Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

The sage is correct again.


Makes me think I’m not paying enough attention

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i think there are build options, like 5 mdules, 10 modules and etc and prices differ

What will be the range of number of modules in a ZP custom?

This appears to be the most recent information:

As @SaintSovereign said, the fan is for comfort. However, it also helps massively with fogging of the lenses. With the fan, there is absolutely zero fogging - you can do cardio such as Thrill of the Fight and your lenses will be perfectly clear, or you can drink something hot and while it might get foggy, 5 seconds later it will be clear again.

This is the fan:

With the fan there is an excellent facial covering (the original Oculus one gets uncomfortable with use) that is necessary for the fan to work. Quite comfortable, so no need to get a separate one.

This is the head strap:

The head strap also has a version with an additional battery on the back. Useful, however I like using the Oculus for short, high focus working sessions. If I want to extend my session time, I connect a long cable to it:

Usually I’m sitting so the cable doesn’t get in the way.

With the head strap, there are two “antennas” on the front that alleviate pressure, however they can get a bit uncomfortable - easy solution is to pull them away a bit by hand or add separate padding.

It’s important to play around with the head straps positioning, as you want to have even pressure all around - that is the most comfortable. Correctly positioned and it will feel like the headset is nearly floating.

Finally, for purposes of anything more active (such as using it for cardio, rather than just work), you want something for the controllers:

This will ensure your controllers don’t fly off. Yes, it can definitely happen if you get immersed into it enough, and the straps are quite comfortable. Solely for work however, not necessary. I prefer using hand gestures - it’s more seamless, and seamless means less distraction and more flow.

That would be pretty much the basics of being comfortable using an Oculus overall. You can add some earbuds/earphones (either specifically for the Oculus or your own), since the sound of the Oculus can leak.

You can also experiment with adding additional padding on the back of the head (the head strap padding easily comes off). Sometimes I take off the original one, rotate it and place it on the upper or lower edge, and add the additional padding right below/above it. Less space for the head but more area with pressure - meaning for some it’s more comfortable. I switch based on what I find more comfortable in the moment.

As for helping the eyes, yes, there is some emerging research on that topic. If you want to pursue that avenue, ensure that you take frequent breaks with the Oculus. This is because you might not notice it, but you don’t blink as much while using it, so your eyes get dry. Of course, do your own research on it first.


The thing of multiple virtual displays makes me think of “Minority Report” or “Johnny Mnemonic” with the hand gestures.


When you use the Oculus for work, what do you actually see? Do you see everything what’s on your monitor(like the whole desktop) or just a certain program you use for it ?
I can see how this helps with focus, have heard about people using their hoodie and cap to “blind” off the environment around them and just focus on their screen in front of them.


I can answer this because I tried it. You see multiple entire desktops, any programs that are running, etc. and you can flip back and forth through them. It’s really cool. Not my thing – I get VR sickness after about 30 minutes.


New stack. Focused inward for 40 something days, time to focus on outward health.

Expansion: EmpFit St3 ZP (Rebuild your body into something physically incredible…)
Restriction: Paragon ZP (… while remembering to exercise in moderation and heal properly…)
Balance: Mind’s Eye ZP (… while Mind’s Eye, which enhances clarity of thought and improves decision making, allows me to keep everything in balance).


Woah, that’s a pretty beautiful stack, and will probably lead to a really fast transformation, especially if you have a clear vision of your “ideal” body (like at the end of this cycle).

Though I would like to ask, why don’t you have an archetype based sub :thinking:?
Or is this like a “bridge” cycle, before a major one?


It’s just where I am in life. No need to embody an ideal right now, as certain parts of my psyche has reached enough maturity that I don’t need to work toward an archetype. It’s what I was saying before about a sub like Godlike Masculinity making me a bit too “alpha,” and manifesting as over aggression, since I’ve been running alpha subs for quite some time and I’m at a mental point now where it’d be hard for anyone to “out alpha” me or make me feel inferior.

So now, I’m guiding my growth in a freeform manner, especially since I now have the introspection to understand exactly where my flaws are.


I see, that makes a lot of sense.
But then, do you ever feel the need to do a few loops of your “ideal” archetype from time to time? Or do you prefer to just explore a new one and see where it takes you :stuck_out_tongue:?


That’s a beauty. Wish I was on same :slight_smile:


Naw. If I run an archetype based sub, I’m attempting to solve a particular problem. For example, I may make a ZP version of “Until the End of Time” in order to solve a few conundrums for us. I employ sub use at this point as a sort of Swiss army knife.


Been dying to find out what until end of time is about.


xNTPs really end up with similar ideas huh :thinking::wink:?

This explains that one answer you gave me once in the private test, about using Chosen for an interview.
But then, would you only run the sub as a temporary “phase” for you till the problem is solved?


Embodying your own complex evolving archetype; and letting the subs follow you.


Yep. But this doesn’t work for everyone. You have to be the type to “take action” pretty much non-stop. Since we see our entrepreneurial efforts as a form of self alchemy, when we work on SubClub, we work on ourselves.