Dragon R Ascendd M

I started the journal with Emperor-Regeneration-ElixirU and down the road I’ve switch to
Dragon Reborn as mainly sub and adding Ascended Mogul which I started few weeks before and keeping Elixir to make the healing even stronger.

------------Below the first original post-------------------

I started the subliminal journey back in April and later I started with Subliminal Club.
It was early September when I purchased Stark.
I was debating at that time between Stark and Emperor.
Eventually I listened to Stark for 2 weeks and dismissed it and started a healing journey with
Regeneration and Elixir.

Stark was giving to much trouble hence the choice to heal my self first and eventually restart it.

I’ve listened to Regeneration and Elixir for just a little over 1 month and all this week has been my week off (wash out?) to prepare to introduce Emperor.

I’ll start Emperor now and I 'll run it solo for the first 3 days 1 loop a day for the first week. Afterwards I’ll introduce back Regeneration and Elixir in alternating days.

I’m thinking do add Mind’s Eye after 2 weeks and BLU after 2 more weeks.
I’ll reduce Regeneration and Elixir to 3 times a week and have BLU every other day.
Well… Let’s that I’ll be experiencing with that.
At the moment I feel sure about running Emperor and Mind’s Eye toghether for sure and I’ll experiment with the other.

About this past month with Regeneration and Elixir only I can say is I’m very happy and satisfied!
This stack helped me enormously!
Subliminal Club did a great job with this two for sure and I look forward with more success with the new stack!

I’ll write more about the Reg/Elix’s experience in the coming days and I’ll also update this journal
with the new stack.


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What trouble did you have with Stark?

We have a similar stack right now, hopefully it works well with you.

@Apollo Lack of sleep and the little sleep I had was bad too.
Lack of motivation
Not centered

I’ve spent 5 weeks on Regeneration and Elixir (first week supercharge and then Ultima).
I started that healing stack following other members experience and I thought it would had been better to prepare the ground for a successful sub journey.
I feel very good about SubClub, their product and the absolutely awesome community, so I decide to stick around and not let the not so great experience with starkQ demotivate me.

I also thought that there were some issues that needed to be resolved.

I had a great life with just two major incident that took me a great deal of effort to manage and clear up. And they happened when I was already mature, successful and stable.

I will say that probably the Reg-Elix stack has helped to clear the last bit remaining of this “traumatic” events and also are helping to move forward at this moment in life that things are little tough.

Some background on personal and spiritual development:
I’ve been practicing daily meditation from over ten years.
I’m a Reiki practitioner 3rd level since about 9 years.
I did training for Shamanism and other spiritual practices.
All of that to develop my mind, body and spirit and to achieve “wholeness”.

Regeneration and ElixirU have grounded me, centered me, and brought a great deal of peace inside me and outside too.
The peace I have around me is just incredible.
I’m myself very calm, and very sharp.
I’m handling my current issues very comfortably, they just don’t bother me as they used to.
Every day is less annoying!
I accept things more naturally and the big thing is that now I feel and perceive things as “natural” as they are. Every thing has my upmost respect to exist, material and not material, if that makes sense.

Sleep was just great! I don’t even remember when last time was that I had that kind of sleep.
Fully rested and full of energy upon waking and get up!
Lot’s of dream. Unfortunately I didn’t remember most of them.
My coolness and behavior improved, actually I’d say I got that back after some years that were lost altogether.

Even during my various practices I was always pushing myself into thinking and behaving certain way. Now is just natural for me.
I think all these years spent in development have been brought together in my mind and in my unconscious mind with the help of these subs.
I don’t know what the author of the subs have written into them, but that’s how I feel.

Last week was a washout in preparation of Emperor, which I started on Monday and the last 2 days I’ve added 1 loop of Regeneration.



Best of luck with your new stack!

After 20 days of listening to Emperor I don’t have much to report.
I keep a detailed off line journal which I update everyday and sometimes more than once.
I’ve not noticed anything from Emperor.
My goals are aligned to the description of Emperor, and at this point I don’t really know what to do.
I’ve been running 3 loops a day spacing with 1 hour break between the first two in the am, and running the last one late in the afternoon or evening.
Along with Emperor I’ve kept on alternate days 1 loop of Elixir U and 1 loop of Regeneration.

I see that what I’ve achieved with over a month of Elixir and Reg still in action and I feel grateful for that!

Other than that I’m not experience what EmpQ suppose to do (at least in my mind).

I want to introduce LimitDU and see if that helps or switch to Ascended-Mogul.
Maybe it’s me not getting Emperor, or maybe it has to much scripts that my brain is not processing and doesn’t go to the subconscious?

Maybe Ask-Mog would do better since is a lighter sub?
I’ll put the sex part and cognitive on the side right now if that help.
Wealth generation, productivity, keep pushing on my new online biz are priorities at the moment…
along with continuous healing!

Feel free to comment. I’m open to advise!

Thank you, and Peace

In my opinion,it may be due to the fact that you stack healing with emperor.
it may be hard for your subconcious to simultaniously deal with your past issues while at the same time increasing your confidence and productivity.
because when the subconcious is dealing with past issues it does not have resources to also expand your current state(just a theory).
plus emperor is a major title ao how about try just solo emperor without any other stack for a few weeks and see if there is a difference?

also, stack it with rebirth ultima it will accelerate your growth and the subconcioous will more likely accept these messages more.

On November 23rd I’ve switched from Emperor to Ascended Mogul since I was seeing any results from Emperor.

With AM I started to feel better and see some overall improvement and at least some productivity and less procrastination.
Another good thing was the positive outlook I had.

However I started to have some anger issues, feeling irritate during the day, returning back daily.
ElixirU and Regeneration did an awesome job literally crushing anger and control myself from getting irritated at every little thing.

So this week I bought Dragon Reborn to continue with a more powerful healing and stacking it with AM.

Well… Dragon made is good appearance at the first loop. For few minutes energy was flowing out of my crown chakra… That happen very few times in the past. Usually during my meditation/reiki practice, I’ve energy coming in…

Anyway… the irritation towards things that waste my time, silly things, and things that don’t go right as increased.

I’ve been playing 2 loops of AM and 2 loops of Dragon. Dragon to start and finish the day and AM during the day spaced out few hours.

Today after my first loop AM, after the first Dragon, I was feeling really “pissed off”. To what? Everything.
So I thought to put in a loop of Elixir U to hopefully help me, but then I decided to run a loop of Dragon instead…
It went quite well, to my surprise!
I feel much better now…

Now I’m thinking… Was really AM giving me the feelings of anger, irritation, and so on?

I’m thinking at this point to run just Dragon for a week starting next Monday and re-introduce AM the week after…

As always if you guys read this post, I welcome your inputs and advice!

Thank you for reading,


All subs have the possibility to make you feel irritated. It is reconciliation and your subconscious needs some time to get used to the new programming. This is perfectly alright but if you ever feel too much anger and irritation, lower the loops and don’t forget 2 rest days a week

Good choice. Dragon Reborn will heal and magnify Ascension Mogul

Thank you for stopping by and your inputs @Lion!
I like your how you are journaling you experience.

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Today I’m off of subs.
Usually I take 2 days off, but yesterday I’ve listened to 1 loop each of AM and Elixir U and 2 loops of Dragon stage1; always spaced out during the day.

Well… today I don’t know what’s going on…
Since I got up at 7am I can’t stop. The productivity I’ve been looking for has shown up!
Friday I didn’t play AM thinking to give a break to it for a week, and just playing DR and EU.
As I said yesterday I played 1 loop of AM early afternoon.

I don’t understand if this rush of “no stop” is because of AM or Dragon1…

I can’t tell you that I’ve 5 guest tonight for dinner and I already prepared everything as I planned.
Lots of different dishes (from scratch). Cleaned my 2 bathrooms, did laundry, fixed my bedroom and now starting fixing the dining room…
Also shower, shaved and did work a little for my biz…
Now I’ve plenty of time to keep working for my biz…
My mind is like: Ok what’s next? Let’s go! Let’s get that done now!



I’ve been listening to Dragon R st1 for 50 days 2 loops per day.
Last 10 days/2 weeks Im experiencing again negative thoughts about the experience with my ex. Ruminating throughout the day about her behaviors, the way she treat me, how she still taking advantage of me. that makes me angry and snapping at little things that happening during the day.

I don’t understand why. when I started with Regeneration all those feelings and emotions were gone and Dragon seemed to have completely healed that too, as I was feeling really well, no more negativity and emotions. But now all of that is happening again.

Is that reconciliation? Or Dragon is bringing it up and making me aware that that wasn’t resolved? And perhaps guiding to next stage for a more healing.

Should I stay more time time with st1 untill of that is gone or should I move to st2 and let it doing the healing?

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I’ve also started Paragone complete, to work in synergy with Dragon to resolve some physical issues.

I’ve changed my stack.
My current one since about a month is:
Dragon st1 2 loops a day
Limitless 2 loops a day
Limitless-Executive 1 loop a day (morning)
Paragone 1 loop a day (before bed)

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Upto you really. If you have done 1 month of ST1, you may move on to ST2. Unless you plan to do ST1 for 2 months. Don’t wait for reconcilliation (that feeling you have) to go. You might end up waiting a long time

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Make sense! I thought that feeling or another negative for that matter should have dissipated before moving on.
Thank you for your input Raphael!

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Glad to help, my friend

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I was doing fine, and past few days have been really challenging.
My moral is really down.
Or this is the effect of Dagon stage 2?

Last few weeks have been horrible.
Always irritated, angry.
At times I felt hopeless and lots of negative thoughts.
The 2 days off seems to have worked this time.
I’ve been feeling better this week.
Since last week I’ve just listened to Dragon st2 (2 loops a day) and alternating Elixir with Love Bomb (1 loop a day).
Yesterday and today I’ve given a try to the Executive solace as I really needed to get things done.
Past few weeks I haven’e been much productive and I’ve fallen behind with work.
I’ve last 2 weeks including this one, to finish my 45 days on stage 2 and then I’ll start stage3 after taking a week of washout.

I did finish Dragon stage2 and taking a 9 days break break…
Well… I tried Renaissance Man and Blu V2 and Elixir V2. (just a loop to see the difference with the previous versions).

I’ll start Dragon stage 3 next Monday.

I feel better compare to the last few weeks.
I don’t know if Elixir or the 2 loops of RM helped… and I feel better, that’s what count for me.

I just still at loss of motivations… Will pass!

@RVconsultant @Lion and if you want to invite anyone else to share their thoughts and experience…

I’ve been thinking to create two different stacks and rotate them every 2 weeks. I could run both stacks for a long time as both fit my goals.

One healing stack: Dragon - Paragone - Elixir or LB. Or another Ultima healing.
The other stack would be kind of wealth/success: RM - AM or HoM - Rich - Blu.

Do you think it is possible?
Would this strategy give any benefit if running for 6 month +?.. or would it be a completely waisting of time and produce no results?

I don’t feel comfortable yet with customs. I get confused when I try to figure it out.

Thanks for your input.
