Shifting from different subs producer ????

currently …I am using subs from anther producer…how long do I have to wait…before I shift from one to another ???…

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Go ahead and start right away. From what i understand every product has a healing module to clear out any dubious programming from previous subs.


I switched from another producer and i didnt have any side effects. I used khan and some superchargers in the beginning


I did switch without any resting before and it caused me headache and nausea

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I’d follow the instructions of that subliminal producer.


the thing is they have not mentioned it…so… I guess … I am gonna find it out the hard way

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Some recommend a week or even a month, but at least 24 hours. If you’re at the start or halfway through the week, go without subs until Monday, then get a fresh start. Doing a quiet weekend without subs helps you reset.

Before switching over to SubClub I took a few months myself, but I had been running other subs for nearly 3 years non-stop, so it felt good being without subs for a little while.


thanks … that helps a lot…

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It’s basically a reprogramming of your beliefs. Doesn’t take a lot of time as specified by many others on the time required to put a halt to it. Go ahead and use it.