Stark or emperor?

1). Points- 5
2.) Points-10
3.)… 8
8.)…6 because of quantum limitless
9 )discipline…8
1.points 10 or more because it contains many aspects of emperor
3.)…2 or 3=2.5
4.)… 10

But with study i can assume that Stark Qv2 will work better because i have seen the joirnal PurpleRT73
And one more thing my termimus file was corrupted. Btw i don’t want it. Do i really need that or qv2 is enough.??

Qv2 is more than enough. Even at 1 loop a day

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So based on all this what is your conclusion about Stark or Emperor?

I am thinking of running stark Qv2 for nxt six months and running emperor once in a week.
Reason= after six months i will run emperor and stark Qv2 regularly. So if i only run stark Qv2 for nxt six months then running emperor might result in reconciliation. so for nxt six months i will stick with stark and emperor once a week just to avoid the chanve of getting reconciliation later

U didn’t use terminus right?

I want to make sure I understand what you are wanting to do in the context of generally recommended guidelines:

Are you wanting to run Stark maybe 4 times a week, Emperor once a week, and then take two rest days?

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@RVconsultant Yes sir that’s what in my head. Will it benefit me?? I mean emperor once a week wil be helpful?

With the Qv2, I think that Emperor would have a mild influence. I also think that is wise thinking on your part to have it slowly in there to reduce reconciliation from Emperor.

The thing to monitor yourself for would be that Stark might influence you to socialize more, whereas Emperor, you might feel reluctant to socialize.

That is the only potential contradiction I can think of. However, it’s only a potential contradiction.

You might want to consider something such as:

Monday Stark
Tuesday Rest
Wednesday Stark
Thursday Rest
Friday Emperor
Saturday and Sunday, both for rest.

The Qv2 seems to be much stronger.

Perhaps only 2 loops a week of Stark, and only 1 loop a week of Emperor.


For a while. Used it for three weeks back in May. Kinda liked it for being one loop back then.
Although, Q’s more consistent in results for me, something different wtih Terminus that is missing in my case.

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Yes this routine is stable and better say optimised. Because day before yesterday i was listening to stark qv2 at bed before sleeping but i slept and ran it 3 or 4 loops but it fucked me the nxt day so i have to take breaks. Today is my second day of taking breaks from stark :hot_face:

Breaks can be good friends. People have been reporting progress on rest days.

Hello sir, i don’t know what happened? Even After doing one loop of Stark Qv2 , i have a wierd experience. My brain wants to be productive and while studying it is helping a bit but out of nowhere restlessness comes my brain tends to be little hyperactive. I have to force and control myself a bit in studying.
Changes- socially can connect with people. I listen to them more(reverse of emperor lol) and my joke makes more sense than before and its actually funny now a bit lol.
But the pressure in my head gives me very uneasy feeling. I also have feelings of insecurities and anxiety for silly problems and these are actually funny. Let me describe,- i get the feeling like what if my mibile won’t work how will i listen to this subliminal and what if my earphones become non functioning. This craps pops up out of nowhere. I also read other people journals where they report instant anxiety now and then. So is it a reconciliation because only one loop gave me this kind of experience but even on 3-4 loops of Am or Emperor nothing happened that much except anger.
So how can i reduce the undesired effects (i don’t lebel this as negative because it may be sign that it is working).
Notev i am only using 1 loop with rest. Problem is everytime i use this i get these feeling and to re0lace it i listen to Am.

yea the anxiety is recon, the pressure in head is recon and/or processing-possibly for intelligence/cognitive changes. I believe the thoughts that are informing your day to day state/emotions are becoming clearer as their challenged and reconciled with the new scripting. Sometimes putting attention on a wound can make it seem worse but it’s just cause the attention is on it, and then it gets better.

One more thing @Azriel. I just did Pranayam for 2-3 minutes (controlling and focusing on breath using hands) and i really felt calm. And just i tried to study it really helped(with the intelligence of stark and calming through breathing exercise). I guess stark qv2 makes ur brain to work faster that gives u uneasy feelings. Actually i can say i can keep up with it. It feels good now. I think a bit meditation will be enough to neutral me after the loop. And suddenly my creepy thoughts are lessen though i feel pressure its okay. I think breathing exercises reduces the intensity after the loop
But is there any other way???
It was a sudden resolution lol

You might be experiencing an influx of thoughts, ideas, and connections. Embrace it, act on it, use it, have fun with it. Do meditation, breath work (as you’ve discovered), and exercise to manage any undesirable effects. As you use the sub more any concerns, anxiety, or unruly-ness around these changes will likely level out and you will enjoy and better utilize the effects more and more.

Diet, rest, proper sleep and time should help.

If your running Stark, run Stark… throwing in AM and Emperor might be a temporary solution, but it adds more ‘processing’ and recon to your mental que-so the next time you run Stark-it adds even more.

Just run Stark 1 loop daily or every other day until you adjust to where you are comfortable.

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I hope the script get little used to my subconscious.
I planned on running stark for long. And hope that with time these effects will get resolved.

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Stark is a large sub with many parts.
For me it took 3 weeks for Stark to be stable. Before that there was brainfog, anxieties and other recon mixed in with the results.
After 3 weeks it was like a light switched on in the head. Very good!


This absolutely inspired me to continue :grin::+1:



This sounds like reconciliation.

What is your current listening schedule?

@RVconsultant I was following ur schedule excluding emperor and including limitless or am

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