Sevens journal seductress

You can do it, @seven! We are rooting for you to WIN!


One thing Iā€™ve learned, try to break the reconciliation down.

Itā€™s easy to label a broad spectrum of feelings as reconciliation, but then it becomes more likely to ignore if you start thinking you can just push past it with enough sub usage.

And of course definitely take advantage of this forum to crowd source ideas. Sometimes with reconciliation we withdraw too much when we really need to expand. So even dropping your most honest feelings here can help spur on different ideas or patterns of thought.


Iā€™ll second that. I find that if I get strong recon around a subject itā€™s my mind trying to sort it out. If I start writing about whatever it is, my mind will lead me through why exactly I have that pattern. After that, itā€™ll start to resolve.


Yup. (Thirding it.)

And often itā€™ll resolve into an insight that looks suspiciously similar to one of the items on the subliminalā€™s list of Objectives.


thanks for input

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Day three of washout
I have not been feeling well this past week. Lightheaded, dizzy, very tired.
I was trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Am I dehydrated? Low iron? Low blood pressure?
Then it hit me. Recon.
At least I hope it is, and I hope it goes away soon.
I can barely get anything done.

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How about taking 5 days off of listening?

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Iā€™m taking a break til I get back to myself

Today is the first day in a while that I feel like I can breath, I feel hopeful.


This is really fantastic! Take that feeling and try to sit with it - meaning, try to be aware of it, as you go throughout your day - I canā€™t explain right now (limited time) but it will be a huge benefit if you can do this.

Feelings are the soil that thoughts grow in - Maxwell Maltz


Thank you aklimatize.
You always have great advice.
Upward and onward


You are sincerely welcome! I wish I had a lot more time to explain this.

So, just imagine that you have this habitual way of seeing the world - itā€™s effortless because itā€™s all habitual. To break out of this pattern, you have to begin thinking differently, as your thoughts today become your habits tomorrow.

One of the best ways to open up your mind to new thoughts is to feel good, believe it or not. I really suspect this is partly why gratitude works so well to break us out of negative thought loops.

All this basically to say that the more you can put your attention on feeling good, the more you focus on it, and think good thoughts as a result. When you feel good, you think about positive things. Putting your awareness on something makes it more real to you, and draws you in much deeper.

I could write a lot more, but I donā€™t have time! Just keep on remembering what makes you feel good and focus on these things, intentionally throughout your day. Pretty soon, this will become a habit!

Youā€™re doing great, keep up the good work!

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Hi @seven Iā€™m dropping by after taking a look at your journal more and the social anxiety you experience. You mention neglect and abuse, that is a lot to unpack so go easy with yourself. Thatā€™s not the type of normal every day social anxiety/shyness that people think of.

Itā€™s unfortunately got roots much deeper. And to further complicate things itā€™s probably grown into a survival mechanism for yourself gone haywire.

LBFH might still be gently working at this, but it might take some time because you as an individual arenā€™t ready. Even if itā€™s still really bad, have you noticed any subtle shifts in how your nervous system responds to triggering events?


Hey @seven I hope you are having a better day. I came to read your journal because Iā€™m running seductress as well.

Donā€™t be discouraged just yet. It sounds like you have been through quite a lot which I can relate to in my own family. It takes time, but know that you are better off than where you started. Start writing down the things you notice. That have changed for the better. Make a list, and take time to notice these things. This will shift your state of thinking about if its working or not, or how much you want it to work. By focusing on what you notice and accepting that this is a process of growth not a cure, you will start to get out of your own way so to speak and give your subconscious mind some more space to work with. See what happens!