Stark for someone that has no intention of focussing on wealth or building a business

Just bc it can’t hurt lol

Inner circle was designed to enhance,give more focus to that section in a program.So if someone wanted more effects in that direction,could help

This ones still one of my favorite ways of describing majors vs stacking programs

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I really like the way you said this, yeah that makes absolute sense! Looking at it from that perspective, stark may actually be kinda perfect.

As for the intellectual sub, i definitely want to progress into a custom for that later on that features QL ST4. Im starting my first year rn so the fact that QL has reportedly started out with brainfog and all that on the first two stages is just not something that can be ignored when in the first year its quite easy to flunk out. When my grades are stable ill def be looking into adding it in though, but for now LEU def fits that goal as well.

Its basically completed haha, ill keep it in the rotation when i can, but already close to a month into ST4 and basically all results i can think of ive already gotten and more.


I’m an engineer, turned entrepreneur (turned corporate cog, thanks to some merger shenanigans with the powers that be, aka the majority shareholder… but I digress)

QL is good, stacked with BLU and Executive probably, for boosting studying drive.

Socializing was the other major issue for me.
I was so introverted and shy in college that I barely left my dorm room for the first month, except to go to class and get food in the cafeteria. Then I forced myself to get the f*** over it, and I started going out intentionally to meet people. By my 3rd year I’d started a school club and hosted more events than any other new club… and I also ran for a director position in student government and won. I was representing the whole applied technology (engineering, science programs), a little over 3,000 students. I was in the school newspaper almost every week and had to speak in public many times.

That got me over my fear of public speaking etc, but it also burned me out so severely that I took the whole summer off and didn’t do anything. It was exhausting, mentally.

Would a social sub like TS, Daredevil, or Stark have helped? Probably, but that was 15 years ago so… purely academic to speculate.

Given the choice of redoing it with current’y available resources though… I’d take every sub available back, and would be like a kid in a candy store. Where the candy is 18-22 year old college girls. :astonished::sunglasses::crazy_face:


I have personally used Stark as a standalone and a custom. Its mainly for technical guys who want to make lots of money like me. It brings luck when securing lucrative contracts with clients.

It also makes you social and have a yearning to learn new subjects i think it will be good for you.


Haha love this, I missed this before-

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That’s ok. Stark doesn’t have that Mogul/Emperor/Rich push for money making. It works a lot more by randomness & luck, instead of any strategic hard work. :+1:t2:

Yup, you will be talkative, popular, and fun.

You will have to test this part for yourself. Stark does study whatever he wants to study; doesn’t power through boring stuff.

Not a problem though, switch to BLU 2-4 weeks before exams, and you should be fine. :wink:

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hi, is there any journal for stark? couldnt find any journal about stark alone, its all stacked subs


yeah i had journal for stark