Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

I can answer this because I tried it. You see multiple entire desktops, any programs that are running, etc. and you can flip back and forth through them. It’s really cool. Not my thing – I get VR sickness after about 30 minutes.


New stack. Focused inward for 40 something days, time to focus on outward health.

Expansion: EmpFit St3 ZP (Rebuild your body into something physically incredible…)
Restriction: Paragon ZP (… while remembering to exercise in moderation and heal properly…)
Balance: Mind’s Eye ZP (… while Mind’s Eye, which enhances clarity of thought and improves decision making, allows me to keep everything in balance).


Woah, that’s a pretty beautiful stack, and will probably lead to a really fast transformation, especially if you have a clear vision of your “ideal” body (like at the end of this cycle).

Though I would like to ask, why don’t you have an archetype based sub :thinking:?
Or is this like a “bridge” cycle, before a major one?


It’s just where I am in life. No need to embody an ideal right now, as certain parts of my psyche has reached enough maturity that I don’t need to work toward an archetype. It’s what I was saying before about a sub like Godlike Masculinity making me a bit too “alpha,” and manifesting as over aggression, since I’ve been running alpha subs for quite some time and I’m at a mental point now where it’d be hard for anyone to “out alpha” me or make me feel inferior.

So now, I’m guiding my growth in a freeform manner, especially since I now have the introspection to understand exactly where my flaws are.


I see, that makes a lot of sense.
But then, do you ever feel the need to do a few loops of your “ideal” archetype from time to time? Or do you prefer to just explore a new one and see where it takes you :stuck_out_tongue:?


That’s a beauty. Wish I was on same :slight_smile:


Naw. If I run an archetype based sub, I’m attempting to solve a particular problem. For example, I may make a ZP version of “Until the End of Time” in order to solve a few conundrums for us. I employ sub use at this point as a sort of Swiss army knife.


Been dying to find out what until end of time is about.


xNTPs really end up with similar ideas huh :thinking::wink:?

This explains that one answer you gave me once in the private test, about using Chosen for an interview.
But then, would you only run the sub as a temporary “phase” for you till the problem is solved?


Embodying your own complex evolving archetype; and letting the subs follow you.


Yep. But this doesn’t work for everyone. You have to be the type to “take action” pretty much non-stop. Since we see our entrepreneurial efforts as a form of self alchemy, when we work on SubClub, we work on ourselves.


Early results:

Ran Paragon and EF today. When it was time to order food, I had literally NO DESIRE for anything unhealthy. Ended up making a healthy smoothie and grabbing some hummus + salad. I’m having to struggle to stay on task, because I want to go stretch and hit the heavy bag. No recon as of yet.


GOD BLESS U BOTH it will take both of you to make it solid. Last august 2020 we been married for 20+ years. Best decision I made in my life!


What’s EF stand for?

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Hahaha new term

Emperor Fitness


Ah gotcha thx.

I love how in the now this forum is. Can even see when someone is typing!


I already have list of two customs, each with a specific goal. One with money/power and one with sexual life. I won’t order them as Qv2 yet, as I have another customs running right now.
I am waiting to build them as ZP.
So I can pm the list if you want.

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A few years ago I got myself a wheel and pedals + Oculus Rift for sim racing.

For three weeks I felt like I had the worst hangover of my life for a couple of days anytime I drove for 15+ minutes.

After that it got a bit better. But I still felt a bit queasy after driving.

But it was really nice… Imagine driving a Lotus 49 in Spa. The immersion was incredible.


Haha that’s exactly the point of view I am coming from when I tell everybody to only listen to subs once a week