Sungaze's Journal

The hot caveman stack, good luck😃


I didn’t sleep much last night due to a strong cough that has been bothering me lately.

Yesterday I started listening to Primal+Wanted, 5 minutes each.
I have nothing particular to report, my mood is good and I feel physically attractive.

Sunday night I had sex.
The first time I came almost immediately, I tried to hide it.
The second time went a little better but I would like to have better performances.
I hope these two subs will help me with this.

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Slept a bit better this night.

I think I’m already seeing some of the Wanted nonchalance, I’ve also caught myself thinking about my “personal style”. This quite unusual for me.

Mood is a bit worse then previous days, maybe LBFH missing, or maybe it’s just this damn flu.

Today I have an appointment with the accountant to talk about the future of my shop. So it’s probably anxiety too.

I’m probably seeing a subtle shift in terms of sexuality/relating with the other sex.

The irony of it is that it looks much less important then it was before starting listening to Primal, Wanted…
Probably is the need for confirmation being dissolved?
I’m not sure

Something similar has happened in the past, but it was the result of periods of frustration. This time I feel rather calm and stable


Was at a club yesterday night, it was quite filled with people.

Haven’t noticed anything “unusual” in terms of attraction, self confidence, etc.

I have exchanged a few words with some people of course, but I still feel awkward in communicating and it seems to me that the interest fades away very quickly.

In these situations I still have a train of self judging thoughts in my mind, and that obviously makes me look distracted, and makes my ability to communicate fucked up

What should be fun time it’s not, but I see it as a way to “take action” in regard to the programs I’m using and I still go for those kind of events

Maybe I’m missing something though

Mood is not so good and I feel a bit tired, maybe it’s some recon.

I went to an evening with live music last night, again I realized how many thoughts I have about me and what others may think of me.

Rationally this shit doesn’t makes much sense… but it keeps happening

I woke up crying, I was dreaming of my mother’s lifeless body…

I don’t know if it can be healing or anything, but I don’t have anything else to report about Primal or Wanted.

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Sounds like you’re having pretty bad recon the past couple of days, maybe consider taking a few more rest days?

I don’t know about your relationship with your mother but something I’ve personally noticed (and this may or may not apply to this case, so use your judgement) is that whenever I or someone I know dream about death, it doesn’t refer to literal death . What it means is the death of the old self and that character in your dream refers to a specific aspect of your self. It usually leads to some kind of internal transformation that can’t really be consciously noticed.


It can be, I don’t know.
Since my mother death is relatively recent I tend to interpret it as unprocessed emotions about that event though.


Thanks for your interest.
I didn’t have any recon using Primal+LBFH 5min each. And I’ve thought that Wanted is an easy title, but maybe I’m wrong on this.

I used to have these phases even before using SC so I’m not sure it’s recon (when usind DR, it was much more evident)

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My mood is getting better again.

I’ve started listing some of my beliefs about, me, money, relationships, work…
To have a clear picture of my current self-imposed barriers, I will updated when needed.

I’ve decided to limit my caffeine intake

Again, nothing to report about Primal or Wanted objectives.


I had a nice evening last night.
As usual I haven’t been extremely social lol
However I was relaxed and noticed far fewer thoughts about myself.

I also noticed several looks from girls.

I’m not so happy of the way I tend to drink and smoke in social situations though.


I still don’t have a defined future working plan yet.
But I must say I feel quite calm about it, knowing that in some way or another I will work it out.

I’ve started a program about Confidence as stated here, I belive it’s already helping a lot.

Even yesterday I was in a social situation and felt quite calm, thoughts about “me” still occur but they are of a different kind.

On the Wanted side, I feel my friend down there more “alive” during the day lol

Also probably related to the combination of the two (Primal+Wanted) my sexual drive is definitely increasing. It can become quite tricky to not watch porn, even if I have not used it for long periods I never got completely free.

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Ok, my ability to socialize seems to have improved a tiny bit lately, I guess thanks to Primal (this week I’ll end my 3rd Primal cycle, 1st for Wanted).

I have a dream this night in which the basic theme was about how awesome and desiderable I look… this is very unusual for me :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Wait and see :smirk:

And wait a bit more and see how it carries irl :smirk::smirk::smirk:

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Listened to Primal+Wanted and AC on monday.
It seems like every time I listen to AC I get very tired. :thinking:

I’ve been feeling quite calm and easygoing lately, and I assume it’s a result of the Primal+Wanted combination.

Anger, frustration seems reduced a lot too.

Anyway today, it’s the last listening day of 3rd cycle Primal and 1st cycle Wanted.
I’ll pause tille Monday and use these days to look back this last cycle, and update my 1/10 vote for both programs objectives.


I had the same experience with AC, tired and major headache, like my brain works extra hard manifesting.

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Interesting… I’m not sure if AC can also be reduced to 3/5 minutes, or to get the full script you need the full 7

Here we are at the end of the cycle (3rd for Primal, first for Wanted) :drum: :drum:

Warning: the ratings you see are my current experience of what is described in the respective sentence, it’s not a vote for the subliminal.
Meaning that if you want to see if the sub is improving a specific thing you’ll have to compare to the previous cycle ratings.

eg. I can have 7/10 on “masculinity traits” but it can be that I was like that even before starting the program (so the rating doesn’t mean that in this area I give the sub a 7/10)…

  • Generate a sense of natural, very attractive dominance - 6/10

  • Enhance and improve your naturally charismatic attributes - 4/10

  • Romance manifestation — find yourself around women who are madly attracted to you - 2/10

  • Develop a highly sexual, sensual, sexy, carefree attitude with women - 3/10

  • Eradication of social anxiety and approach anxiety in particular (mental worry and anxiousness over every detail in the interaction) - 2/10

  • Experience complete nonchalance and enjoyment of everything you do, especially in social situations - 2/10

  • Eliminate all mental and emotional blockages preventing you from becoming a highly sexual, sensual and sexy man - 6/10 (in particular having very “rough” sexual thoughts is seen as normal… lol)

  • Develop a sense of relaxed optimism, knowing that all is well - Still high 8/10

  • Enhance your ability to have fun and be a fun person - 4/10

  • Experience masterful automatic calibration in social situations - I would not call it masterful :joy: 2/10

  • Create a mental shield against any and all forms of perceived rejection — never feel sad after rejection, or let a past rejection prevent future romance / social attempts - Still don’t know ?/10

  • Easy kino and verbal escalation - 2/10

  • The uncanny ability to be physically and mentally completely relaxed at any moment - 6/10

  • Automatic passing of social testing - How can I know? ?/10

  • Extremely accurate social intuition and calibration - Maybe a bit better 3/10

  • Betterment of social status - 5/10

  • Develop an enigmatic aura of mystery around you that tantalizes, entrances and seduces others - 7/10, In my mind it’s like that lol

  • Extensive physical shifting that is both guided by the most objectively attractive features your subconscious mind knows would look good on you, as well as your conscious guidance - ?/10

  • Become the ultimate coquette — play the hot and cold game of seduction, making others swoon over you and desire you with all their heart - Not really, 2/10

  • Embrace paradox, imperfections and mysteries of human life without losing the strive for perfection — a quality that is of utmost attractiveness to all - I’ve noticed being less judgmental on others, 4/10

  • Use your personality, your life and who you truly are in the most attractive way possible, like an endless well of possibility that piques the interest of others - 1/10

  • Experience the nonchalance of a truly realized individual, one that has all the cards in their hands - Nonchalance yes, realized individual definitely no, 4/10

  • Develop your desire for more sexuality, sensuality and romance, driving you to achieve more if you let it - Desire increased a lot, 8/10

  • Attract and manifest romantic partners for the purposes of a monogamous relationship, or multiple sexual relationships - Not sure, I can have underestimated some in attitude in girls, 5/10

  • Improve and enhance your seduction and sexual skills — perform better in bed, improved sexual stamina, overcome premature ejaculation - No, 1/10

  • Easily develop strong and assertive masculine body language and masculine voice - I think I had these before, 8/10

  • Easily develop assertive, strong masculine language skills and manner of speaking - See above, 8/10

  • Develop an extreme sense of internal power and strength - Not improved but yeah, 6/10

  • Male sexual enhancement — increase penis size, erection strength and quality, staying power, etc - It’s getting more sensitive and awake during the day, 5/10

  • General masculinity boost, including boosts in confidence, power, strength, invincibility, self-assuredness, and being comfortable in one’s own skin - 6/10

  • Relax into the sensual swirl of romance and seduction, become one with the dance of attraction - Ahahah no, 3/10


I had a dream of looking at my face an thinking how harmonious it is… lol

I woke up a bit tired this morning, yesterday I was talking at a friend that has some ideas for his business and I’ve noticed that in the evening and even this morning I was comparing myself to him, like a kind of not so veiled envy.

Can this be related to one of the title I’m listening to?

I then got out of bed in this “meh” mood, that but that got better over the course of the morning.