Tall, Dark, and Seductive: WB as a Woman

Hi all! Hope you have a lovely week ahead :slight_smile: I touched upon this a little on my latest thread, but wanted to share it here as well—I’m hoping that this can help anyone with similar circumstances as to mine or pique anyones interest!

I identify more with my masculine characteristics/traits (and am also a lesbian) and because of this, I gravitate towards more “masculine” subliminals.

I just started listening to Wanted Black and am super excited to see how everything manifests! I’ve heard such great things about the title, such as boosts of confidence, unwavering attention and devotion from women, self love & growth, etc. I was looking for a title that could help me enhance/embrace my seduction and rather dark, visceral nature and just relish in new opportunities and experiences. A new twist on “tall, dark, and handsome” if you will. I am also choosing to consciously guide myself away from the polyamorous scripting! I’ll try my best and update the thread, as well answer any questions that you may have! Always open to suggestions and thoughts :slight_smile:


If you’re also looking for a long term relationship, you might like heartsong. If youd run it with wb, you would avoid a lot of unnecessary relationship headaches / drama and make them all flourish and pleasant instead. Also great luck!!! Love to see another woman here going for the more masculine side! You’ll rock it!


Go for it, there definitely have been a couple reports on similar use cases. Also, @IRON is correct (although it would be good to get used to WB for a bit first, at least a month) especially because of the following:



I’m in the same situation as you and have had great success with WB

Thanks for sharing, I’m super excited to follow your journey!

Good luck with your results


Thank you so much for the encouragement and advice–I truly appreciate it!! I’m currently running WB with Dragon Reborn Gold ST2 and love bomb, but will definitely try out heartsong for my next listening cycle!

Appreciate the encouragement Fire! Excited to delve into this new energy–feeling incredible on my first listening day and hope to continue the momentum

Hi Asher! That’s amazing–thank you for sharing, this has inspired me further! Best of luck to you in your adventures :slight_smile:

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you’re running quite a powerful and heavy stack. For future reference I would advise you to stick to each subliminal that you listen for at least 3 cycles (around 3 months) before switching it up for something else to really reap the results every time. Also please read the official listening instructions and don’t listen too much beyond recommendations. These subs are op! You got this!

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