Suggestions Thread for future Subs/Updates/Superchargers 🔥

Don’t even know if it’s been mentioned but a subliminal to develop and cultivate all 4 masculine archetypes would be pretty dope I think. The warrior, King , Magician, and the lover. The ladies would probably appreciate a female counterpart to that as well.


a sub to take advantage of the 80/20 principle no matter what it is. The Pareto Principle.

Also I got this great program years and years ago. It’s about state-chaining for sales. It’s by a guy named Jonathan Altfeld. It’s about the states people get in that influence them. So take the example that we all have a specific set of states we go through to get to a yes or to make a decision. So if you are able to pick up someone else’s pattern you can then lead them through the pattern by feeling and being in that state yourself. The author of the program actually gives an example of his realtor knowing his pattern. So she tells him to come look at this house. He’s not even looking to buy any property but he agrees and she led him through his buying states and he ends up buying the house! And he’s the guy who teaches that.

One of the exercises he gives in that Automatic Yes program is to practice the circle of excellence to learn how to go into these feeling states. It’s an NLP exercise that well you decide what state you want and you put all that in an imaginary circle in front of you and you step into it stepping into that state and so you practice all of these states so you master the ability then you can use that to influence and persuade individuals for good things of course. So a module or modules based on that would be nice.

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We do have a Module along those lines.

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