Specter Enterprise - Specter ZP + GLM: The Co + NIE L X

If there’s one thing my stack and travel has showed is the biggest reason to my unhappiness in life is my hometown. I can it clearly and had the revelation today. Like it makes no sense I have a amazing social circle, good income and I’m physically fit and yet when I come back home I’m deeply unhappy with life. The answer was clear as day my hometown.

I left the country for 5 days this week and it was one of the happiness weeks of my life this year. It felt like a movie and I was so focused on living in the present that I forgot about the future. Just enjoying life to the fullest and working in the morning.

So changes will done. I will stop taking 5-7 days travels. I work remote anyway so I don’t understand why I don’t make the most of it. Moving forward unless it’s for a an event, my travels will be minimum 2-3 weeks. Just maximize the amount of happiness and ambition I can get from them so once I come back to hometown that amazing feeling stays till I leave for travel again.

To further my point, the day I came back home is the day I was unhappy again. Just being in a place where I can’t really connect with anyone because people took the smart decision to move out of here and leave to a better country. In one aspect, there’s loneliness but in the other it’s just the feeling of being uncomfortable in the place you we’re born. Most people will probably thinking I’m just saying some random things and I make no sense and their probably right but the feeling I had when being here and traveling is night in day.

Travel completes my life. It is the missing pieces I’ve been so yearning to find with all the journals I’ve mentioned in. It’s the only time I feel whole and can truly say that I’m happy not just a “I’m happy” in acting way but truly be honest with myself and know that I am happy.

It’s a good feeling know that I like my stack and don’t want to change it but add to it. The QTKS Custom is the definition of me and who I want to be + GLM: The commander to enhance it. Is a person combination of becoming a tech expert + becoming a master network. The only missing equation is creating a huge amount of wealth via those two combos which is where Nouveau RICH will come into play :wink:

Things just don’t feel the same when I come back. I feel this deep sense of emptiness and emotionless. It just feels like everyday is the same thing in hometown. Even going to the gym feels like a routine. Same people, same vibe. Look around just feeling empty.

I have to get out of my environment again. It was liberating and it was a great time in my life.

Stark Core

Index Gate: Ultimate Programmer Core

Legacy of Spartan Core


Power Talk

IQ Booster

Lifeblood Fable

Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy

Financial Success Reality Shifter


Direct Influencing Aura

Fortune’s Favourite

Void of Creation

Productivity Unleashed

Machine: Action

Job Seeker


Carpe Diem Ascended


King Radiance

This will be my new QTKS custom for the wealth experience when it’s out as mentioned before with the small edits. IQ Booster is a must as a result enhancer, two productivity modules that worked the best for me (may or may not remove them and replace them for something else, then Tyrant and Direct Influencing Aura.

The reason I remove Gorgeous Manifestation and Sexual Manifestor modules is I can’t really nor do I want to dedicate my time to them. Yes their manifestation modules focused on external results but it just doesn’t feel right if none of my goals are focused on romance. My main goals and have been for the year we’re networking and wealth. It’s time to innovate and spice things up with the QTKS custom to truly make it achieve my goals beyond my wildest dreams.

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My man changed his name to vesper :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Bro you’re the best

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When I said I was the definition of Nuevo Vesper. I meant it :joy:

I should change my name to musashi before someone else does

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I say go for it until someone does take it :slight_smile:

Nuevo Vesper coming soon. At a city near you.

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Changing my biohack stack after finding out that AG1 Athletic greens doesn’t have a small dose of ashwagandha but has a whole 600mg of it which is no bueno over long term since it causes emotionless, lack of motivation and depression in some (search it up, theirs studies behind it). At first, I took it because I thought there was small dose of it but nope it’s a pretty big dose.

New Biohacking plan is:

  • 2 pill of yourheights brain vitamin
  • 1 pill of yourheight probiotic
  • 2 pills of fish oil
  • 1 scoop of superfood+ greens
  • 2 pills of 2.5k IU Vitamin D
  • (Maybe) MitoQ. Have to find out if it’s worth having or not first.

@ouroboros @Extraordinaire in case you guys are curious.

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Woaaaaaaah 600mg of Ashwaghanda? wow. I’m also not into extended doses of ashwaghanda but at the same time, even 1/2 doses or 1/3 doses of AG1 are very effective


I’m very sensitive to Ashwaghanda so when I found out it was 600mg I was like yeah maybe not. I’m not sure if the reason I felt so bad mood wise and emotions wise this week was due to this since it’s been my third week on it and usually that’s when Ashwaghanda shows the emotions/mood side effects so just to be safe I will go back to the old routine see if it works and if my theory right. If it is, I will keep things as before and maybe add MitoQ to it for the mitchondria.

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Debating between this one for the mitochondria (Dave Asprey recommends this one):

or this one (@Extraordinaire recommends this one):


Who is @Vesper ?

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Midas aka CyberTate aka Tech Genius aka Wealth Teach Innovator.


Examine.com with the golden nuggets of wisdom

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5g is overkill tho. That’s like 8 times more then the dose in AG1 lol.