SubClub Elites -- Lifetime Discounts! -- Ranks Updated

All of the lifetime discounts that I’ve submitted were solved in about 12-15 days, FYI. You might have to wait a bit longer.

I’m pretty sure everyone here knows we’re rushing out ZPs among other things. We’re just a bit behind on these requests. If you purchase a title or custom and you have a request in, just add to the ticket that you went ahead and made the purchase. We’ll refund the difference. This is ONLY if you have a valid request in that’s been in the support queue.


Those are the current tiers, yes? I sent a support ticket to have my rank updated recently to Aspirant with my meager 177 posts… but got bumped up to Ascended instead :astonished: I just noticed… and I don’t deserve that just yet so I’ve opened a ticket to have it fixed :sweat_smile:

But am I correct that several discount coupons can’t be used at the same time? For example a one-time coupon and the lifetime discount coupon?

And if so, how do I “remove” the lifetime discount coupon? Even if I try to remove it during checkout (and it confirms removal using both chrome and firefox) it’s still applied to the order. Should I open a ticket about that as well - or do you guys want to check it at your end?


Looks Aspirant to me!

Nor is your name on the Ascended list.

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Well, that’s alright then. Still, I have the 10% Ascendant discount in the store… :sweat_smile: But like I mentioned, I’ve asked to have it corrected :grinning:


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Yes. I agree with you.

You have consistently been polite and balanced in the questions you’ve asked. You follow a solid code when it comes to online conduct. Much more solid and consistent than most.

You very frequently make time to try to connect people with useful information and with previous posts that may possibly answer or clarify their questions.


Anyone continuing this bot narrative will receive a ban. If you don’t like a person’s responses and they’re not breaking the rules, use the ignore function.


Imagine being this mad at someone who just asks questions, provides links to help others whenever he can, and thanks everyone that answers his questions. Sheesh.



I was having a similar reaction internally at first. It’s like, ‘put some skin in the game if you’re asking me to.’ But then I began to really like what @Seeker was doing, and became a fan.

It’s a different mode of engagement. Less self-focused. Open-mindedly interacting, clarifying, and learning from just about anyone on here. When you’re going to be that open and egalitarian you have to move a little differently. @RVconsultant has that skill as well. Helping to promote a more inter-connected forum by exercising self-control and sacrificing putting all of one’s own personal opinions and reactions out there.

Thanks, guys. :pray:t4:


Exactly, as always I couldn’t have phrased it any better than the great Malkuth himself. We appreciate you @Seeker, thank you for your contributions.


I’ve been meaning to send a ticket I can change my rank to the arch alchemist rank on the forum but my discount has been updated.

Would you please contact customer support to verify that all is well with your account? If you need an upgrade in rank, please inquire about it.

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I have the rank already, what am saying is that I cannot get is that I can’t access the Arch alchemist rank in the title (forum - perferences)

Have you submitted a support ticket about this issue?

It got resolve thank you.

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I have 88 posts now…a veteran, but not much of a poster in general
Can i ascend to Aspirant now for the discount for
Ordering a custom?

Shall i send a support ticket?

Yes, Contact support. They’ll take care of you. In your message to support include Forum name, Email, Post Count.


Oh damn I got it now
Gotta forget about the discount :tired_face:

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Not true anymore dude that post was 2 years ago

So yeah discounnnt

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