SargeMaximus: Next Level (Primal Seduction + Executive + Paragon)

This is great news, thank you :slight_smile:

This also sounds amazing.

Thank you for addressing this. I’m fine with that as I myself sometimes go stretches without porn simply because I’m too busy. But as a recreational drug, I could do worse. So yeah, I’m glad to hear that.

For sure, and thank you again. I really appreciate the thorough explanation and it has solidified my choices that I had initially.

In other news, just got back from doing some Lead Gen. Door to door, of course.

A few things I cannot WAIT for these subs to help me with:

  • I notice I have “mental shaking” I think it’s called. I think it’s Primal Seduction which is supposed to help with this. I definitely have it. When I was in my flow today, as I left some houses I would say “Yeah have a way!” just a garble of who knows what I’m saying, but I think I was trying to say “Have a good one” and “have a good day” but it just sort of mashed together.

This happens to me a lot, and while it doesn’t hinder me from getting leads (I hit my par sort of, I’ll address that in the next point), it does just feel off and I wish I was more “together”.

  • Like I said, I hit my par, but I only worked for an hour. Made $100 like clockwork then fvcked off early. I do this WAY too much. There are a bunch of hang ups and superstitions causing this but suffice to say I want it handled, hence why I’ll be running Executive. Can’t wait.

  • Finally, the last lead I got was from a couple who were outdoors. The husband immediately gave me the cold shoulder and said he wasn’t interested but the wife clearly was. I got the lead from her as the husband continued to give me a noticeable cold shoulder. Even after I got the lead from his wife and was leaving I said “See you later!” to him and he just grunted.

I can think of how subliminals could help me get revenge :wink:

Anyhow, tonight I’m seeing my 50 year old fwb. I have lost all my others to either covid quarantine or the 22 year old one her parents don’t want her out at night with a guy they don’t know. I’m not meeting anyone’s parents, so fvck that.

Time for manifesting.

I also had several online convos with new girls that went nowhere.

Anyhow, I’m looking forward to using these subs. I feel I’m already pretty alpha and attractive but the next level would be epic. I can only imagine. Stay tuned.

Quick update:

Got my subs. I’ll start listening to them tomorrow morning. 1 Loop of PS and 1 Loop of Paragon. It’s supposed to rain so I doubt I’ll be working.

I’ll try alternating Paragon and Executive while listening to PS every day for 5 days then take 2 days off. Of course, this may change as I see how I’m reacting.

ION spent the night with the 50 year old. Already getting bored of her. It’s the age and also I’m feeling a bit weird lately. Like I’m in a funk.

Anyhow, we’ll see how things go on these new subs. I took a full week off subs of any kind. I hope that’s not too soon to start these ones.

Online interaction today:

me: Hey trouble

her: (she obviously read my profile) What is your definition of ethical non monogamy?

me: The same one as in google :wink:

her: So a really deep seated belief system then Lol :joy:

I blocked her immediately

So I just finished my loop of Paragon. Another member told me that Paragon could knock people out so I decided whenever I use Paragon I’ll use it at night and use Primal Seduction and Executive in the morning. Although I will be staggering Paragon and Executive. This means that tomorrow I will only be running Primal Seduction in the morning for 1 loop and nothing at night. Then Friday I will run Executive and Primal Seduction in the morning. Then Saturday I will run Primal Seduction in the morning and Paragon at night. I’ll see how that works. May get difficult to space it properly.

Anyhow, as for my usage, I used headphones which I hope is ok. I think Paragon is a masked track as I heard the water running sounds.

Also, I had it very low volume: 20% on VLC.

I started to get a slight headache but then felt rather soothed.

I’m using it for a number of physical ailments that will be easy to see if there is improvement. I already eat VERY healthy. Here’s what I ate yesterday to give you my daily diet:

Breakfast: 5 eggs, scrambled with Siracha powder
2 pieces of multigrain bread each with organic peanut butter (no sugar or nothing, just peanuts)

Lunch: 2 cups white pasta, about 8 squid rings (not breaded, just squid), 6 shrimp, 8-12 brussel sprouts, 4 broccoli, coconut oil, parmesan cheese, 2 pieces of multigrain bread

Dinner smoothie: 1 cup organic kefir, 1 cup blueberries (will be switching to organic once this bag is used), 1/2 cup pomegranate and blueberry juice mix, 4 pineapple chunks, 1 3/4 scoops egg white protein, 1/3 cup steel cut oats, 1/4 cup avocado

I also had 3 cups of tea throughout the day with honey. Green tea and chamomile tea for bed.

My diet is designed from many years of trial and error for reducing inflammation and boosting testosterone as well as hindering the bodies natural tendency to transform testosterone into estrogen. That last bit has been a game changer for my libido.

Despite all that, I STILL have numerous issues that I live with every day and I hope Paragon can give me the healing I need.

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Had a dream last night I was at the doctor’s for an issue I have. They prescribed me a pill I would have to take every 2 days for the rest of my life. Very interesting.

Now I will start Primal Seduction.

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Haha,have fun.Primal seduction is pretty fun.Interactions become a lot more sexual without being intentional.Libido goes up alot though.Wouldnt want to be running if no oppurtunities to handle it,lol.Might not show up that fast though but who knows with qv2 :wink:

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I still have my one fwb. And maybe some others will contact me. I’ve read some old flames contact people on these subs.

I’ll have to make them go through the ringer tho. I don’t take kindly to being “left”. One girl in particular who I was fvcking made plans with me twice in a row and both times she had to cancel for one reason or another. I ghosted her.

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Haha,yeah.Girls do manifest for some on the subs.Havent personally seen it but wasnt looking much either cause originally used it to improve flirting with my gf.Just stopped cause it was making me have a bit of wandering eyes and wanting an open relationship,lol


Open relationships are where it’s at for me too. I currently have two fwbs who have accepted that I see other girls but the one I can’t see often because she’s 22 and still lives with her parents and they don’t want her leaving the house to meet some guy late at night so we can’t do much. I fvcked her in my car a few weeks ago and her dad caught her sneaking back into the house. Is what it is.

But it’s funny how women are. Even when I was living with the poly couple and fvcking the wife, she got jealous of me because I was able to fvck other girls. Unlike her husband who had no game whatsoever. I think she wanted another guy she could keep all for herself.


Sounds like the poly couple wanted a change but they settled.Haha,think poly and open relationships can be quite complicated once emotions are involved between multiple people.

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It was VERY complicated. The woman had 4 kids, 2 from a previous marriage who would stay over sometimes. The grandmother lived there, and eventually so did her very hot sister. I was never able to get with her sister or her 18 year old daughter (I wanted them both) meanwhile this woman had sex with new guys quite regularly. I remember one time she was out so I booty called one of my girls. Fvcked her from about 11pm-1am, then returned home. Poly girl was sleeping on my couch. It was kind of sad but I’m not just gonna wait for her to be available to me you know?

I even got her pregnant but she got an abortion. Yeah just a mess of a situation.


That does sound complicated,lol :sweat_smile: Hopefully you can do better women wise on the subs here :wink:

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Haha,im still a long way off from my goals.Covid and lockdown screwed up a lot of my plans since last year. :sweat_smile: Can see some of the subs working through interactions with my gf but sample size of 1 is not that useful :laughing:

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I hear you, covid lockdowns are what I blame for the end in my relationship. But it was many things. Overall covid lockdowns were so needed for me. Almost manifested in a way since I was able to use the time to learn and begin investing.

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Haha,at least you turned a negative into a positive then.Lockdowns are ok but miss interacting with people and going to gym.Home exercise gets boring,starting to become shapeless again

I also miss the gym but I’m an introvert. Didn’t even notice the lockdowns from that sense. I always stay home unless there’s a reason to go out and get something done.

Hmm,i was also an introvert.Still dont actively look for interactions but dont mind them anymore since using subs.Always good to have a few good friends

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Lots of good people on the forum too so its fun to be on here also once in a while,lol

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Will be interesting to see how executive treats you though.Havent personally tried it but a lot of people seem to like it for productivity

I can definitely tell you like talking to people. :slight_smile: So do I. I used to have trainers at the gym before I knew what I was doing and I loved talking with them. One of my trainers even bought me sushi one time and said he wanted me in his inner circle. I don’t recall how that ended but it did. I dunno, people seem to get to expect something from me after a while and I’m a free spirit. I don’t like being pigeonholed.