Survival Instinct Spartan Custom

I’m gonna say I’ve certainly got some Spartan influence in my dreams last night. It was like I was watching a movie and the main character had the six pack abs and warriors physique. He was in battle situation but he wasn’t gonna win, more of a draw type situation, pull back and regroup and live to fight another day. Definitely lines up for me how I’m feeling lately.

I haven’t eased up on Chosen or Chosen From Within - I’ve been keeping it at 15 min loops. I’m feeling like I want to go back to 15 minute loops on the custom but I will definitely hold off. I’ll keep the custom at 3 minute loops just to finish out the last week or whatever it is of my 21 day listening cycle. I pulled Ascension Chamber out of my stack once I hit recon though. So I haven’t listened to that on the last 2 Fridays which is my usual listening day for that one.

It tends to be an interesting progression with the subliminals. Like when I get into some pretty good recon and I make it through it, it’s like I really made it through it and it’s like I’m a new person and ready to dive back in, haha! I will hold off though and keep it slow and steady with the custom for sure.

This new Genesis subliminal that is brand new will definitely get consideration but I gotta do one more cycle with Chosen From Within to complete 4 cycles with it.

Today is my last listening day before my 5 day break. This is the first time, that I remember at least, where my 21 day listening cycle ends at 20 days. Today is day 20 so to me that means my 5 days off starts early. I might take 7-10 days this time of no listening.

The heavy duty recon is gone. Today I’m feeling really good as in optimistic about the future. I also am a little tired as my sleep schedule has gone off track this past week. I’ve been staying up later. So a little crankiness and shortness that I don’t attribute to subliminals at all. Just some standard crankiness from not having that consistent sleep schedule.

So for now I plan to stick to my stack. I think I’m probably still adjusting to the load of my 20 module custom. So that’s still my priority. I plan on adding Genesis into the mix after this next cycle for sure. Being that the first half of this 21 day cycle was rough for me, I plan on keeping all titles the same to give it more time to acclimate.

I’m planning on alternating listening times with my custom. I will alternate between 15 minute listens and 3 minute listens. I think that will prevent the type of recon I had at the beginning of my cycle. I found that after 2 weeks of 3 minute loops of my custom only, that I had really seemed to have made it past the tough stuff and was feeling up to the task of trying another 15 minute loop. So I’m thinking for this cycle that’s the ideal situation for me. My first cycle with my custom seemed so smooth and I did full 15 minute loops the whole time, but by the second cycle it caught up with me and I needed to back it off to 3 minute listens.

So I’m going to err on the side of caution and if I notice any recon creeping up again I will back down to 3 minute loops for 2 listening days and re-assess. Adding my custom in seems to have made me have to monitor things a bit more even though I think it’s like the perfect custom for me. But I have found that it’s best to ease into it instead of full throttle all the time, just need to tinker with and assess and adjust as needed.

Post Script: After writing this entry, it seems that once a week I will do a 15 minute loop of my custom. Any other listenings of my custom will stay at 3 minutes. That seems most sensible. I might even consider 3 listening days a week mwf. My custom would be on W. with the 2 day weekends of no listening. I’m not sure how that calculates for the 21 day cycle, just count to 21 days on the calendar I guess as usual. I’ll get into that later. I just need to relax now and not even worry about the details just yet.

This morning I decided to go to the drug store to pick up some toothpaste. Lots of road construction as is the norm during summer months around here.

Since I was kind of crabby I tend to not enjoy being around people but I pressed on. Wasn’t really bothered, just something I dealt with, no big deal.

So there were a lot of people standing around on my drive, doing a little people watching. I just kept my focus and was fairly relaxed. At one point I got off the busy crowded zone and was making my turn and I don’t know what it was but I had some self expression I guess. Like I just said something to myself to vent the tension from that drive and I don’t remember what it was. But a couple in a car had saw me and I hadn’t noticed them until after, and the guy started laughing but not at me, I can’t really explain it, like just some tension was released and I started laughing as I was driving away. Maybe it was that thing of when someone knows you’re a good person but you’re still human so they know they can just be themselves too.

Also 5-10 minutes before that i got a big smile from a woman driving this brand new van/bus type thing that I’d never seen before. I was just looking at it and she gave me a big smile. Even though I wasn’t feeling in high spirits but I guess I was centered and focused and CFW and Chosen were still doing their thing.

So I’ve gotten my plan. Stick to the same stack for one more cycle. Then going forward it will be my custom and Genesis until I have a clearer direction.

I’ll have 4 cycles of Chosen From Within under my belt and 3 with Chosen. So I’ll get a break from 4 cycles of that healing focus from CFW. My custom is remaining indefinitely, definitely the rest of the year. Genesis will just be great I think, wealth is a direction I want to go in and also social/dating is certainly a direction that I’d like to explore as well. Being that my custom and Genesis will be about more of that “practical” side of life I think it’s gonna be great.

I gotta say I think it’s the Chosen and CFW combo that gets the women with their men looking at me. Not a lot but it definitely happens.

Luckily, I’m able to play it cool even if it’s unexpected. I was driving earlier and this woman had me in her sights and I’m a bit of an empath type so I tend to pick up really easily on that kind of thing, when somebody’s looking at me. Well we locked eyes and I noticed she was with her man and kid, her man was one of those huge tattoo muscled guys. I don’t think she was expected me to notice like that by her reaction, it was probably my kind of startled response, haha. But luckily her man didn’t even notice haha.

Haha, so I just played it cool. I’m not gonna say she was like wanting to jump my bones, I can’t quite put my finger on it. Definitely some sort of appeal though.

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I also was noticing that my mind chatter has quieted down. I’ve been making a conscious effort to just remain relaxed no matter what comes up.

Especially while driving I’ve started not reacting and staying calm. I almost got to the point of seeing things as humorous again.

Like when you’re not attached and caught up in the world but you’re still in it. How everybody is in a rush and the moves they make are I got to get ahead and take this unnecessary risk instead of be patient.

I’ve even been to the point where I don’t rush to get into the street anymore if I’m not feeling the “vibes” if it’s too much of a rush I just wait for it to pass while making sure to check if there’s anybody behind me.

I’ve also noticed that I find myself able to just drive leisurely and it just so happens that I don’t get uptight if someone in a rush is behind me and those people have been turning off rather quickly.

So definitely finding a nice flow to things through the practice of just remaining calm and not entertaining or getting caught up in any mind chatter like I used to.

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Last 5 day break in between 21 day listening cycles, I was in recon so it showed up as me going back and forth on wanting to change titles.

This time I’m more set on sticking with my current stack for 6 cycles before I change anything. I don’t have anything in my stack specifically for money or dating, but I think Chosen and Chosen From Within are probably the best titles I’ve tried up to this point. S

o I’m thinking I just want to stay the course in order to maximize my gains and benefits. I’d also like to find out if I can get back to full 15 minutes on my custom listens, there’s some healing in there and I think that’s what made my second cycle so challenging.

I want to do Genesis and even still considering Heartsong but nothing changes in my stack until I’ve gotten 4 cycles with it. One more cycle and I’ll have 4 cycles with Chosen From Within. I will probably cycle that out after next cycle just to shake things up a bit. That’s where Heartsong could get a spot, but I would plan on listening to 5 minute loops as I foresee some more potential major healing that needs to be done.

I certainly could use a boost in the financial dept. but who couldn’t? It just doesn’t feel like a passion for me though. I think I’m okay with where I’m at but where I could benefit the most is in the people department. I’ve always had my eye on PCC to overcome any remaining nice guy issues and people pleasing tendencies that have had me finishing last, like they say nice guys finish last. I think my custom certainly works on some of those areas for sure so as time goes on I think everything will just come together better, especially after some more of that mind junk gets resolved and overcome.

Freedom and time for myself are my two major things I want out of life. So Genesis and Chosen Way of nature are at the top of my wish list. Still haven’t had the pull or nudge towards ROM or ROS just yet, which I would have expected me to be all over those.

So after reading some more posts in the Genesis thread, I think it narrows it down to deciding to stick with CFW or trade it out with CWON. So that will be the choice to be made when the time comes. It seems that Genesis might be best to run with my custom only in a 2 title stack. Since I’m already on the Chosen path I’m thinking it’s best to stay the course.

This is the last day of my 5 day break after 21 days of listening, one cycle.

This 5 days off has gone by the fastest of any other. I haven’t even thought about it at all. I’m still feeling a little tired and depending on how I feel tomorrow I might still extend this break up to 10 ten days. I do want to start off with a 15 minute loop of my custom and then alternate with a 3 minute loop the next listen. But as of now I feel like I could use an extended break right now, up to 10 days maybe.

I think I’m going to go another 5 days of washout. I want to get started but at the same time I feel like I’d benefit more from a little rest. I haven’t had more than 5 days off subs in quite some time.

I noticed that I’m still improving in dealing with other people and not reacting. So to me that shows that my old bs programs are breaking down. I would kind of get reactive and bothered by dealing with people who want things their way yet have no empathy and poor communication skills.

It’s just really common that people generally aren’t trained in the best way to communicate to others and validate them etc. so as to create good feelings and cooperation rather than being a bit abrasive and sowing disharmony.

So I know I can only work on myself and I can’t force anybody else to change, so for me not to be bothered is great. I’ll still learn and improve my own communications and maybe it’ll rub off eventually or I’ll meet the right people thanks to Chosen. :smiley:


Last night I had lots of nightmares. So it seems it was a good choice for me to take an extended washout period. I really wanted to jump back in. But something sort of told me, I guess that inner knowing that we all have said hey you could use a 10 day breather, we’ll take care of the rest as usual. haha.

The nightmares were related to the issues I uncovered in my last couple of listening cycles, pertaining to the roots or maybe origins of some of my life long issues. So the other than conscious mind is still at work and giving it some extra space to do so seems to be what it needs. I really haven’t had any recon issues and I usually don’t during listening breaks, they usually go really smoothly and quickly.

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I had one of those zp “perceptual shifts” again, it was like I’ve previously experienced. I finally got out of the house yesterday and I just had this sense that I was forgetting something, that something was missing. But it wasn’t anything physical, it’s just that more of that baggage was missing. Today I’m feeling really good, like I’m ready to start a new cycle. I will still hold off for the full 10 days just for good measure. I’ll start back up on Friday with a full 15 minute loop of my custom. Today is day 8 of my 10 day break.

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I’m probably going to move forward this next cycle with Genesis and my Custom. I also want to add in Mind’s eye. This will help me get clear on some upcoming decisions and moves that I will need to make.

It was suggested to me that for my goals I’d want to do Ecstacy of Gold. But I don’t have the extra cash for that right now. So that’s my new plan. Now to decide if I start after 10 days or just take 14 days off to start my new stack.

I think I’ll stick to my stack as originally planned. I’ve had more insights and again today, driving to work there was this woman on a bicycle, I hadn’t noticed her as I was looking at this building. So when I got to go she was stopped on her bike, she must have seen me or vibed me or something and I didn’t know it until the vehicle passed and I could see her. She actually kinda looked like this chick i had oneitis for but ended up getting ghosted by when I no longer tolerated her disrespect.

She was definitely looking at me in awe of me for some reason. There was also a man who looked like he was on day one coming off his winter bulk, doing that cardio jogging to get that summer physique. Well I wasn’t sure if she was with him or not but I kind of thought so and that’s why she may have been stopped where she was.

I got into a nice place tonight. A really good work day. Almost zero anxiety and I was basically in the flow state. I didn’t do anything different and it’s day 10 of my washout.

I’ve decided to only change out CFW with LBFH. I think it’s time to get back to it after my time with CFW. I think there’s potential for much more gains this time around with it. I’m also ready to catch another good fortune wave, it’s been awhile.

So tomorrow I’ll do Chosen and LBFH and now to decide on the listening order. I think LBFH then Chosen. Also I just might try out Ascension Chamber after taking it out of my stack once recon hit.

Back at it today. I started off with LBFH then Chosen then Ascension Chamber. It was almost at the end of the 15 minutes of LBFH when all these pleasant sensation arose.

My pull is to make a custom LBFH and Mind’s Eye. I originally was planning on customizing Chosen and PCC, but I think at this time Chosen doesn’t need PCC. Fully embodied Chosen, my sense is that there’s no need for PCC. Ideally I’d like to get to Emperor House of Medici but I’d need to run EOG and maybe regular Emperor first.

I still don’t have anything specifically for wealth yet. But I think LBFH can cover all the bases and in the past it has brought me what I’d call good luck or good fortune. Paired up with Chosen I think is going to be really great. Also I do plan on trying out full 15 minute loops of my custom again. First sign of recon I’m going to back it off to 3 minutes again.

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I’m still doing this thing where I want to plan out my next custom.

I want to do Mind’s Eye with Chosen custom would be great. I already have some of that PCC type stuff in my Spartan/Survival Instinct Custom.

Yet, Genesis is still there and could lead me into the perfect direction. I just started my latest listening cycle of LBFH, Chosen, Ascension Chamber (Fridays), and my Survival Instinct/Spartan custom.

I haven’t even found out how challenging this run is gonna be.

So far so good. I felt like people were already responding to LBFH yesterday. The internal hasn’t caught up with it just yet, and for me, it’s like if I don’t feel internally aligned with the external it doesn’t really matter. I’ll kind of avoid the attention, and I probably need to get used to LBFH again.

Sometimes we have to get used to things being good, funny humans. lol. But I have focused any inner work I do to be on self love again and releasing the resistance around that.

I was pleasantly surprised today. I just listened to my first 15 minute loop of my custom (this cycle). I feel really good. Got a great mood boost.

Yesterday I was contemplating just going with 5 minute loops of my custom. I was tired and feeling like I should play it safe. Last night I didn’t get a full night’s sleep. But I just decided to try it out, 15 minutes of my custom. I’m feeling really good and that’s my first impression.

I’ll still keep an eye on things as I wish to avoid any recon/overload as much as I can. So far after 2 cycles maybe I’m finally adjusted, that’s the first impression anyway.

I think LBFH in my stack now is going to bring out my custom even more. Combined with Chosen I see great potential.

So after this cycle I plan to trade Chosen for Genesis, it just seems to be a can’t miss, must try title. I think it will come in at the right time for me, as it’s been reported that it seems to be an action oriented title, with surprising healing capabilities.

I’ll have another cycle of LBFH under my belt and that’s continuing on 3 cycles with Chosen From Within. So I don’t expect major healing but I wouldn’t be surprised if it finds something that has been holding back the floodgates of the life I want. Which I’m sure I can handle.

I kinda think listening early in the day might work best for me, in terms of same day results anyway.

I used to always listen in the evenings closer to bed time.

I did that today for time reasons, listened later in the day. I feel like a good night’s sleep is what I need before I get that positive energy blast. I’m not sure why an early in the day listen would make for a better day.

Although I think it could also be that LBFH is the newest addition and so it still has some weeds to pick before I’m running it wide open without any inner resistance.

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