Solomon´s Journey - Being Wise and Limitless

I’m in the same caffeine boat. My saving grace is committing to not drinking caffeine one day a week, to reset my tolerance, so even if I don’t quit caffeine, at least i stay at 2-3 cups per day instead of needing 4, then 5, then 6, just to feel how caffeine used to make me feel, if at all

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I only take 80mg caffeïne pill with taurine and 1 cup of coffee a day for 4.50 a day. Just refuse to buy a coffee machine because I would like to kick the habit ofc.

Interesting, this morning I took my nootropics and felt great. I waited for over 90 minutes before having caffeine with theanine. Initially, I felt okay for 15-20 minutes, but now that I’m sitting on the train, I’m feeling a bit tired. I think the issue might be that my brain received too much dopamine from the caffeine, giving me a temporary boost because I felt good before. However, I suspect that the theanine might be too strong for me and that it’s making me sleepy like yesterday.

This is actually good because now I can try using it in the evening as a sleep supplement instead of taking it with caffeine in the morning. Tomorrow, I will experiment with just my normal stack without the theanine to see how I react.

Day 6: 15min Primal

I did 1 loop 1-2 hours ago and it feels quite interesting. One interesting observation was how it affected my wardrobe and grooming. When I woke up, I had laid out some casual clothes - jeans, a t-shirt, and a nice jacket. Nothing special. After doing the loop, I suddenly stood up and changed into something more stylish - better pants, nice shoes, a turtleneck, and a blazer that matched my shoes. I then went to the bathroom and groomed my beard, styled my hair (which I hadn’t done for weeks as I usually wear a cap), and walked outside with more confidence.

It gives off a mysterious and playful vibe, very nice.

I’ll continue to update throughout the day. Really looking forward how my teaching will go with this title.

The green tea has both already within itself.

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I never digged green tea for some reason, it upsets my stomach and dont like the taste. I always want to eat after drinking green tea.

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This is common. I tried replacing coffee with green tea and I ended up having 4 bags of g tea in one cup… immediate stomach ache.

also, taking l-theanine directly will be much much more potent than from tea

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I’ll try to describe my day today, but wow.

When walking to work, I felt way more elegant. Not that arrogant confidence walk, but just more straight up, head forward and feeling good about myself in a healthy way. For some reason, music is also sounding much better on this sub.

My class today went well, I was a bit to much talkative instead of giving them assigments. This was partly because I didin’t really prepare well so I had to improvise lol. After the class was done, then it really started to bloom. I like teaching, but there was also this feeling of hmm… it’s starting to get a bit repetative. This is also my fault sometime because I can do different things, but what works, works. But still, I have this desire to travel the world and experience new things for some reason. I knew this desire was present, but now it seems to even come up more.

Am I a extrovert? I love people and doing things together. In My cliffton strength Connection test I have adaptability 1st, connection 2de and relationshipvorming on 3th. Those are all 3 focused on the human aspect of life. All my creativity comes from being with people. But I also really love to be alone, there is this fine balance that I enjoy. What do I actually want with my company? Do I truly want the things I’m setting out to do?

I’ve been having a lot of questions today, but they’re coming up in a nice and calm way. When I got home, I started cleaning and doing some administrative work that I actually enjoyed. I felt peaceful and blissful while doing these things, more in a calm manner. I think this sub is really going to work well with my custom.

I’ve been searching for a laptop for days, and suddenly I knew exactly what to buy and felt peaceful and good about it. It was like a feeling of “Yes, this is the one.” It felt more in tune with my body and intuition.

There’s something really special about this sub, and I’m looking forward to finding out what that is.

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I also enjoyed teaching again. Being able to stand in front of a group and share my knowledge is something I really enjoy. It makes me feel productive and fulfilled. Having a great group of students and interesting topics to discuss definitely adds to the experience.

Feeling tired as f*ck right now tho. Going into the bible study of 1.5 hour and then straight to bed. Feel like I’m going to sleep for 9-10 hours straight.

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I have this only from Matcha tea, but from a regular green tea one bag I am ok. But recently I started drinking more Yerba mate.

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So many dreams and thoughts last night; it was insane. After 5 AM, I decided it was enough and got out of bed. This is definitely a result of doing 15-minute loops, but it’s okay. I don’t mind it so far.

I figured out where the tiredness and brain fog came from – coffee! :sweat_smile: The moment I drink it, my brain gets flooded with dopamine chemicals that I don’t handle well. It’s a good thing, though; I’m just sticking to caffeine pills.

I feel good and grounded. The thought “I just want to be my most authentic self” keeps popping up this morning. I’m really enjoying this calm, focused, but also enjoying life type of vibe.

Another thing I realized this morning was the different voices we have and how difficult it can be to discern which is the right one. This also has to do with really taking time alone with yourself – something I should do more often. I am alone a lot, but I mean really sitting with your thoughts and in prayer, to see what’s actually there to help you and what’s not.

For instance, this morning I didn’t feel like training because of the “bad” sleep. I went anyway to do some mild cardio and stretching. It was the first time in a long time that I could do 70% of my stretching routine, which is usually difficult for me. I went back home and felt great. Then, I went straight into my Bible and started reading some chapters that gave me more clarity about my life.

Of course, there is this feeling of doing a bit less and relaxing more because it’s winter. But is this actually me, or is this my comfort voice that’s amazing at telling me to slow down a bit and just relax? On the other hand, I can become way too driven and obsessed with “being busy” – not being productive, just busy. Finding the balance is key.

Maybe try doing less, like for example 11 minutes, 9, or 7 to see if you can get better sleep.

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Yeah, you’re right. I really enjoy full loops. It’s strange that I didn’t experience this when I ran only my custom last Friday. Maybe it was because of fatigue or something, but those main titles are really affecting me. If I get a good night’s sleep, I’ll attempt to run only my custom tomorrow and see how it goes.

The issue for me is that my recovery period just leaves me completely flat on the couch :sweat_smile: I can’t think, work, or do anything at all. I just end up lying down and doing some simple tasks. That’s why recovery is a big no-no, haha.

I’ll observe how I respond to only the custom tomorrow because it doesn’t matter if I relax over the weekend. If that goes well, I’ll try a different schedule next week.

Was watching a youtube video with the title Why I choose a “boring” Life

Fascinated video about him talking that he loves his routines, being with his family and just doing his thing making youtube video’s. He was talking about that he thought he wanted to travel, but everytime he just wanted go back home agian and do his simple “boring” routines. He didnt have a life he wanted to escape from, he wanted to actually live it.

That’s some food for thought. We all strive, we all want things to become better. But when is it ever enough and will you stop the hussle? On the other hand, working hard and achieving things makes me happy. I love learning new things and enjoying new experiences. Going to learn how to dive is dope for me. When I was in Londen, I love the new vibe that the city gave me, but I also loved to get back home to my life agian.

I don’t now man. Some days I’m really content with my life and feel blessed. Other days I sometimes have this feeling that I want more. For instance making that traininger/coaching business with my friend. I like it, but on the other hand I’m so done with all these people that want to coach and make courses. Everybody is doing the same and I don’t want to do what everybody is doing. But on the other hand, that’s actually who I am :joy: I have been a Social worker, personal trainer, mental coach/trainer and now I’m a teacher for about 1,5 year.

Trying to disern what is what is kind of confusion sometimes.

Yesterday’s teaching was enjoyable, but I also had the urge to go home and spend some time surfing the web and working. I even found myself considering whether these types of classes were starting to become a bit mundane for me. However, today was a different story. I had a great time with my students and felt truly inspired by them. It’s amazing how different two days can be.

Maybe it’s all just recon lol

Loop: 15 minutes of my custom

Today was incredibly productive, I felt clear-headed and focused. I tackled exams, handled administrative tasks, and found myself in a state of flow. A few highlights from today:

  • I hit the gym this morning and attempted 3 bench presses, but knew instantly I had to stop. The strain from 5-6 full body workouts a week without proper stretching for 4-5 years has left me feeling stuck, particularly in my hips, thighs, right shoulder, and pelvis. I need to dedicate a lot of time to stretching before everything feels normal again. Even when I squat, I notice my body leaning to the side due to the tightness. My quads are so tight and sensitive that I can’t even cycle as hard as I’d like without feeling discomfort. That’s how screwed I am. If I want to be able to move agian, Stretching is the way to go.

  • The Emperor mindset tends to bring out a darker side of me, pushing me to stop complaining and just get things done. This week, I’ve lost sight of that a bit. I stumbled upon an amusing quote from entrepreneur Alex that said, “Forget your morning routine, just get to work.” Sometimes, I get too caught up in finding the perfect morning routine, experimenting with bio-hacks, nootropics, and the right supplement stack. It all adds up to what I should be doing, which is working.

Just… Stay… With… The… Custom…

I have a feeling that there won’t be any recon tomorrow. We’ll see. If that’s the case, it looks like I won’t be following normal programs anymore. I’ll just have to figure out if a main works for me or not when I put them in a custom.

This morning was really enjoyable with all the new releases. Fortunately, none of my desired releases are available for my new custom projects :joy:

The only thing that caught my eye was Stark Black, but the heavy emphasis on fame doesn’t really appeal to me. However, everything else is still amazing!

I slept much better after using my custom last night. I still woke up early, but that was more due to the noise of people partying close to my house. Hopefully, my custom earpieces will be delivered sometime this week.

Honestly, subliminals have become a bit of an idol for me in the past few weeks. I’ve been spending more time reading on the forum than I have been reading my Bible. I was so focused on finding the perfect custom subliminal that I kind of forgot to stay connected with God. It’s completely my fault; I fell back into my ego. I knew it could be a slippery slope to start using the subs again, but I don’t want to give up just yet.

Today, I decided not to attend a seminar hosted by a friend of mine. I just wanted to stay home and relax, which is something I’ve been doing more often lately, even though I know I shouldn’t. It’s important to take time off, but networking and meeting new people are also my goals for this year. After all, God did not create man to be alone; we should be around other people even when we feel tired of socializing.

I always had Stark in mind aswell as Chosen back in the day; those two seemed to align the most with who I am. However, Stark made me a bit too talkative, so I’ll see how most people respond to it. It seems like the “issues” have been resolved by the dominance in Stark B.

I previously mentioned that I didn’t really want fame, but I think that might be the Emperor talking. I’ve always enjoyed being in the center of attention, and honestly, I like it. Perhaps it’s a part of myself that I’ve been suppressing a bit lately for some reason.

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Today was a bit strange for me. I kept waking up throughout the night due to noise and negative thoughts, which resulted in unpleasant dreams. I considered taking an extra rest day this weekend, but the persistent thoughts made me change my mind. I decided to listen to my custom subliminal for 7 minutes, and all the negativity disappeared. It’s strange how subliminals can make wash-out days feel so intense and negative.

I felt motivated to be productive, but ended up only doing some light cleaning while mostly watching American football. My motivation and ambition seem to be at a 50/50 level lately. I was fully focused and busy before Christmas, but now it comes and goes, especially with my upcoming trip to Egypt next Sunday.

Despite everything, I did enjoy today. Tomorrow is also free, and I plan to focus on some business work.

Btw my view when I watch Tv.

“How many plants do you want in your house?”



I found that I slept better with a 7-minute loop of my custom subliminal, but I still feel a bit of brain fog. I think I need to reduce it to a 3-minute loop and see how that works. I want to find the perfect balance for my custom subliminal to be effective while also maintaining a high level of focus and productivity.

It’s still amazing to me that you can achieve great results with just a 30-second microloop. I used a 3-minute loop before taking a break from subliminals and it worked very well. However, it seems like using the full loop gives me the complete impact all at once and really improves my life.

I also believe that reducing my caffeine intake is contributing to my brain fog. I rely on caffeine to function in the morning, which is not ideal. I know that this will take some time to adjust to.

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I was quite shaken by what happened yesterday and last week. I had so much anxiety that it almost felt sinister, like I was doing something very wrong and that God was angry with me. I even considered quitting the subs altogether, just walking away and never looking back. Can you imagine how much the brain, ego or whatevery you want to call it fights agianst what’s going in? Kind of scary sometimes to realize that.

But today, after some cardio and stretching, I went to a coffee shop to work. I had a pleasant conversation with a lady there, discussing our holiday plans. Then, I felt compelled to buy coffee for some old colleagues of mine. I walked to the school where I work as a freelancer and brought them coffee. They were delighted, and while I was there, I helped a student and some colleagues for about 1-2 hours, without expecting any payment, just for the joy of it.

Any lingering brain fog completely disappeared as I walked home. Being around people, especially good company, always seems to make my anxiety vanish that I get from recon.

When I got home, I had an online meeting with a friend of mine. We talked about the company we’re trying to start and realized that we need to meet more often to build it properly. I still feel some resistance to building that company. I’m not sure if this resistance is the voice of God telling me “No” or just my own doubts trying to hold me back.

Is this something from the Flesh or is this from the Spirit? Sometimes I get so tired of these constrasting voices that we have inside our head, but this is the life we’ve got.

Galatian 5:17 “For the desires of the flesh are agianst the spirit and the desires of the spirit are against the flesh, for these are oppossed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do”

Another big revelation that I had today. It’s the first time in weeks that I actually opened up my Bible and started to study on my own. My favorite book so far is Ecclesiastes, and man, it hit me again. I “only” read chapters 1 and 2, but with studying, I found so many answers in the scripture.

He’s talking about how life is vanity, meaningless, vapor, and fleeting. That there’s nothing new under the sun. You will die, you will be forgotten, and everything that you do on this earth will vanish. It’s like vapor that you’re trying to hold on to for dear life, but it’s impossible.

Sounds depressing, right?

Actually, what he’s trying to say is that it’s never enough. We cannot find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment through our worldly things because it will all fade away.

First, he tried to find it in pleasure. He was one of the richest men in the world back then, so trust me, he could party like no other :joy: After that, he tried it with work. He found out that working really hard at something gave him some fulfillment. But we need to keep grinding 24/7 to feel that fulfillment, like a hamster wheel. It’s a cycle without end. And that is vanity as well.

After that, he tried it with wisdom and found out that being wise is better than being foolish, but still, the fool and the wise will both die. He even gets mad about this for a second, which is completely understandable in my opinion.

Most people are working, grinding, and trying to achieve something. And in the end, it didn’t matter at all. Look up the most regrets people have when they are about to die. In 2nd place: “I wish I didn’t work so much.” Why is that? Because it has no meaning behind it. You will die, and that’s the end of it.

Now then he does something that almost makes me jump out my chair everytime I read it.

Ecclesiastges 2:24-26 “There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment? For to the one who pleases him God has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to the sinner he has given the business of gathering and collecting, only to give to one who pleases God. This also is vanity and a striving after wind.”

He encourages us to make the decision to find joy in life. This requires a conscious choice. It starts with choosing a perspective that sees our work as good. Instead of trying to figure it all out on our own, he encourages us to turn to faith.

Our work comes from God. We can’t truly find fulfillment in our own understanding or experiences, which can ultimately leave us feeling frustrated. We may seek fulfillment in pleasure, but it will never be long-lasting. Without God, we cannot experience true enjoyment. However, finding meaning and purpose through faith brings about genuine joy. It’s a lasting joy that never fades, even in difficult times. Ultimately, we do everything to please God, who is the ultimate source of fulfillment.

This makes me understand that working is good becaue it’s given from God. But without Him, it’s nothing. He gave us talents and purpose, through Him we can do the things that actually makes us fullfilled.

It’s incredible how much wisdom is found in that book, and how foolish I am to forget to read it.

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Yesterday, a friend called me at 9 PM and told me he really needed to talk to me. He’s feeling conflicted because of the things I sometimes say about my old church. He’s now discovering the same false teachings and additions to the Word that I came across. That’s the reason I left, because I knew the truth was not there. I didn’t want to cause a scene, so I left quietly. Now I see that other people are starting to question the church because of the biblical answers I ask, while they couldn’t provide any answers or changed them to their liking. Not to say they do this on purpose; I also say things that are not true because I lack wisdom.

While he was talking, he thanked me and expressed his desire to learn more about the knowledge that I have. I thanked him and mentioned that he also taught me a lot about relationships instead of just knowledge. It was a very genuine and deep conversation, something I’ve always wished for in friendship.

It made me think.

These last couple of days, I have been feeling conflicted about life. I see that God wants us to work really hard, perhaps even be the hardest worker in the room, so to speak, because we do everything to glorify Him. But on the other hand, I sometimes feel “off”, like I have to wait a bit before my ultimate purpose is revealed. However, in waiting, I start to digress and become a bit lazy or passive, even though there are many things I can do. That conversation yesterday also sparked something in me about learning and gaining knowledge. It’s not something you do for yourself; it’s to serve others.

But why does my brain keep forgetting this? Is it so hard to just remember this and keep it in your memory forever? It feels as if it’s toying with me and leading me astray. Yet sometimes, it guides me to the exact location I need to be in.