Season 1: Silence! The King Speaks. [5.16.23]

I believe more women titles are coming but it’s such a minority of SubClub users, feels like there are more pressing matters to focus on for the majority.

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I’m not going to call anyone a liar, but I do remember certain titles that people BEGGED for and then no one bought :: cough :: Ultimate Artist :: cough ::.


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I bought this titles hopefully the updated version helps helps I won’t be able to run till 2024 lol

Darth Ronin - not the hero we deserve, but the one we need


Should of been a 100% focus trading sub I’m sure few people would have bought it at least :wink:

That and the tons of people wanting to learn for “easy money”.


I have a theory that the idea of being a fully actualized profitable artist clashes with so much indoctrination from society it brings up a level of fear that leads to long term procrastination. It’s like the wealth ceiling, but for an actual lifestyle.


i have a new guess for the next title

It’s going to be the content creator sub

  • Everything is within. Everything exists. = fans are not outside. we are all from our perception within. and it’s real (exists).
  • Musashi is famous lol
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RICH Crypto is basically a day trading sub, says it right on the sales page


Renaissance Man: content creation :o

I put down on a different thread (after my realization about Musashi) that it could also be a Renaissance man sub … I peeked through RM and RM:Ultimate Writer and saw the descriptions were much different from each other, predicting RM:UW had non-writing elements that would make it into RM

For example, RM:UW directly stated it will help you get into flow, RM doesn’t say that (directly)

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The Anti-Wanted sub
Celibate ZP


I am proudly “no one.”

Bought and have also bought in several customs. Even put into a QTKS Custom.


Yeah but to learn to trade it’s not necessarly the best.

Confirmed by support. Rich crypto would be better when one is already good at trading to make some good money.

Trading is mostly a casino strategy. You have an edge, and you roll the dice over and over so that over time you make consistant profit.

For that you need good/near perfect emotionnal management. Small mistakes can turn into big financial losses. A deep understanding of the market, that probability thinking professionnnal gamblers have and machine like execution capability.

Manifestation could be a plus, but it’s not what will make someone profitable in any trading endeavours.


Not lying, more like joking tbh

It’s going to be an upgrade to WB :slight_smile:



That’s the right answer

Harem Management X

get them to give you gifts, recruit other women into your harem.

Warning: given the advanced nature of HM:X it is advised to run multiple loops of WB or Khan before adding HM:X into your stack


Sounds like a title that could potentially lead to accussations of human trafficking being charged against you if you become too rich, famous, and powerful.



Ascension Chamber Unlimited ZP-Max would be so awesome!

My guess is that it could be some “Social Media Fame Mastery Super Star” title…


@SaintSovereign Will the upcoming title be at max?