Subconscious Book Reading

That phrase is mentioned in the sales copy page for Limitless.

Is this something akin to the Landlady scene in the movie “Limitless” where he saw the law book in her bag and remembered having barely perused it years ago and remembered the content from it?

or it is something more esoteric?

The scene in question:


This is what I found

I used to try to do a technique where I would “screenshot” a page of a book and test comprehension. I would love to know what they mean by subconscious book reading


Same here. The promise of reading speed increase is what alone sold me on getting Limitless. I’ve just yet to actually run it long enough to do so haha. I love AscMogul + Limitless. it might time to put those into a “listen when reading” custom


I wonder if beyond limitless does sorta the same thing. I’ve had it for years but never put it to proper use

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While on Quantum limitless I have a recurring vivid dreams happened maybe 3 to 5 times don’t remember exactly …

In those dreams
" IAM in front of book and turning pages as fast as possible while absorbing all the information on the book , the book was like the ancient books in the size big size " one book was about programming and coding the other was about personality/characters … It’s not strange because the time I was using QL I was building my app that have content related to personality …

  • on the conscious level I didn’t remember what the contents of those books … just the main topic .
  • years ago I read a book photographic memory for Paul schele. But didn’t used alot

What makes QL works well is that you have some feedback loop to what you are doing something like chess

  • clear rules
  • fast results / like known consequences for following certain rules so I can learn what I am doing.

I actually met Paul Scheele once. Great guy. Photoreading works. I purchased the book but never finished it or applied it. I believe Photoreading is an essential tool for anyone who wants to accelerate their success. Thank you for reminding me of this. I need to get back to it.


I’ve been hearing about photoreading for years, but never actually tried it. It would be amazing with QL + Informaticon + Information Releaser… and others.

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I sent a support ticket. I’ll post it when I get an answer

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@BLACKICE , @sid

This got me excited again. I’m doing it. This a guy like me who is technical marketer and who is going into entrepreneurship, there is just a ton of information I need to master. PhotoReading will shorten the learning curve significantly.


PhotoReading is great.
I’ve experimented with PhotoReading books about a certain fictional character and getting the character operating in my head as an “advisor” of sorts.

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I really only care about what they meant by “subconscious book reading” lol


@Palpatine , tell me more about this!!!

It was the book “Hannibal” by Thomas Harris. I’d gotten the idea to PhotoRead a book or books about a fictional character or person from real life. to get enough info about them that I could form a mental advisor based on them.

“Hannibal” was the only book I had with me and was stuck on board my submarine at the time due to being on 24-hour duty that day. Couldn’t go home and get anything else.

So I PRd it, with the intent of him being in my head to help as as possible.

After, PRing it, I laid down and thought to myself “Hannibal, are you there?” a few times. Nothing.

“Dr. Lecter, are you there?”

Heard a voice (Anthony Hopkins of course, rather than Brian Cox, even though his was good too): “Hello, Bill”

He seems to only answer to “Dr. Lecter” lol


Bookmarked to watch later, thanks!

Very interesting.

I still have my copy of the book! After all those years!



I remember a few days later, I was working a cryptogram in the newspaper. got stuck at one point, and closed my eyes, thought “Dr. Lecter, I could really use help with this one”

opened my eyes, and where the Zs were, I saw Ss instead. it only lasted about 1/4 second before reverting back to the Zs. I tried out S, and yes it worked. and that broke the rest of the puzzle for me.

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Dang!!! I’ll try this. What could happen if I photoread multiple books about one specific entrepreneur or a Roman Emperor?

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Wow. I’ll have to try this sometime