Subliminal club apologize

Hey :pensive: sorry for that i have posted some like advertisement content i am really really sorry hope you give me blessed

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This forum isn’t made to compare subliminal producers and one of our rules is to not have discussions on this topic because the focus of the forum is to self improve using Subliminal Club audios.

The only logical way to prove to yourself which is the best subliminal producer for you is to try one producer for a while and see how it goes.

Try the Love Bomb for Humanity product from Subliminal Club (it is still free as of this writing) and see how it goes. Based on that you can decide on whether to proceed and purchase other products from here.

Please read the Campfire policy to be up to date on the forum rules:


@Ved - It’s okay. The mistake wasn’t intentional so we can understand :pray:


Thank you for editing your own post.

We don’t like too much talk about other producers because it usually ends up somewhere which helps nobody. Not always bad, but not useful either. People end up spending days comparing things without using any of the products because they are far too busy talking about them instead.

As far as your question goes, imagine you want to convince a person (let’s call him Daniel) to do something.

You hire 3 people that are really good at it. And each of them succeeds at making Daniel do it. But each of them uses a different method.

  • Maybe one person gets it done super-fast, but Daniel feels really weird after.
  • Another makes Daniel believe that he wanted to do that thing all along, that it was his own idea.
  • And the third tells an epic story and convinces Daniel how amazing the future looks if he does it. Or maybe make him feel really guilty about not doing it already.

So all 3 people get the job done in different ways. And each approach will give Daniel a different experience. Some nice, others not so nice. Some will make Daniel change for the rest of his life, others will only make him do it once.

With subliminals, different producers use different methods. Each believes that they use the best method. And maybe they are right. But since every person is different we can never really test it accurately. All we can do is the best job possible.

SubClub subliminals make you wonder what your life can be and how you can get that life. Sometimes that’s a bit hard for you, or may take a bit longer because you aren’t sure of who you are yet. But most times our subs are quite gentle and we’re proud of that. They don’t force you, they allow you to choose what the best version of you is without telling you what we think it should be. All we can do is teach you, give you as much information as possible and let you choose your best life. And that’s what we try to do with our subs.

Also, consider the community of people which comes with it. We like to think we have a very understanding community, willing to help you with many of the challenges you face in life.

This community may not be a subliminal but it can be the spark, the catalyst you need to make the subs work even better. So I’m counting it a win in the SubClub column.

Anyways, I will close this thread as I think we probably shouldn’t turn this into a whole conversation. I trust what I’ve written above is enough.