Site replying issue

Now, that’s weird…please anybody replies to me on this thread

…I have written tons of things but while posting I am getting an error

@SaintSovereign @RVconsultant

Looks fine for me.

Can you access other threads?

You could also try re-starting your device, refreshing the browser window, clear the cache/cookies, and perhaps waiting about 20 minutes.

No site working but i am getting error while replying

Wait till someone reply…you replied 5 times etc

This is only happening on ac thread

Exact message

No more than 5 consecutive replies are allowed. Please edit your previous reply, or wait for someone to reply to you.


I think I understand what is happening.

Stand by.

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Try now.

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again…looks like i need to get sleep now…I am writing too much today

@RVconsultant please reply after few hours

I have saved my reply in note pad

good night

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This happens on any thread (where you are not the person who made the thread) if you make 5 posts one after another on it.

I think it is a website setting put in place to prevent spamming

Or bots too?

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Yes. Cause bots spam.