Stark vs Emperor

Damn is that really the AI?

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yes bro


Bro I wanted to pm you, but could you give me an opinion on my new topic?

yes, sure!

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How about emperor vs khan?


Wanted vs Ps
Rebirth vs LD
Stark vs RM
Mogul vs Rich
LBFH vs Sanguine Elixir


@Floridianninja @Deadpool Iā€™m gonna create a new topic specifically for such analysis.


It lacks any comparison when it comes to the sexual aspect. :blush: Apart from that, itā€™s quite interesting yet the machine cannot tell me which sub is more aligned with who I really want to become and what I really want. The comparison is too generic for that and the answers are only within me. It also knows nothing about my current circumstances and the current level of my development in the areas covered by the subs.

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RoM and Mindā€™s Eye

so according to GPT, Emperor is the one to choose if Iā€™m more career and monetary success oriented. I need fame but I think that Emperor would help me build a strong foundation for my work, studies and building my one-person business model.

When people start trusting an AI over themselves, as to which subs to run, you know weā€™re in trouble.


Keep in mind that our ancestors were using very primitive forms of Artificial Intelligence for a very long time.

They were called Books.

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with subtitles

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