Subliminal to help Brain Fog

I’m currently on Dragon Reborn, did stage 1 for 6 weeks and have now done stage 2 for 2 weeks. Not really seeing any change. Wondering if there’s another sub I should try? Any recommendations?

This sounds like recon.

What’s your listening schedule? You may need to dial it back. Take more rest / processing days.

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You might be in recon. Rest days, hydrate, sleep and nutrition.

DR’s most noticeable effects were at ST3 if I remember correctly.

Quantum Limitless, Limitless, and BLU should aid with brainfog

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My experience aswell.

You should check paragon out or QL

I dont think DR is mainly focused on that, however it can help maybe not also

sometimes …running healing titles could be really tricky…cuz the changes are happening beneath the surface…unless you have acute self awareness of your internal state and operational patterns…it is easy to miss out…

however that doesn’t mean you can’t use some tricks to find out what about you have been changed internally…

one thing I find it really easy to test your internal belief system is writing affirmation.the purpose of it is not for priming your brain but probing the internal feelings that associates with the subjects…

for example :you write down…I am lovable and you feel an internal resistance towards that sentence…which means you dont believe in it internally…that is fine…just put it down and test it again few days later…at one point,your subconscious mind will dissolve this limit and you might not know it…but writing affirmation could help you know that you have actually made progress…

by writing affirmation ,you are actually guiding your subconscious mind to certain direction that way you could heal more efficiently and specifically…

and the brain fog is usually a sign of overload…I wouldn’t listen to more sub at those moment …a mini meditation session always helps me…

hope these could help…


Brain fog is a complex issue. But before hitting the mental part I think getting the physical checked is important. How’s your diet? And have you had blood work done?

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I agree
Do a checklist before checking if the subliminal is doing the work or not

Lets say if i face fatigue during the day, i wont blame it on subs

i will check if im getting hydrated well enough

If im eating real good or not

If everything is checked and your sleep is well too

Then subliminal is to blame, or the subliminal is not doing its work

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Can confirm that this process works. When you use it regularly :wink:

Also, here’s a different angle to consider…I’ve found recon symptoms to feel somewhat like withdrawal symptoms.

Let me give an example…

If you were an avid and regular coffee drinker, then completely stopped from one day to the next, it would put some strain on your systems, right? Your daily habit, your enjoyment, and your morning pick-me-up is suddenly not there anymore. Gone. Zero. Nada. It would be a major shock to the system and probably suck at first, right? There are physical, emotional, and mental consequences to changing your identity, whether cold turkey or not.

(I’m actually doing this atm. It sucked big time, then got way better much faster than I thought because I stuck with it.)

This is my third month running subs and I’m getting the sense that using subs creates those similar withdrawal sensations because our body and mind is complaining about not getting it’s daily fix of whatever it’s been used to (an emotion, a belief, a physical activity, etc.) so like a cranky child, it winges and moans about it in the form of making you feel like varying degrees of shit. Or looking for reasons to not continue with the process. Like Saint has said, it’s tricky.

Take a look at these official support pages, they’ll probably help with your decision:

Good luck.


stop PMO.

add meditation and relaxation exercises in daily routine.

just bcoz u r using subs doesnt mean for everything in your life you have to depend in subs

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You make an excellent point there


I listen Monday to Friday, weekends off

Yes, I’ve had extensive blood work done, twice. Everything looks fine.


Ah shit I’ve definitely been there. How about an elimination diet?

To answer your question about a good sub for brain fog. Probably paragon. Not sure if there’s anything else out right now that could tackle that.

Aside from that I’ve been experimenting with increasing my sugar intake and it has helped. Natural stuff though like fruits, honey, maple syrup, etc. Maybe look into that too. There’s a book I’ve been reading that’s really good. Not sure if it’s ok to mention it on the forum though or if that’s seen as advertising.