Season 1: Silence! The King Speaks. [5.16.23]

I’m not sure if I would sleep
But ALAS I have been running paragon sleep for a while now😂

That is the problem😂
It’s just 4 more hours

I doubt it tbh I think it was just a one off thing plus I think the next drop might be something spiritual or alpha even though there’s so many of those kind of subliminals

If you sleep 8, you fast travel to the final release so… Idk what is best.

Ohhhhh yeeesss
I don’t feel it if I get to the product 2 or 3 hours later.

I’ll take a guess -

I think (hope) it’s the long-awaited HERO.

A multi-stage behemoth that combines and enhances the physical development of Legacy of the Spartan and Emperor Fitness, the combat enhancement of Spartan, updated survival skills from Survival Instinct, deep physical healing from Paragon, and greatly enhanced status and authority and emotional control.

Take a look at some of the new modules from module pack #12: Anvil of Hephaestus, Hegemon, King’s Radiance, Mimisbrunnr, Stonelike and maybe others could easily have been developed for HERO.


and Saint previously said:

Although Saint previously said it wouldn’t be ready until end of year or next year, it wouldn’t be the first time they’ve released something well before they said they would.


Hello, is the place where people go to get their daily dose of dopamine spikes? Oh yeah baby… hit me, hit me, hit me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Despite how much I want this to be true, I must disagree.
@SaintSovereign explicitly said that hero won’t be released anytime soon.
A magnum opus means the best work of ALL time, but the most exciting title EVER means until now. So the possibility of HERO beig more exciting and better is still there.

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Touché :v:

Today we are gonna have 1 or 2 drops?

Genesis is about getting you started on your Hero’s journey so could be a primer for this one possibly.

Anti-aging ZP would be a breakthrough sub if it fully worked.


Suspens !

23 drops and they’ll call it the Illuminatis! Drop

Don’t get it

My english level isn’t enough

Just having some fun

“He said it would be dropped early” :laughing:




At a family event just had to check in to see how the forum was holding on for the new drop just put a smile on my face

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