Sugar is antirecon?

It just might be sugar, or proper carbs in general. But nothing is more clear to me now than keto and subs leading to far harsher recon than is necessary.


Caloric restriction is always going to put your mind at dis-ease. Let alone with the extra mental processing loads that we add here.

Get some dark chocolates (70%+) instead, frequent sugar is going to create more harm in the long run (I am going by the assumption that you’re taking granulated sugar and not from other natural sources).

Fudge is also something to look into.

There was a thread around here from a couple of years ago about experimental ways to deal with recon. I think fudge, sunlight, hydration and dense meals were one of them.


Sugar does help with reconciliation. Have ran subliminal with and without sugar (and with and without fasting).

Planning to quit sugar (and caffeine) from June and try running microloops to see how it goes. Will also be fasting then (One Meal a Day).

Not something am looking forward to lol but it will be good for me.

Even if I fail, the experience cleans out my body. Have done the fasting and no sugar/caffeine several times. But always have too much reconciliation when running subliminals but that might be because of sticking to full loops.


Sugar helps, sun helps, greasy food helps.

A pork roll egg and cheese, good for a hangover and recon.

In my experience, maybe I’m wrong, but imo subs use a lot of energy and water.

Feels very similar to a hangover.


After some testing, cooked rice (even low GI rices) seems to do the trick too, maybe not as fast acting candy, but still works.

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I’ve quit sugar 90% and cut back caffeine by about 75% and I’ve actually been processing subs better. The current post is because I started to get into ketosis and noticed a sharp spike in recon.

I do OMAD also, and as long as I eat enough carbs, seems to work well!

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That’s excellent!

I have an attachment to chai (milk tea with sugar). I can give up anything with sugar in it except chai so hope to do so someday.

Do you do microloops? Would like to know for when I get into ketosis.

OMAD is wonderful for a foodie like myself. Eat a lot and still lose weight.

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My listening schedule is more intuitive now. Currently SB and WB 1 full loop each every 3-7 days.

But I always run full loops, personally. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well…I was drinking 2 pots of coffee and regularly binge eating about a lb of candy lol.

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It’s addictive stuff, alright. I fondly remember the streets in Chennai, where there would always be the same dudes drinking one cup of chai after another. And they’re always talking about some Bolly/Tollywood girl or complaining about some politician.

And it’s much more than milk tea with sugar, come on, man. It’s all about the spices and how it is cooked.

South Asians are really good at coming up with recipes that taste awesome but ruin your health lol.

I’ve noticed that the very same things that help with hangovers also help with recon.

The Swanson might just be the ultimate recon cure


I once made chai when I was 13 at home. It was so delicious. I tried to do it more times afterwards but it never worked the same. The milk started to form weird bubbles and it smelled like old cheese…

like this…

I stopped… haha. But the first one was delicious

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Chai goes very well with conversation true lol.

There are those who love masala tea but I simply hate that version of the tea. Am a simple milk + tea + sugar man haha!

Oh man! That’s sad to hear.

Please try some youtube videos where they will show you how it is done. Am sure you will get it right like the first time :pray:

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No problem. Try this recipe if you can find the ingredients. It’s in Tamil, but it has English subtitles. He uses honey instead of sugar. And it tastes wonderful. Can’t find the necessary ingredients where I live right now, but I imagine that it will be good for recon. Warning: addictive as hell.

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