to various media (books, audio, video) that may be of interest to the budding alchemist:

I personally haven’t delved into the videos or audio much, but there is likely a book for everyone’s particular interests in there. Includes topics such as esotericism, spirituality, philosophy, religion, NLP, conspiracy theories, astrology, ancient civilisations etc.


Fascinating, seems like Alchemist and Quantum Limitless are doing its work, you literally left no stone untouched!

Unfortunately I can’t take credit for this… my personal collection is big, but not THAT big :wink: This is the work of Mark Passio (

Usually you would send him a 2TB hard drive, he would put this collection on it for free and then return it to you but there are uploads maintained on Onedrive and Google drive too.

I am indeed running Alchemist and QL though, which I have no doubt led me to finding the link!


What a huge collection of resources, you will need another lifetime in order to see it all.


Here’s a valuable insight into Kundalini Yoga mentioned on the sales page of the Alchemist:


I don’t know if its been listed yet. But the English translation of “Compass of the Wise” by Ketmia Vere / R.C.H. is very good for the serious student. Clears up a lot of questions around the work. The chapter on the Vessel of Nature is very useful.starting on page 9A/69.