Season 2: NFTW (which one are you?) [11.11.23]

Out of curiosity: Has there been similar scripting in the old Love Bomb?

I noticed sometimes people trying to get a bit too close. Nothing really uncomfortable, just a bit too much.

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Not as much, hence why we improved it this go around.


That was meā€¦ Itā€™s okay to mention my name, @SaintSovereign :joy:
My comment was half tongue-in-cheek, half-seriousā€¦ I have no doubt you have systems and processes to ensure quality work. Why else do you think we all know Sub Club is the undisputed leader in the subliminal industry?


I think there is some scripting in NEW Love Bomb similar to the relaxing, confidence and calmness in NEW Sanguine.

I was out today and had some reconciliation when I was thinking about a particular issue while in a waiting room (not related to what I was thinking about). But it resolved itself as soon as I caught it and some realizations dawned on me.

After I let go of it and forgave the people related to that, I felt comforted and calm.

Basically achieving your goals through the power of love.

Love Bomb is the rose tinted glasses we need in these troubled times.
images (13)


Welcome to the New Forgiveness Experience. :wink:

Iā€™m working as hard as I can on the copy, but it is profoundly exciting to see good results before people have even read it.


Do it. We know you want to.



So thatā€™s what that is :joy: ngl it does help. I have a problem with holding on to the past and certain situations. I also have a hard time forgiving others as well as myself even though logically I know I shouldā€¦.emotionally is a different story.

New Love Bomb is really making that process easier to manage.

I have other noticed some similarities to the relaxation aspects of Sanguine.


Thank you for this wonderful scripting!!!

Any plans for having New Forgiveness Experience Core and/or New Love Experience Core in the Q Store?


Iā€™m getting strong signals that this is to be the third sub in my stack.
Khan Black, Khan and Love Bomb.
Sounds like a boss comboā€¦

Think the self-forgiveness is like THE master key here to unlock things further.


it seems awfully coolā€¦. :grinning:


Eventually, yes.


I will share some lessons from Love Bomb which I learnt over the past two days with just 1 full loop.

  1. If you are young and you feel immature and lost, take heart that time and energy is on your side. It is only a matter of time until you are confident and know what you want. Hence take pleasure in your journey while putting some goals for yourself.
  2. If you are older and you feel tired and bemoaning the mistakes you made with what time you had, take heart in the fact that you have gathered more wisdom and the time (even though you think you wasted it) have gained you maturity between your youth and now. Now you know what you want. If not, you know what you donā€™t want and now you have the time, no matter how limited it is, to journey into giving yourself energy and meaning. Donā€™t throw away what time and energy is left. Even now you can inspire others like you who have given up hope.
  3. Forgiveness is a beautiful thing. It isnā€™t about whether the person who wronged you deserves it. It is that in the act of forgiveness, you free yourself from your own chains to your anger, hate, sadness, resentment, self-pity and any other negative energy. The act of forgiveness frees your energy for more fruitful thoughts and pursuits and even unblocks the flow of energy in your body.
  4. No matter what time in your life you are at right now, do not be bothered that you arenā€™t in a particular place yet. Although we all have dreams, do not miss the Present thatā€™s given to you right now. The gift of the moment is precious by itself so love it and love where you are.
  5. In the matter of forgiveness, you will eventually have to forgive yourself. And as much as there are people who donā€™t deserve your forgiveness, you might think you donā€™t deserve forgiveness for things that you have done. But forgivesness isnā€™t a matter of deserving it really. If it was, it would be so easy to do. Forgiveness is an act of love. And if you canā€™t love yourself by forgiving yourself, give it time. All the while affirming that you forgive yourself when memories will float up to your Conciousness that will be opportunities to forgive.
  6. After having forgiven, it isnā€™t necessary to get a spoken confirmation of others forgiving you or chase after their affection. You need not grovel at any oneā€™s feet after forgiving them or forgiving yourself. God and the universe has forgiven you. Now be wiser about it.

Can we get a support article on all the New __________________ Experiences, and which titles they feature in?

I am very stroke for the New Persuasion Experience with True SellšŸ™‚


Thatā€™s the plan eventually.


Thanks @Lion , I needed this.


I guess I got some New Forgiveness experience pre-sultsā€¦


LB is still usable as an attraction sub, isnt it? @SaintSovereign

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Oh yes.


@SaintSovereign what do you think the result of this combo would be?

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Thereā€™s no telling for sure, but most likely, A LOT of romantic encounters, tons of creativity and drive. The energy that KB helps you generate will express as a love aura. Itā€™d be pretty potent and get a lot of attention.