The Adventures of SubliminalUser

Listened to:

  • Primal
  • Chosen


  • 200mg cold brew in the morning
  • True Social Lifecharger (before an event)

The morning cold brew shaped the direction of the day as I was jolted into action. Great, relatively productive workday and also respectable social conversations. The latter continued into the evening as I enjoyed the social event then. Not sure whether TS helped but I did like the event and conversations. Got more insight into the choices I made on my own life.

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Looking forward to the morning when I get to listen again. Going to be running Primal + Mind’s Eye and also taking an energy drink.

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  • Primal
  • Mind’s Eye
  • Ascension Chamber

My confidence just continues to grow. What is this? This zest for life, this confidence that I will get what I want :smiley:



  • Primal
  • Chosen

I continue to have a fairly high amount of caffeine in the mornings.

Some interesting developments:

  • For the first time in a few weeks, I am working out on a weekday morning again. Unfortunately, I am still sore from the previous workouts so today was more about me showing up to the gym and doing something. Still, I’m setting up the momentum.
  • I got jokingly asked about my dating life (specifically related to the apps) by a coworker-friend. That’s new. It’s been months since I tried out those apps (in fact, that experiment precedes this journal and was last in the previous one). I didn’t say too much about it. However, I get the sense that this person wanted to talk about it in some fashion. This again is interesting because we’ve never talked about it before in our conversations specifically. I wonder, is there something to gain here?
  • I realize tomorrow I’m going up to the city tomorrow to meet up with some friends. I also remembered that Sam (who I last mentioned in the previous journal) is up there too just now and was contemplating reaching out to her again. But then I remembered last time and thought “This isn’t going anywhere, it’s not even a workable friendship,” yada yada. At this very moment I am realizing these thoughts converge to “What’s the point?”
    • I came across that same thought of “What’s the point?” this past Friday when I was considering the merits of an extended conversation with someone at that event (whom I had met a few days prior at another event). I knew that girl was visiting from a neighboring country and was going to go back soon so I saw little value because we couldn’t even become friends. Did get a follower out of that, but still. Thinking more about the prompt of “What’s the point?” back then I realized that the conversation or meet doesn’t necessarily have to be substantial all the time. I mean, I just think about the show that inspired me to my current sport or the person who unknowingly introduced me to intermittent fasting. Neither the show nor the person is a part of my life now (nor did I expect such a long-term thing anyways) but their impact is still there; perhaps I can even say that the answer to “What’s the point?” sometimes is to just enjoy the conversation or company at that moment!
    • Still, despite all I said…I haven’t heard from her this entire year besides on the day of my birthday. Thinking about that doesn’t feel so great. But hey, I guess if I were to meet it’s not as if I’d have to go out of my way since I’m already going to be in the area for other things. Maybe the Primal part of me is speaking, just to test that?
    • Now isn’t that something. Both this and the previous point concerns details from late last year, and were discussed in the previous journal. Is there a cycle? Perhaps a topic or things to revisit?
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Rest day. To be precise, a rest day from subs but it was a day active with adventure.

I was in the city for most of the day working out of another office as a visitor and enjoying the amenities there. It was a cool way to meet with friends, though it wasn’t particularly productive. With regards to the subs I am not sure there is much to say for Primal & Chosen, however I do think something magical is happening with Mind’s Eye I had done a manifestation sometime earlier this year regarding buying the main coins during one of the biggest crypto crashes of all time. It looks like that crash is happening as we speaking. This is the perfect time for people to increase the size of positions for the real coins that are going to stick around in the long term (unfortunately this won’t include some players like a particular stablecoin!).

It is unbelievable that I can manifest something on such a scale, affecting the entire crypto market (and by extension the stock market). I am also curious about this power too, in that I am able to manifest things of such scale here, but when it comes to my dating and romance life I may write some stuff down but not much happens there. :confused: :question:

What I get from the above is that I have developed manifestation that in sheer power is high in effect. This is great—it means I have accomplished my point of running ME and I will be fine stopping its run after the end of this half (end of stack 4) or even at the end of stack 4a as predicted by the three-stack run model. However, there’s a domain-specific block that’s occurring here that’s not letting that power flow through. Mind’s Eye may be dissolving the block on its own, although it may not be the sharpest tool in the shed for it.

What is it? During my long drives today I was watching Goddard videos which mentioned visualization and how the state is the key and how I should let the state lead the way as opposed to figure out what exactly I need to do. Perhaps I may apply it here. How I could do that is imagine or feel the state of being in my ideal relationship. Being loved, being very comfortable. I would like to do this in a consistent manner (perhaps combined with meditation) over an extended period of time until I am satisfied with the state that I have created. A guided way I’ll get to that is through Heartsong which I’ll be introducing as part of my custom that will get built and run starting in the second half of the year, but I honestly don’t want to wait and depend on that as my only action. Why feel bad when I can choose my state right now and get progress? Choosing the state is an action I can do even in the midst of my current life which is heavily geared towards fulfilling some career objectives. Running guided meditations, writing imaginative journal entries and other actions of that nature are stuff I can do with the time I have; I’m not working 24/7.

I am closing the loop on this. Basically, nothing happened in this regard. I remember when Sam messaged me happy birthday after I posted about that stuff on social media earlier this year (only contact between us this year). Despite me publicly announcing my time at the city earlier today—which did have its own good results—I didn’t hear anything from her. I also know for a fact through the platform’s capabilities that she didn’t see that, too. I’m taking this as a sign that I should maintain my previous position that nothing is meant to be here. It’s a fine and dandy position that I’m comfortable with and can work with.

Also, I just realized tomorrow is my final run of stack 3. This is because stack 3 ends on May 15; I will have 3 rest days between May 12 and May 16 which is when stack 4 begins!

I wish true social was already in lifecharger format…

One thing I don’t like about myself right now is how I can’t seem to socialize with coworkers now. With my big focus on career progression and goals that stuff has fallen by the wayside. I have a hard time switching from work mode to social mode without one mode or the other suffering in quality.

True social would help. It’s explicitly one of the objectives to switch between the modes easily. Problem is that it’s in ZP so it would take up a slot in my stack.

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What’s in Stack 4?

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Currently it is just a continuation of my current stack.

  • Chosen
  • ME
  • Primal

This is intended. Chosen for the career (since start of year), ME to finish up my 3-stack run (which actually completes in the middle of stack 4—we’d call the half-stack “4a”—since I started it as stack 1b) and Primal to get up to speed in that department; Primal started in stack 3b.


Final Run of Stack 3

Stack 3b, to be precise.


  • Primal
  • Mind’s Eye (ME)

I’m also grounding myself using the Schumann Resonance right now after having a stressful day and also one wherein the evening I started to worry about the state of some things in my life. Isn’t it wonderful that YouTube recommended it to me again on the front page? Seriously, I was going to YouTube intending to listen to this and one of the first things listed on the front page is that audio. So, I’m listening to it right now. That, and I’m drinking some nice tea.

Alright, I feel the pressure being lifted off. Isn’t it wonderful? Anyway, let’s put down some notes.

  • The cause of the stress here has to do with work. Seldom do I feel stress due to that, however the relatively late evenings spent at the office are starting to get to me. I’m going at it to get a lot of stuff done on time and to get that next promotion that I have been looking forward to.
    • Why I want the next promo ASAP: This particular promotion puts me at a specific level that’s not only massive financially, but also monumental for my career trajectory and mobility across companies. In addition, it is a level that I’d be able to stay at. I work at an organization that employs an “up or out” approach for the lower levels, meaning that I’d actually get fired if I didn’t get promoted within a certain timeframe. While I’m nowhere close to risking that timer I also don’t want that timer ticking in the back of my head.
    • The fact that I’d be able to stay at the next level is paramount to my goals. I want to stay at the next level for a while, as I work on other non-career goals. Chiefly, that concerns all the stuff that I’ve been talking about in this journal with regards to primal, my upcoming custom and other titles you may imagine are in that category. Basically, I want to be in my ideal relationship before I keep pushing further into levels where the only motivation I (currently) have for them is getting more money. And it’s not like I’m struggling there—far from it. Knowing me and how I’ve been one who’s relatively career-oriented and has observed that it’s hard to switch gears I feel I must work on it this way.
    • I’d also take out Chosen from my stack after the promotion, meaning that I can then have stacks which are purely focused towards these other matters. I’m going to have my custom in my stack starting with stack 5, simply because I feel I should at least starting running that soon (the timing also coincides with when I’ll have moved to my own place), but it would be nice to also get its complements going too.

I perfectly understand why my life is currently imbalanced towards work, regardless. However, knowing is not enough; I have to take some kind of action to feel better. This weekend I will absolutely be taking my mind off work and having hangouts and other celebrations to go to. Have great food, and also ensure I have everything I need for the trip that’s later this month.

I am choosing to enjoy life the best way I can.

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The Only Sacrifice

I can’t take this anymore. I’m just beating myself up, and where does that take me? Why am I still doing this?

The only sacrifice you are called upon to make, is to give up your present concept of self and appropriate the desire you want to express.

Disengage yourself from the while vast belief that you formerly entertained, and hold on in your imagination to the concept that you ARE the man that you want to be…For you will RESURRECT and make alive the state that began only as a concept. If you remain faithful to the concept you will be led right into the fulfillment of that state.

Neville Goddard

I am reminded of @Fractal_Explorer and @subliminalguy’s writings regarding their own thoughts and feelings, as well as how they were among the people who helped me out when I was in my tumultuous adventure, A SubliminalUser is Reborn. For I very recently felt like I couldn’t take my own internal chatter about the state of my life right now. To be precise, it’s specifically the state of my life regarding Primal stuff. As the entries in recent times may suggest, my mind has been wailing hard against the current conditions.

Much more than that, however—and this is where I feel there is a significant breakthrough to make—my mind has been railing against the perception of the situation. A few days ago I wrote about how I seem to have a ‘domain-specific block’ in manifesting an ideal Primal-actualized life. Why would I affirm that knowing the effect that would have on my reality? My mind asks. And it’s a good point. I have to remember the Goddardian view that the affirmation and self-concept is the starting point from which reality comes from, rather than the point which reflects back what reality shows. Given that Zero Point is about pushing reality through us, I thought this is a particularly relevant point. I feel pretty dumb knowing that I manifest my reality, have proven myself to manifest big things in quite a few domains of my life but then get dumbfounded and hung up on this one thing. Yea, sure, that may describe a lot of people (even on this forum) but that’s not much consolation. Why do I affirm such unhelpful and self-victimizing ideas when I can shift into something so much better?

If such thinking helped, I’d have figured this out a long time ago. But I haven’t. So I’m left with just one real, meaningful choice to make right now. Give up my present concept of self and appropriate the desire I want to express. Give Primal the permission to make its changes evident upon me, and allow the subliminal to change my mind and self-concept. Let the old man die to the past. Despite all the manifestation videos I’ve been watching lately in the recent fervor around how I can shift to a new reality, it comes down to that.

Let it go.

I think Primal is doing its work on me right now through what I have just recognized to be a kind of healing phase. It’s healing that’s occurring as a result of the ZP Primer combined with what the topic that Primal handles.


Let’s bring it in on this final day before the start of stack 4 (what I would refer to earlier as chapter 4).

In light of the recent thoughts and heavy stress on the weekdays from work I took it upon me to make this weekend less eventful for the most part. I did not plan many things so that I could rest and calm down. That rest was particularly valuable for allowing me to gather my thoughts and write journal entries, such as the one above. I needed the time away from the thick of things, even if it wasn’t that productive from the outside. From the inside (referring to my mind) I believe it has helped me process all that has happened, including the subliminals that I have been listening to. This time I enjoyed having the rest days from subs. So much so, that I am considering doing a seven-day washout at the end of stack 4. Date-wise it would neatly line up to do a seven-day washout right as we transition into the second half of the year (July, which is when stack 5 is planned to start).

Sometimes, I have to be unproductive in the short term to be productive in the long term.

Today the stress, pain and discomfort was so little compared to yesterday. It’s just the long drives that I had to deal with as a result of the errands and other things I was doing today. But the whole thing about beating myself up or the concerns for the future were a lot less. Perhaps it did help yesterday when I was affirming to myself, I am happy. I am forever abundant while falling asleep. That, and also making a renewed effort to focus on the state.

What am I to do next…we shall see. This is the last week before I go on another trip! Tomorrow, I start stack 4 which is just a continuation of stack 3b, and for good reason.

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Chapter 4

Pushing Towards The End of The First Half

Would you look at that. It’s May 16. We’re already in this part of the year where I need to be pushing hard at work, while also doing my best to enjoy life.

Major events that are occurring during this stack:
- My intern arrives and starts work next month. This is where Chosen gets its chance to shine as I must be a leader here.
- Trip next week to a different part of the country. It’ll be a week long. If there’s anything in my stack to observe changes for, it’d be on ME and Primal.
- The end of the half, which is highly relevant for work due to deadlines as well as career goals.
- I’m moving out of my parents’ place to an apartment with a close friend. This is a big life change.

Stack 4: May 16 - June 30
Unlike the last few stacks which had to be divided up into two parts (e.g. stack 3a and stack 3b), I truly think this time I’ll be sticking with the same three for the 45-day run.

  • Mind’s Eye (ME)
  • Chosen
  • Primal

Unlike the run of 3b, however, for the time being I’m going to go with a rolling window with 2 subliminals for what I choose to run. This creates 3 runs:

  • A: ME + Chosen
  • B: Primal + ME
  • C: Chosen + Primal

With this I hope to get more of a break from Primal sometimes.


  • Mind’s Eye
  • Chosen
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  • Chosen
  • Primal

Well would you look at that. It’s the end of another work week. This time, I looked forward to the end because I’m going on vacation for a bit. Tomorrow, me and friends are going to be driving pretty far for a trip! The next week or so is going to be filled with all sorts of fun activities.

I’m going to swap out Chosen with Chosen from Within temporarily so that I can strengthen my internal frame and do some healing. I feel I need this and the trip to help me reset a bit. This past month has been very hectic and the problematic work-life balance has left me reaching for more in my life. Basically, I haven’t been doing much outside of work throughout the month. Yea, I’ve gone to some events and errands on the weekends but it feels like my life development has hit pause in multiple ways. I want to clear my mind, to allow it to process all that’s happened. This has been an eventful year so far and I imagine it’s only going to continue to be the case.


Reflection time. I’m currently on the trip, and today marks the day of arrival. I enjoyed the way we traveled to get here and the food. However, after dessert, we walked through an active part of the city where there appeared to be bustling nightlife. With all the people in the area around me, I got pretty self-conciscous. More than I’d like to. Now, I do know that in the past when going out in public and whatnot I got somewhat self-conscious. But this being the first in a while, I particularly felt it this time. What happened? Did I regress? Perhaps I just need to get back into the momentum and habit of things?

I find it unfortunate that that happened. It just goes to show how I have seem to exhibit this particular quality of “hard to switch from work to social mode.” I noticed it to an extent in the last few months, but why right now? I’m on vacation, come on! To be fair, I am out and about in a new city with an unfamiliar environment, and I don’t think I’ve quite agreed to myself yet that we’re exiting the pandemic. That agreement is significant, for the pandemic was the reason I had focused on certain parts of self-development (this was even reflected in subs, including the ones I ran through most of this year). But on the other hand I have already made the determination to soon get back up to speed.

Tomorrow’s run is ME + Chosen From Within. I’m very curious as to how the latter sub affects me now. I’m on vacation, so affecting productivity is not an issue. But can it help me build a strong internal frame? Will I receive the results quickly? We shall see.

I think it may be interesting to journal during the trip downtimes. After the trip is done I would like to return to daily journaling (among other habits) as it is so useful and a fellow traveler told me about how it was useful for him.



  • Primal
  • Chosen From Within

As expected, I had little to no recon from CFW. Saint had already stated that people can switch from Chosen to CFW without losing momentum. In addition, I am on vacation which means I don’t care nor am really able to observe the loss of productivity that seems to characterize Saint’s experience of running CFW. I simply ask that CFW strengthen my internal frame, positive and ground me more.

Well, I am taking on a relatively optimistic view of my ability to enact change. Hung out with quite a few people today as we continued to travel through the city and check out everything there is to see. I found myself to handle these interactions a bit better, though I did have to warm up initially for that. However, I got opportunities to improve upon the previous day. After the previous journal I had written down a declaration that I respond to compliments by starting a conversation or responding in a way conducive to one. I had written this down in light of a moment yesterday when a stranger had complimented me on my necklace and all I said then was “Thanks.” Well, I got to do that today when talking to a new mutual, who complimented me on my sunglasses. My response spawned off a respectable conversation around frames and how my vision changed over the last year.

Cool stuff, it’s falling in line with that manifestation. Something about this trip gives me the confidence and additional boldness in my belief about what I can manifest. Sometimes it’s just a greater proclivity to do the practice. In the process of daily reflection and journaling I come up with several things covering how the day could have gone better, or how certain events and moments highlight gaps in skills or things in my life I’d like to change. Following that reflection I then come up with ideas to manifest the solution to the aforementioned things. It’s how I came up with the “respond to compliments adequately” manifestation.

I also noticed that throughout the day I was able to fire off several successful manifestations that took a few minutes to occur. A good deal of these manifestations had to do with finding parking, The speed and level of synchronicity that has come up with these things were amazing.

One thing I’d like to ask for as I run AsCh is to have the power of the pruning shears of revision. AsCh is scheduled to be run on Sundays, but with being outside today I haven’t gotten a chance to run it. Maybe I will do so after finishing this entry.

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  • AsCh.

I enjoyed seeing the city today. Seeing all it has to offer, as well as the nightlife, made me start to think hard about my current state in life. Am I even in the right city? What’s happening? Lot’s of things are happening in this city. The nightlife and I imagine the dating scene would be better here too. I really started to wonder if I should move out of the general area I’m in altogether. Move out with the same friend I’m going to move out with soon. It’s an interesting idea. Before I make such a big change of course I want to see what I can and will do during my time where I’m at but while living at my own apartment.

New course of action

I have decided that I will stop running ME after 21 days of stack 4 (stack 4a) and switch to the HS + IC custom that I talked about in another thread. With me thinking about that so much recently and seeing the progress I currently have in that domain I feel it’s time to do this. With 21 days I will have completed 3 full stack rotations of ME.

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  • Chosen From Within
  • Primal

I don’t know if it’s CFW or just the nature of the trip, but I am getting quite introspective. I greatly suspect it is CFW giving the recent push, because I generally am not that interested in journaling during the trips. Even in the last trip that I went to with a friend last year where the purpose of the travel was to disconnect from everything and reflect, I wasn’t journaling. And the place I went to then was a small town that encourages reflection. But here, I’m in a big city where there is a bustling social life. The nightlife and stuff yesterday made me take a hard look at my situation, particularly my social and dating life which isn’t there yet. I considered moving out in order to have better odds here, particularly because it is somewhat well known that the dating scene in my area sucks.

But I want to give myself an honest chance and effort before I do anything as big as moving out, considering that I’ve lived in my general area my entire life. Even my university was in that area. Yes, I’ve gone on trips and stuff in the past but this is the first time I’ve gone to a city and seriously considered the notion of moving out of my current city due to it. Let me write down some stuff I thought about.

  • I feel that I am very soon going to get that promo. In fact, it is feeling quite natural that I’ll get promoted this year. The particular level is important because of not only the compensation increase but also because it’s a terminal level that I’m comfortable with. In theory, I could also apply to become a full-time remote worker at the company, which would allow me quite the flexibility to move around.
  • I don’t think I’d work towards the promo following after that for a while. Due to the jump in time commitment and energy needed for that (as you go up the levels the effort is exponential, rather than linear), I’d want to have other things in life figured out. Chiefly that means dating and other stuff I know I’ve kept deprioritizing or pushing back due to my career. To be honest I could be staying at the upcoming level for quite a while.
  • I haven’t lived outside of my parents’ yet (not since college, anyways), so this first move that’s coming up is important for testing the waters of what I can do when living on my own.
  • I’m firing up the special custom this summer, and I’d like to give it time (as well as my relevant effort) to see where I go first.

I have determined the end of stack 4a to be June 5, after which I will swap out ME.


Listened yesterday:

  • CFW
  • Primal

I’m doing a CFW-heavy run for the duration of the trip, hence the stack runs have become CFW + (other sub) for each listening day.

Some interesting notes about conversations yesterday:

  • My friend thought it’d be a cool idea to go from place to place together, living in different parts of the country 1 year at a time. He did like the idea of digital nomadism give that his company is full-time remote. In fact, he said that the job/career is the only thing keeping him in the area, as well as all the friends there.
  • Got asked by a woman yesterday if we wanted a picture taken of us—got good photos from that. Wish I talked to her, though! This event motivates me to script more items regarding the actions and thoughts I have about the actions I’ll be taking in the future.
  • We both fired off lots of manifestations yesterday that came to pass quickly. It was rather amazing, to be honest; one of the manifestations even occurred on national television. But I’m quickly getting used to this reality where I can manifest lots of things!

It’s still the morning here but during the drive we talked quite a bit about manifestation and how we ourselves can improve it, as well as which parts of our lives we have faced challenges in manifesting for. Yet at the same time we also discussed about how we can use our powers to make the world better, such as reducing gun violence in the country.

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We basically had one big thing today where we took a detour from the city to go off to quite a magical area for a bit. Spent several hours there and now we’re on the way back. None of us need to drive for this part, thankfully. I feel like reflecting, so here I am now.

I’m thinking about what my module list for the upcoming custom is going to be and I will post it in that thread. I’m looking forward to it as I feel I’m making a massive step for myself by setting up a subliminal purposed specifically for manifesting within a domain that has been challenging at the current level. Not that I would have run it today, since today is a rest day. However there were a few points where I really did wonder.

I did open myself up a bit more by talking to fellow travelers during todays expedition though, which is nice. Overall, though…what I really liked about today is that for a lot of it, I was in the flow of just enjoying the trip and the activities we did. No worrying about how it fits into the bigger picture (or whether it does.) just being in the present moment. That state is one I should access and be in more often. Not worry so much.

CFW really is something by motivating me to look within.


  • CFW
  • ME

I always look forward to a listening of CFW. This vacation completely gets rid of the concern of what recon can have on my productivity. I wonder if CFW is also affecting my fellow traveling friend because he’s also gotten quite reflective too. Our talks on the drive back were clear evidence and he also remarks that the trip has given him quite a bit of introspection. It’s not as if I exposed him to CFW but perhaps it’s the aura or effect I’m giving off.

Excited to see what comes up during my day this time!

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