Season 1: Silence! The King Speaks. [5.16.23]

I hope there a new wealth and creativity modules in the next module pack


I hope there will be a new wealth main store title which not only focuses on making money but also help the user to build a true meaningful career ā€¦.probably with some spiritual elements in it ā€¦a black line title ļ¼Ÿ


you mean something like EoG black?

I dont knowā€¦maybe start it as a single stageā€¦.cus the black line usually really heavy ā€¦.

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That would be awesome.

that way just makes making money so much more funā€¦and often times ļ¼Œwhen people start their the spiritual journey ļ¼Œthey might end up neglecting the material world/subjectsā€¦and that just makes it so unbalancedā€¦I dont like those type of stateā€¦.sure ļ¼Œat the beginningļ¼Œit might shift the focus a bit towards the inner worldļ¼Œbut ļ¼Œone pointļ¼Œthe external has to align with the internalā€¦.a wealth title that has a spiritual elements will really help balancing out the equationā€¦.


From the revelation of spirit thread

I chimed in my idea too about the next possible black wealth sub in that thread. i would love some kind of combination of a wealth sub & that.

But after some digging, i realised the sub that i want already exists, itā€™s the ultimate artist sub. rofl

Maybe something similar to the ultimate artist but more broad with intensified wealth scripting and a bit of spirituality.


the renaissance man black thenā€¦.

I still think something like mogul black will be more appropriate.

Itā€™s a wealth sub but it shifts our focus to the journey of how money is being generated (a meaningful career) instead of the money itself. Less of a cognitive enhancement sub like UA.

It also wonā€™t be perceived as an upgrade to mogul or another sub since it tackles the same thing but just from a different point of view, like whatā€™s written in the RoS sales page above.


Check out Renaissance Man as well!

ahā€¦ the ā€œUA but more broadā€ is RM rofl
iā€™m going to dig more around the forum about them.

my sub queue after DR grows :sob:

Is it not something like Genesis or ROM or ROS stacked with Mogul?

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yep, thatā€™s spot on.

i donā€™t know about genesis or ROM though

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Whenever I see a new post in this threadā€¦ I think maybe another counter


What are you waiting for anyhow?

Iā€™m good. Iā€™m just trying to put together customs.
But I love new things.

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Shiny objects syndrome lol

We have no idea what SC is cooking for us but itā€™s going to be mind-blowing for sure, given what WB and the new LD are doing to me and many others.

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You been running Limit Destroyer? How has that been?!

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Iā€™m glad DR:LD swayed me away from my commitment to my stack, that sub is so good

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