Sub for dealing with bullies?

An excellent and simple stack to grow a backbone and look the part would be:

  1. Ascension (alphas bully the bullies)
  2. True Social (wit and sarcasm)
  3. Spartan (THIS. IS. SPARTAAAAAA!!!)



My best guess would be Stark, because it equips you with alpha characteristics, intellect and the charisma necessary to outmaneuver them. At the end of the day though, it depends on the method you would choose to handle those bullies. When I was younger, it was my wit and my ability to think quickly that made me overcome bullies, so Stark would have been perfect for younger me.

Now for someone who wants to physically intimidate their bully, Spartan or/and Emperor would be the better way to go about it probably.

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Aegis Initiative: Survival Instinct

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I’ve asked similar question(s), e.g., Putting oneself first, office politics, healing and alpha subs .

But if I were to answer myself I would need more context- how they are bullying, what the relation to them is, what you mean by “shut down”. From what I’ve heard you don’t shut down a serious narcissist; you have to be pretend to be admiring of them.

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Emperor - once you see your own self worth you take a lot of the bully’s power away. Most of them are big cowards.

This works especially on corporate bullying. Some of us are only now starting to realize that bullies didn’t go away just because we got older, they just got better at using different tools to get what they want.


Have you checked out youtube for videos by professionals on how to deal with narcissists? There is a lot of information on there that would be helpful, if you haven’t looked into it yet. If this person is harassing you at work or in a public place, you might be able to report them.

As for subs, Stark has been really good for helping me to read people by finding out what their insecurities are, secrets, predict their behavior, and in some cases I believe that I was even able to hear their thoughts.

HoM is an excellent sub for dealing with difficult people effectively.

Love Bomb inspired me to take legal action by reporting someone for being a bully. They got in a lot of trouble and I’m sure they regret having underestimated me.

Limitless, power can corrupt, mind’s eye, as above so below, ascension, aegis initiative would be great for this. A lot of it depends also on the type of relationship that you have with this bully.


Following this one.

I’d still like something where I’m not a walking beacon for the bully or emotional/energetic vampire types. So Aegis Survival Instinct kind of has this thing where you appear almost as air to dangerous people, I wish it was for these type of people as well, maybe it is.

My best tool so far is just learning to harness my power of attention and focus. Put it on what I’m doing and forget about them. It’s not ideal but maybe I just need more practice. Also just knowing you’re safe is something I’m seeming to require so that involves healing some past traumas and Sanguine is also just nice to have on board.

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Chosen is great for finding the courage to deal with bullies. Now that I think about it, there were three difficult people I dealt with, and I didn’t even think about finding the courage or the right words to say to them. I just went into action and treated them effectively for the situation.

One guy yelled at me, and I just started yelling right back at him. He got scared and left. Another person came on my property after I’ve told her so many times to stay away. She made up some excuse, so I said “no, no, no, no” without even thinking about it, then I shut the door on her face. She said “You closed the door?!?!? MY god is going to get you”, then I laughed my butt off. A few days later, she made up some story to try to get to cops to go storm into my house, and they didn’t, of course. She was taken away to get mentally evaluated. She hasn’t bothered me since.

Oh Man, that’s a lot of drama I went through for standing up for myself, but you know what. I can LAUGH at it now. They’re just funny memories now.


Ascension Zp
Emperor Zp
Spartan Zp
The commander
Primal ZP

Yo nobody mentionned Khan?

The new ZP version is dominance on steroid. I would also stack with PCC to understand power dynamics better.

Edit : Medici is also great to handle people, to be honest I would go with medici!


What kind of bullies? Is this the adult social bully type, or the juvenile stuff you in the locker type of physical bully?
If the former, I’d go with any of the Alpha titles, PCC, and maybe Spartan so they don’t even think of making it physical.


Saint just made this very clear in the Medici thread to only run Medici under extreme caution if you have the proper foundation.


I would say emperor

Coincidentally, the same day i made a post about an incident i had with some bullies in the subway and how Ascension mindset saved me from a beating.


any alpha title

This part is context dependent and can branch off into infinite “what-ifs”.

But this scene from a movie came to mind and it fits (Mind’s Eye doing its job well)…I’m going to butcher the line to fit this scenario:

“Don’t try to shut down a bully, that’s impossible. Instead, only realize the truth. There is no bully.”

When you get to that point, you’re free to act however you deem appropriate for the given situation.


Well i was using Sex Mastery X2 not even the Q version…

  • The kind of bullies i was facing at my older work was to the point i had to iniciate 2 fights at work so they could respect me, i made their lifes a living hell after i started using Sex Mastery

Those place was so toxic the police was there day in day out.


So, it seems that being a sex master raises confidence beyond bed affairs…cool!

Interesting, can you link the post?

right here