So I’ve ran Primal for the past 2 weeks or so
With a bit of paragon and genesis
I did throw WB once and LE once to get the feels of them
And I didn’t have enough rest days (sometimes doing 2 rest days and 3 listening days)
Anyway for what is going on:
I didn’t see much from Primal it feels very subtle but I know it’s there… and TBH 2 weeks is really nothing to even state anything about it
However I feel like I become more confident and have less social anxiety which was and is what I’m looking for
I did become more direct with the way I talk to people which is not the best sometimes…
Overall Primal is good to me but very subtle
I am a very confident guy even though I am not big.
And I’m already very direct
So Primal just makes me more me I guess which is not bad at all!
I don’t feel wanted though… and that’s something I am looking for.
On the day or the day after 1 loop of WB I had few girls and women trying to get my attention and few IOIs but TBH it was almost impossible to do anything with it.
About Paragon I really can just play it 1/2 a week and it will continue to do it’s job for at least a week or more!!!
I can’t even suggest to you guys paragon enough it is an amazing program ( I did at least one cycle of paragon before)
I played genesis 2-3 times the past 2 weeks with Primal
Genesis just seems to enhance the whole experience!
Genesis is so gentle and I think for some reason it made paragon work better? or maybe genesis have some physical healing as well??
I will start Wanted after few days of rest with Diamond once a week probably.
I am thinking to add Primal to Wanted
Can I do it?
My goal is to meet and date the 9s and 10s
I did approach a lot of women the past weeks and met many girls kissed few dates few and had sex with a very beautiful woman this week.
What helped me the most was affirmations and visualizations Primal might have helped with social anxiety but I am still just at the start of my journey with it not sure what to expect…
That’s why I am asking…
When I approach the 8-10 caliber of women I am totally clueless they reject me immidiatly!
I have no problems with the 7’s they fall in love with me and s**t…
How can I meet misses right who is smart awesome and super hot as well?
AND along the way to her to meet hot girls that I can have some fun with to feel I am attractive and wanted?
What would be the best approach?
I think WB is too dense for me as a new user
But I feel Primal is too basic for me.
I am very confident and direct but I don’t do pickup routines or games I just say hi or ask normal questions and then the hot girls are used to it and reject me…
Primal doesn’t feel like it can make be better with them but not sure TBH
With just one loop of WB I had better looking girls showing interest without doing anything but it was hard to capitalize on it also they were not the girls I wanted
That’s why I want to start with wanted
Combining Primal with Wanted?
Any suggestions?