SPS: Respiratory System

I was wondering if SPS: Respiratory System would help to make my breathing more deep, slow and relaxed. Like automated deep and slow belly breathing.
I am looking for something that instructs my subconcious to continue to keep breathing and not hold the breath in moments of strong emotions.

Any ideas if this module would help?


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My take is that the SPS modules focus more on enhancing the mechanistic aspects of the system so that it can function more efficiently.

How you use the system in the context of “moments of strong emotion” seems like it would be outside the scope of enhancing raw functionality.

Have you considered modules that influence emotional stability, or deep calm? Maybe use one in combination with SPS Respiratory System?

Probably a good question for the @Forum_Ambassadors

Yeah, I plan to go with Synergy: semperpraesend Synergy: harmonic conflux.

I just learned in a yogic course about the impact that breathing has on the emotional regulation…and just the prompt of “I will continue to breath deeply into my belly, whatever comes”…would be the solution to a lot of issues…but maybe these modules have exactly this.

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look into buteyko breathing technique

Maybe indirectly, the module’s purpose is to heal and makes your lungs stronger and more efficient

I do this sometimes, lol. It’s actually the closest thing I have to a technique when it comes to dealing with reconciliation.

Psychosomatics have an “as above, so below” dynamic, where the physical (above) and the subconscious/emotional (below) reflect and influence each other.

When you’re subconscious/emotionally stressed, your body can reflect it. Your breathing won’t be as relaxed, your muscles might be tense, and the oxygen supply to your brain decreases.

You can hack this “as above, so below” feedback loop by consciously relaxing and loosening your body through deepening your breath (breathe to your balls throughout your whole body and let the oxygen flow, lol). Think of this as also relaxing your subconscious/emotional" body" which grounds the processes occurring in it allowing things to flow and move more smoothly. It also relaxes your nervous system.

I’ve seen people who have been stressed out for very long periods of time do this, and they say it’s like a flood of relief. It’s because their body has been stuck in a high-alert state with restricted oxygen flow and an overstimulated nervous system for so long, that the sudden shift is almost euphoric.


Yes, its exactly for this. And I am looking for a a sub module that just gives me that…
but I guess its time to go back and practice this breathing every day for an hour.

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