StarkQ QLQ overlap + general stack question

Started out with the “PottsQ” stack + Aegis. When stark Terminus came out I switched to the T version. Now I think I’ve overdone it even though I’m seeing results maybe they’d be more profound if I reeled it back in.

If I were to drop QLQ in favor of keeping Alchemist ST1 in my stack what would I be missing out on?

Current ridiculously dense but feeling ok on it stack (changed from pottsq 3 days ago):

Emp Fitness Q ST1 x1-2 before morning workout
StarkQ x2
Aegis x1
QLQ ST4 x2
Seductress x2
Alchemist Q ST1 x2 before bed

I thought to drop Emperor Fitness and see how it goes, but I do like that it has deep sleep + physical healing in there (and have appreciated the addition of ST1 that I’ve had so far, but too early to tell).

Practicing usui reiki so I figured Alchemist would give that a boost.

Potential stack update:
StarkQ x2
Aegis x1
Seductress x2
Alchemist Q ST1 x2 before bed

Would this work? I’ve always been able to pick up and retain anything I learn except practical language usage (like I can understand way more than I can speak). So I thought maybe I didn’t need to double up on QL if the core of it is already in Stark.

When the Q store comes out I’d love to just customize something but until then will this work?