Serafim’s 2025 Journal

Current cycle started Dec 31.
With spurts of AoH.

Top goals in order of importance.

  1. Develop a Powerful Magnetic Presence, capable of turning heads and captivating the attention of those I interact with.

  2. Earn $1000 USD/month investing cash flow.

  3. Complete engaging humor pathway for toastmasters with a target of 6 speeches this year.

#1 is something I can develop even if the finances don’t work in my favor.

I may sacrifice #3 in favor of #2 by taking a field job. In that case I would only be available for toastmasters 1 out of 4 weeks unless I find a different club then it could be 2 out of 4.

Plan on working in EOG for next cycle or the one after if it’s ready. Will commit to DRG ST4 for this cycle and next. I swap HOM and Emp D interchangeably, since the scripting isn’t too far off, both Emperor titles, may even try WTP the odd day.

Been running 2-3 min loops of AoH and even on off days. It seems like it fuels the rest of my stack, like it removes blocks from executing the other scripts somehow. Still early to tell.


2024 investing accounts performance.

Margin 11%
TFSA 32%

Disappointed with the margin overall performance. Had 3 laggers, dumped one for a big loss. Will dump one of the remaining 2 by second qtr if no sign of recovery. It’s a bit more volatile and the high water mark a month ago was low 20’s while the TFSA was pushing 40. Both are up this year 5% and 3% respectively.

Happy with the TFSA overall and my target this year is 30% for both. Have been working a new credit spread strategy as of late, still fine tuning it.

Weekly cash flow ending Jan 3.
Margin $688.99
TFSA $104.55 in dividends.


I wonder if Zero Point Union means that we will have access to all the subs we’ve ever ran.

The other day at work in our morning meeting I suddenly felt WTP activated, last ran in July.

RMV ST2 flares up at certain times, last ran in Oct.

Felt the Fun scripting in Primal yesterday.

Ran G:H&J 2 min every day the past week, my flow factor seemed to have jumped up a notch.

I’ve reconciled 2 long standing issues that have been pissing me off within hours of the anger arising this week (not sub recon).

At previous cycle conclusion I finally honoured the full 5 day washout without a cheater microloop.

G:H&J is the first sub I’ve noticed has an effect on the people around me. Like it’s showing me how reflective the outer world is to my inner world, that I’ve only known intellectually until now.

Weekly cash flow ending Jan 10.
Margin: $378.59
TFSA: $63.02 dividends.

A couple weeks ago I took on more risk than usual. After Jan 24 will be in the clear, if not I may have a loosing week. The phrase pigs get fat hogs get slaughtered comes to mind.

Other examples of where that phrase applies.

  • In business: When a company tries to take things too far, people may turn away.

  • In negotiation: When someone pushes too hard or asks for too much, they may end up with a less-than-ideal outcome.

  • In life: When someone tries to over-negotiate or push their luck too far, they may end up losing everything they’ve gained.

Tested PN and PR on back to back days. The win goes to PR this go around.

Other factors: Thursday I ran PN on a rest day. Was tired that day as well. First day seeing my lady in a week which made up for some of the fatigue.

Friday was sub day, ran DRG ST4 10 min, G:H&J 6 min in the morning. Had a workout and sauna then after lunch ran 3 min of PR. Within 20 minutes I was a horndog and we were getting it on. Had excellent staying power as well.

Next test will be either DivD or DivD/PR. Both should stack well with DRG ST4, love that sub too.

Weekly trading cash flow for week ending Jan 17.

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Would like to run a stack of DRG ST4 RoW and EOG. Will consider the first 2 for a cycle before adding EOG. Will be determined after reading the copies.

There’s an issue regarding work I’m trying to sort out. Currently work a 7x7 schedule home every night and a short commute to work. I can transfer to a branch up North to work at the oilsands in a camp with the same 7x7 shift.

I currently work nights every third set. The other position it’s nights every second set. The other position is around a 30% pay increase and the work would probably be more fulfilling. I’d also save cash on food. Not sure how healthy the food is up there. Even though I spend lots on food, I control what I eat when at home.

As of now I’m torn for what to do. Thinking I’d absolutely love the other position at first. It may start to feel like prison after 6-12 months. Would also have to give up toastmasters as I’d only be able to attend my club once a month with the other position. This is what I meant in the first post of the year by sacrificing goal #3 in favor of goal #2.

I’m hoping RoW sub would help clarify this conundrum for me by possibly redefining my idea of wealth.

Love this! To sum it up most BUDS candidates fail by thinking too far ahead. In the midst of struggle the thought of 4-6 more days of this seems insurmountable. More effective to concentrate on one more rep or till the end of the drill.

I used this same method to last 30 min in the sauna the other day. Wanted to get out at 17 min mark. Can I do one more minute? Yes. Just one minute at a time.

I think I was psyched out regarding night shift. After a shitty sleep thinking 4 more shifts would psych me out. Now I just focus on making it to the next break. Each workday broke down into 4 quadrants.

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I do that at my cart pushing job. Think ahead to the next event on the day’s schedule.

It’s maddening otherwise.

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Will add in RoW for the rest of this cycle if it’s out today. Just have today and Wednesday before washout.

The smart thing to do would be to start next cycle with DRG RoW and ASBR/HOM rather than add in EOG and have 2 new subs. I don’t always do the smart thing especially with tempting shiny new objects.

DRG ST4 recon at first half of cycle resulted in hating ineffective leadership at work. Couple weeks ago had a strong desire to tell my leadhand that he’s a shitty fucking leader.

Working nights with him this set we’ve had some deep conversations. I’ve taken the approach of probing his mind with deep questions. Like to see if he can come up with the answers himself as I bring him over to my way of thinking. I’ve gone from hating him in recon to wanting to see him

DRG ST4 also is also developing that magnetic presence that I set out to develop at the start of this cycle. Figured I’d have to stack it with EmpD for desired effects. Pleased to see that DRG is doing that enough by itself and can run wealth titles with it instead. EmpD is still a fun title but somewhat laid back for what I want at this time. Vocal depth, resonance, and range is still present that I figured was due to EmpD.

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My trading/ investing philosophy is that I’m like an insurance agent that picks and chooses which policies I wish to insure. Most common time frame is 28-60 days, occasionally down to 10 days.

If I can continue to develop my intuition I can choose riskier policies to insure. Let’s say there’s a hurricane heading to a city. People without insurance would be desperate to get coverage but no insurance company would touch it even though not every house gets destroyed. What if one could develop their intuition to such a degree that they would somehow know which houses would remain untouched. I’m not there yet but the thought intrigues me.

I do this by selling options. I have better luck selling then buying options. Potential for higher gains with less capital when buying options but that requires intuition to be really dialed in to have long term consistent winnings. The hurricane level risk in regards to buying options is purchasing a short term call contract right before earnings if one has a strong feeling of a stock ripping after earnings. It’s 50/50 as to whether it’s a big gain or max loss.

Have run 12 min of ROW over 2 sessions, on washout now. Considering next cycle of DRG4, ROW, and ASBR/HOM. I think that will be a smooth cycle without getting to deep into recon city. Then work in EOG ST1 the following cycle.


Weekly investing cash flow for week ending Jan 24. $516.17 USD. Forced one through today to get over 500.

Got away with this one. Ended up closing it for a debit of -$7.42 to take the risk off the table the other day. It was a credit spread trade that was getting in trouble. Had a conditional order in place to close it when it got the the upper strike price. Instead it sold 2 more contracts as I made a mistake in setting up the closing order. Decided to let it ride and got away with it. It was a high risk move that I will consider trying again at some point.

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