Subliminal Auras

Here’s a past response from @Fire on this.


Yes, and since the science of Light and the Aura governs over the mental, emotional, and physical all these planes become affected by it–your thinking and emotions change, your body language, attitude, how your carry yourself, etc

@Fire explained it well.

It can perhaps be better understood if we see the Aura as a space that your body is imbibed in, this space is of a certain nature, density and the such… Therefore it affects how lose you feel, even how you feel within your body as it affects the chemicals, hormones, brain waves, oxygen in your blood through your heart rate and breathing patterns. Essentially, your state of consciousness is affected by it, and all the systems of your entire being that compose this state of consciousness are cooperating with each other to achieve that.

This is almost a full explanation now so I hope it helps you.

If you jump in a pool of water, the water will contain your body, right? All living things on the planet are living in a Space of Aether, your Aura is composed of this and it creates your own little creation, bubble of reality, which is reflected in the vibration you emanate and the way you carry yourself, speech, voice it’s all vibration.

Surrounding the Earth is an Aura this is called the van allen radiation belt by the mainstream science, and with it is, is an electromagnetic field that creates gravity upon the planet, your body also creates a similar field with it’s own gravity—this is your Magnetism, and the Law of Attracting, drawing to your the creations you yourself hold intentionally within, firstly your mind, and when it reaches the subconscious, your Heart where it starts to create emotions that continuously draws whatever is held within the Heart to you.

These are the Laws of Life.

You are welcome. :blush::pray::fire:

Typical phrase of the black sorcerer… lol