Soccer player custom recommend

  1. spartan

  2. legacy

  3. lifeblood fable

  4. stress displacement

  5. inexhaustible

  6. aps:legs

  7. natural winner

  8. thunder

  9. blink

  10. serum x

  11. all-seeing

  12. ares

  13. asclepius

  14. epigenetics dna

  15. carpediem ascended

  16. extreme exeicise motivation

  17. raikov

  18. informaticon

  19. power unleashed

  20. master’s coordination

Is there anything I will modify?

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I would add in Equilibrium in there. I’m leaning towards getting rid of Power Unleased


Are you playing professionally?

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I wouldn’t change it. It’s awesome.

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Remove Ares, it’s a emotional healing module and is out of place in my opinion.

Why not Emperor Fitness ST4?

I have a Emperor Fitness ST4/Spartan custom and to my surprise I did develop great sport skills but never done fitness or hitting the gym.