Seduction titles for virgins and total clueless with women?

I lost my virginity on primal seduction


:point_up: @Fire @SaintSovereign possible testimonial?


LMAO :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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remarkably hahahahahaha

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After how much time did you feel changed to accomplish it? (If I can ask)

If only there was somewhere we could find all testimonial :thinking:


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There ya go :wink:


:sweat_smile: you got too much free time Emperor

I mean, i was a virgin before i started subs, cant say i have much to complain now. I have subs like WANTED and stark to thank for that for me, but imo i havent seen more interest and confidence than rn on lbfh. So ii would recommend that one above all.


Yes lbfh is my favorite sub and im gonna keep recommending it lmfao. Its soooo good and does so much, imo the most important sub.

And it is free.

How can it be that you have more interest than on Stark and Wanted? LFBH is not even for seduction but for general love.
Even in the description, it is mentioned that it is not too romantic.
" * Remember that the “love” in this title isn’t necessarily romantic. It’s more of a universal, deep respect for humanity and the experience of life, a highly positive emotion that can help you overcome negativity."

I am not saying your experience is false, just trying to wrap my head around it.

@Matalexander305 has LBFH in his stack, at least from what I read in his journal, and is still struggling with the romantic side of things and maybe confidence.
But of course, everyone’s experience is different.

Not struggling lol, just working through some insecurities regarding meeting new women. I have no doubt that I can pull girls, it’s just a matter of getting myself out there.


Sorry if I said something wrong :slight_smile:

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I imagine archetype is a big thing. While i definitely got interest on wanted. The archetype didnt really fit me that well so i never really could get as much out of it as spmeone like invictus.

even if lbfh isnt necessairly a romantic love, it still has huge effects in that direction. Girls are far more likely to be interested in guys that are likable. Not to mention that the selflove definitely helps tremendously for this too.

And also with the confidence and the aura, you become quite noticable. A lot of people want to be around you and talk to you,. and when a lot of people wanna be around you, plenty of those will be girls that are interested in you.

While you could say that stark achieves this too. Stark is far broader and therefor in my experience is less prominent in this regard.

For some the wanted archetype might fit a bit better, but i imagine that someone who starts out as a virgin is gonna have a harder time pulling off the mysterious vibe, this was also what happened for me. (not dissing wanted, its still an amazing sub and definitely dont regret running it for as long as i did, just saying it took me quite a while to get there)

Its hard to get girls wanting to know more about the mysterious guy if the mysterious guy doesnt stand out in the first place. (Although wanting to be mysterious/coquettish for girls is against the whole idea of the coquette, but that is its own paradox)

Just because its important doesnt mean its easy. I think for me it took 2/3 months on the original love bomb (before lbfh came out) followed by 2 months of lbfh untill i really got the insane highs of selflove that i do now when i run it.

I imagine though that alexander is most likely noticing that his confidence gets progressively higher at this point.

For me what happened was that i slowly, day by day, started accepting every single flaw about myself and all negative things. each time i finally accepted something, i got flooded by a feeling of pleasure and joy, and my confidence increased because of it. This was often followed by a stronger and stronger auric effects on others.

Tldr: its a very important progress with a lot of benefits imo, but it does take some time. The rewards though imo are 1000% worth it.


All of this said though, i still think a seduction title is important on this context. Especcially something like PS or S&S. While i think lbfh is an incredible help, something directly focussed on the goal at hand is still necessary for a focussed stack.

Id see it as lbfh provides some incredibly important elements of inner game and a bit of a cheat code with outer, but youre still gonna wanna learn the tricks and get to know your style to really get good at it.

This at least would be my viewpoint of it.


Changing my stack recommendation. Primal Seduction and Ascension is what I’d do. And an optional third aura title. Libertine, LB, LBFH, etc.

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Not at all my friend :clinking_glasses:


After a week, but it was with a primal seduction custom with sexual manifestation and gorgeous manifestor

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great! congratulations for the result.

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