Where to begin…
I previously posted my most recent cycle results running an updated oldie but goodie custom.
I’ve previously run my HOM x EOG4 x K4 custom two other times. Years ago when I first created it, it caused too much recon.
Then I tried it again after updating it to zpv2 with the latest Khan update. That run made me feel like bringing the world to my knees and I wasn’t aligned with that expression of Khan.
Over the last month my stack has been:
Mon: Custom x Limitless x Ascension Chamber
Wed: ED x LOTS
Fri: Custom x Minds eye
5 min loops
Maybe it’s age, or maybe it’s ED, but I’ve been much much calmer on this custom.
I’ve been finding alternatives ways to explain things to my kids and connecting with them in fun ways.
Money has been a focus but not a concern. I’m becoming more long term in my financial planning. I want to spend the next 25 years accumulating enough to live on a comfortable fixed income for up to 35 years of retirement. That accounts for living to 100 years old with surplus.
It just became a formula. If I want x income in retirement, I need to put away y amount of money every year for the next 25 years.
LOTS is kicking in nicely. I haven’t been as consistent with my workouts after a recent illness. But my body is changing nicely. My chest and shoulders are filling out.
I’m going to simplify my stack for the next cycle.
Mon: Custom x Mind’s eye x Ascension
Thu: Limitless x LOTS.
I’ve done several cycles of ED and want to give it some time to bloom while I focus in other areas. If I feel a loss in the calmness I’ve been enjoying, I’ll cycle it back in next time.