The 4 Elements and their Archtypes

I think there is a correlation between archtypes in SC and the 4 elements. Which ever element we resonate with will tie into which archtype we also resonate with.

Here is my breakdown of them:

Fire - Khan
-Passionate, Strong, Bold, Dominating

Earth - Emperor
-Grounded, Practical, Wants to build structures and empires

Water - Renaissance Man
-Creative, Expressive, Artistic, Free flowing

Air - Stark
-Analytical, Progressive, In-genius, Witty

I resonate with Fire and Water, let’s hear everyone else’s.


Khan is Emperor just more comprehensive so saying they are different archetype/element is misleading.

I disagree with you on that. Khan is very different than emperor.

Not saying anything, Its my personal breakdown on them. I could care less what you take from it

everyone’s entitled to their opinion

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Have you tried listening to both? I have and their very different. I’ll leave it at that, since its my personal experience.

The term Alpha can be subjectively defined in many ways. How Stark is an alpha is different than how Khan is an alpha. Both alpha yes, but yet different.

Like apples and oranges

Just because you had different experiences from both subs doesnt mean they are different archetypes.

You had different experiences because khan is more comprehensive and allows you to dive deeper into yourself.

Even saint himself said it, they are not different archetypes only different in comprehensivness, emperor is single stage and khan is four stages.

And yes stark is a different archetype because its intended to be a different archetype, unlike emperor and khan.

Khan is kind of like a more comprehensive Emperor and dials the power/sexual to the absolute maximum.

Think less in terms of archetypes and more in terms of comprehensiveness.
Khan is just more extensive, it allows them to pack more into it since it’s a multi-stage program. The general end goals are the same.

It’s kind of like Limitless vs Quantum Limitless.

If you have the time to get through all of the stages and experience massive growth, then you’d pick Quantum Limitless over Limitless. That same logic applied, you’d pick Khan over Emperor.

If you want massive Alpha Male growth that is very comprehensive but not as massive as Khan, then you’d run Emperor.

This was written by @Luther24 on my post asking the difference between khan and emperor.

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That was not my experience personally. Emperor for me, didn’t really do anything. Khan I resonated with and felt almost like a fire light up.

I remember I wanted to understand the difference as well, as they both seemed enticing.

It was a night and day difference for me anyway, and Khan was the clear choice.

I didn’t run emperor longer than 2 cycles; this was also years ago.

Perhaps I’ll run another experiment with your points in mind to observe.