Starting Wanted to get the 10s?

So I’ve ran Primal for the past 2 weeks or so
With a bit of paragon and genesis
I did throw WB once and LE once to get the feels of them
And I didn’t have enough rest days (sometimes doing 2 rest days and 3 listening days)

Anyway for what is going on:
I didn’t see much from Primal it feels very subtle but I know it’s there… and TBH 2 weeks is really nothing to even state anything about it
However I feel like I become more confident and have less social anxiety which was and is what I’m looking for
I did become more direct with the way I talk to people which is not the best sometimes…
Overall Primal is good to me but very subtle
I am a very confident guy even though I am not big.
And I’m already very direct
So Primal just makes me more me I guess which is not bad at all!
I don’t feel wanted though… and that’s something I am looking for.

On the day or the day after 1 loop of WB I had few girls and women trying to get my attention and few IOIs but TBH it was almost impossible to do anything with it.

About Paragon I really can just play it 1/2 a week and it will continue to do it’s job for at least a week or more!!!
I can’t even suggest to you guys paragon enough it is an amazing program ( I did at least one cycle of paragon before)

I played genesis 2-3 times the past 2 weeks with Primal
Genesis just seems to enhance the whole experience!
Genesis is so gentle and I think for some reason it made paragon work better? or maybe genesis have some physical healing as well??

I will start Wanted after few days of rest with Diamond once a week probably.
I am thinking to add Primal to Wanted
Can I do it?

My goal is to meet and date the 9s and 10s
I did approach a lot of women the past weeks and met many girls kissed few dates few and had sex with a very beautiful woman this week.
What helped me the most was affirmations and visualizations Primal might have helped with social anxiety but I am still just at the start of my journey with it not sure what to expect…

That’s why I am asking…
When I approach the 8-10 caliber of women I am totally clueless they reject me immidiatly!
I have no problems with the 7’s they fall in love with me and s**t…
How can I meet misses right who is smart awesome and super hot as well?
AND along the way to her to meet hot girls that I can have some fun with to feel I am attractive and wanted?

What would be the best approach?
I think WB is too dense for me as a new user
But I feel Primal is too basic for me.
I am very confident and direct but I don’t do pickup routines or games I just say hi or ask normal questions and then the hot girls are used to it and reject me…
Primal doesn’t feel like it can make be better with them but not sure TBH

With just one loop of WB I had better looking girls showing interest without doing anything but it was hard to capitalize on it also they were not the girls I wanted
That’s why I want to start with wanted

Combining Primal with Wanted?

Any suggestions?

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Sounds like you met your goal? Is a “very beautiful woman” not a 8-10?

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she’s 7.5 and not a blonde
I have been with many girls like her (before using sublimials )
Using affirmations helped me to get many many girls who are about 6-7.5 but I can’t break to the next level yet…

Before using LOA it was almost impossible for me to get a date
I am looking to meet a specific type of girls…

You don’t have to “feel” the titles. Take action and note results. That’s where the growth is.

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When I say feel I mean also what I see

Please accept my apologies for trying to help.

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Apologies accepted :stuck_out_tongue:
No man sorry for the miss understanding…

What I mean is this:
I see results from Primal
But I don’t have enough experience like you guys with these titles

Do you think it is wise to use Wanted + Primal?
And what can help me get the the next level?

Thank you man for replying I want to know your opinion… :pray:

Lol semantics. Well, I think Primal + Wanted or WB should help for sure. Other things to consider though:

  • how is your approach to “8-10”'s different from approaching anyone you consider below that?
  • can you simply approach the 8-10s the same way you would someone below that?
  • is it possible to mentally de-pedastalize the 8-10s and see them the same way you see women below that?

I am curious though, what is your approach to the 8-10s and how is it different to approaching the 1-7s(lol)?

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I approach them usually with the same nonchalant
But a lot of them they are in groups and I am less socially calibrated with groups…

Also it just feels 7-10 know they have higher social value and prefer to choose from their own social cycle rather then meet someone from outside because many guys approach them or try to get with them

So it’s not like it’s super easy for me to get the 7’s and actually it was really not easy to get with this girl this week so many shit tests all the time…

I do get rejected a lot but I get somewhere with them
However with the 10 they immediately reject me so it feels like I don’t even have a chance (I know I do and I know I can)

I am more anxious talking to them sometimes yes, but many times I’m super natural and feeling super confident.

So what I mean is - Yes I see them as equals not as superior beings or angels
I don’t think they are any better than anyone else
I just see them as women I am more attracted to and would want to stick in for a long term relationship

Ah, this may be your sticking point. The thing is, you don’t actually know if you’d want to stick with a random pretty girl you’re seeing at a club, because you literally don’t know her. Just because you think she’s hot physically doesn’t necessarily mean you’d want to be with her in a long term relationship. So maybe you’re mentally jumping too far ahead? Like what if you guys don’t have chemistry and wouldn’t get along? Then would you still want to be with her long term? When you first see a hot girl, all you know is find her attractive physically, you have no idea whether or not you’d want her as a girlfriend or wife.

But I think there’s two strategies here, but first maybe take up the mindset of you’re going up to the girl and seeing if you even like her. Then the first strategy is to beat her shit tests, neg, win the favor of the group etc (lots of good dating coaches on youtube to help with this). The second would be to simply burn through all potential 8-10s you’re interested in, don’t even play the game and simply keep burning through them till you find a girl who really likes you and is making it easy for you so there is no need to neg/pass shit tests etc. :man_shrugging:

And eesh, I’m personally unsure if clubs are a good place to meet potential long-term/serious partners (but I rarely go to clubs these days anyway so maybe I’m not the guy to answer this question).

I’d consider this a limiting belief. For all you know, the girl you’re looking at would be happy to have a guy just like you walk up to her and converse with her. To me it seems like most of your “problem” is mindset/preconceived notions, but that’s pretty much all of our problems at the end of the day :relaxed: :man_shrugging: Anyway I think a mindset shift is what you need, like just assume ANY girl or group of girls you walk up to will be into you and if they’re not, it’s cool, move onto the next one.

But kudos to you for approaching and doing all that at all, it takes balls and most guys can’t even do that. Also, maybe watch ToddV on Youtube for how to approach girls/groups of girls etc.


I wanted to clarify something:

What I meant is that I’ve had girlfriends in the past, but I don’t want to sell myself short. You’re right that physical beauty alone doesn’t guarantee someone is good for me, and I understand that. However, if I’m physically attracted to someone and she’s also high quality, I’d definitely want to see her again.

As for your advice, I’d consider my mindset a limiting belief, and I know I need to change it for the better. It’s true that the girl I’m looking at might want someone like me to approach her — I just need to get past my preconceived notions. Honestly, that’s a challenge many of us face.

I think I need to assume that any girl or group I approach will be interested, and if they aren’t, it’s no big deal — I’ll move on to the next one.

I know I have limiting beliefs that need to be transformed, but I also believe I can attract anything with the right mindset. I don’t fully understand the scripts or effects of the subliminals here, but I hope they’ll help me break through to the next level. :blush:

If you could share your knowledge to help me make the right decision, it would be greatly appreciated!

I don’t do this but maybe I should because I know it can be affective to start the conversation with the groups
However it feels really manipulative or at least not who I am to use routines and opinion openers for example

Right, but you don’t know if she’s high quality for you if you haven’t even spoken to her yet right?

For mindset shifting, the subs should help, but also just changing your mindset everyday, 24/7 consciously until it becomes automatic. Take on the mindset and beliefs of a guy who easily gets 8-10s (or just women he’s interested in) would take on. These videos are old but gold imo

Right, so this is where “ethics” and “morality” come in lol. You could argue that a woman who uses a fragrance, tight yoga pants to hide body fat, or a guy who uses pheromones, or subs even, or a woman who uses hair extensions is being disingenuous or deceptive, you know? It kinda collapses on itself imo, ESPECIALLY in a club environment. But you don’t necessarily have to use routines or openers, but they can help in indirect ways, like remaining grounded enough to even remember and recite a routine/opener in the presence of a woman you’re very attracted to, which in turn can make you more grounded/confident/attractive in general.

But yeah I don’t use “routines” but I think it’s fair to use canned lines.

Oh, also, if you have the problem of wanting approval from others and that’s messing you up, Love Bomb. If not, then yeah, for sure Primal + Wanted/WB.

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How about wanted black and heartsong. You’d be attractive to women while also eventually meeting the one that is perfect for you.

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@Benny Lmaoo I have the opposite problem my friend,

I can’t get 7s if you were to put a gun to my head

however, I can get 9s and 10s easy.

Im exactly like you but very direct and straightforward, I don’t really play games or try to mask my interest

I just tell them “Hey wow, look at you!! You are fucking gorgeous, what’s your name?”

Be direct and straightforward and you’ll be able to bag 10s and 9s all day long, because they’re so used to guys tryna play it cool and be nonchalant and stuff.

Yeah sure the nonchalant stuff may work on 7s, but 10s are like the easiest girls for me cause I don’t try I just state my intention clearly and bam she’s hooked.

But if I try the same thing with the 7, she thinks im just like any other guy and that im not sincere…

key word here is sincere and authentic, if you can demonstrate that in your tonality your golden.


Thank you man :heart:
So most of you agree wanted and WB can help with my goals
Also primal… !
How long do it usually take for a newbie to see results with these titles?

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I’ll try that but living in a place where most guys are very direct and aggressive it feels they look for the indirect approach which feels foreign to me…

That’s a good point!
Do you think I can start with wanted OG and primal first
Then to graduate to WB? Or maybe it doesn’t matter?

Also someone suggested to me using stark or Stark Black with wanted to get amazing results

You thoughts?

its definitely better to start with OG wanted as far as Im aware, wanted black is for advanced users.

Whatever you feel like doing man

It could work. Youd be more known in your social circles but again, if youre looking for a special partner that would fit your ideals or whatever and have a long lasting relationship with them, Id go with heartsong. It manifests exactly that for you and guides you to have a wonderful and healthy relationship. It turns the whole world around for the better if you run it while being with someone. It changes people around you too. Anyone who has a long term relationship and didnt run heartsong doesnt even know what they are missing out on. I see many guys here always saying how they want to get with as many women as possible (not that its bad good on them) but then they come back and tell you it was all hollow and how they had enough and want to settle or whatever. They run seduction titles one after the other but all they really need is HS.

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I hear you
I’ll start with foundation building using wanted
After a week or few I’ll add primal or something else with it

I’ll see where it takes me

Later on in few months I’ll use heartsong