Stacking Regeneration

I want to stack regeneration with rebirth…
And ideas or advice?

That is a great healing stack perhaps x2 regeneration Q and 2 rebirth q to begin.

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Q is really powerful for me should I still start with 2?

Isn’t Rebirth included in Regeneration?
I’m thinking to add Regeneration to StarkQ to give me some good foundations once healing’s process takes shape. I’m understanding now after reading several journals that getting rid of trauma, negativity, etc. would be better to give a good shot to subs.
Would be great if you guys can comment.

Thank you & Peace!

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Yes it is…but the stand alone and ultima will be potent.

Yes you right about healing first…i personally believe if you remove mental blocks and faulty programming then the alpha subs or any other sub will work ten fold.

I see…
I guess it will too much stacking together Rebirth-Regen-Stark… It has been just 20 days since I started Stark. Unless I drop Stark for sometime and run just the other two along with Elixir for healing.
Or what do you think if I listen to Rebirth every other day? And maybe take 1 out between Regeneration and Stark?

Thank you Pacman


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Stack all three and keep on actioning your goals.

@TheBoxingScientist Thanks Blackadder!
Like 2 loops each? I’m currently doing 1 BLU and 4 Stark. I’ve made mind up that I’ll drop BLU momentarily.


@pacman By the way I did it go for you Rebirth and Regeneration?
Did you find them useful? How has it been with other subs after healing?

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If your going to drop BLU then as I said run x 2 rebirth x 2 regeneration x 2 starkq. Thats what i would do give it ago and see how you feel.

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Does it need to be in that order?
Like healing then alpha?

Regeneration works very well and fast…rebirth works instantly subtle shift but can def see it…
As for regeneration it works on vulnerabilities very fast…i think most people are expecting regeneration to do deep work very fast…it will take some time to go very deep.
Some time u may think you have deep trauma or this and that but its just faulty programming that needs to be addressed.
Pay attention to these signs if you believe yourself to be vulnerable.

1- You fall for anyone

You’re quick to fall in love with anyone who shows you even the slightest hint of kindness. You read in too much into these little acts of kindness thinking that they mean more than they do, when it might actually be just common courtesy.

2- You don’t open up easily

You don’t really vocalise any problems you have with your friends or anyone you know. You’re a good shoulder to cry on, but you haven’t really cried on anyone’s shoulder because you don’t want to burden anyone with your problems.

3- You apologize too much

You worry about offending people too much so you make up for it by apologizing profusely to anyone and everyone. Apologizing has become an involuntary reaction for you.

4- You question if people like you

You’re constantly thinking about whether or not people truly like you, even though it’s clear that they do. You’re filled with doubt as to whether or not that is the case. If someone doesn’t text you back or doesn’t respond to you straight away, you feel as though that is a reflection on you and that they don’t like you as a result of their actions.

5- You’re extremely moody

Your mood is quick to change at any point in time. It can take a 360 turn at the slightest provocation, and this might make you seem particularly volatile by others.

6- Your crushes affect you as much as your relationships

Your heart can get broken by a crush just as easily as it can by a relationship. You’re emotionally invested in either in the same way, and a crush affects you with the same force as a lost love.

7- Your loved ones have control over you

Because you’re constantly worried over what others think of you, as an emotionally vulnerable person you grant your loved ones control. When they’re happy, you’re happy. When they’re sad, you’re sad. However, your feelings in a given situation will based on how they feel because you give little regard for your own feelings when surrounded by others

The above is just some of the issues regeneration will tackle. So far for me i can see some improvement with regards to the above. I also feel clear minded,light and free on regeneration.


@pacman i do not believe there is a specific order you have to run them in. However if i run rebirth i run it first before my main subs and it works.

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man you have just described me! :frowning:
Is that in the guide or that were some of your aspects?
Thank you!
How long have you been running Reb and Reg?
That’s a good things that will go deeper slowly as he could be overwhelming
I had the experience with shamanic practices and reiki and it was quite hard.
I still can’t believe that after so many years of practice there are so many things to clear… without considering all the new sh… that come along very day.

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I got that from a google search just so that i understand regeneration sales page…
Im running regeneration for some time on and off…rebirth like 3 days now…
Run your subs and let it work it will def…
Just dnt go lookong every angle for results…aa u go through ur daily activities u will see change…

@pacman Ok.
So you can run it on & off… Would say like 1 moth straight and then few times a week and then whenever you feel?


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No no no i just chose to run it like that…but next week it will ne permenant in my stack…
You can run it for 3 months with rebirth…

@TheBoxingScientist @pacman
should that be done like 2 loops each in a row or can be spaced out through the day?
ex. 2 Reg back to back the 2 loops Reb back to back …
or 1 loop and later another loop to finish up the 2 daily loops

Ok. Got it!

Thank you!

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