Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

And then turn all of us into a Leonardo Da Vinci(renaissance man)


This or Khan V2 would be :fire:

And Project Hero that turn us into Leonardo the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle :grin:


@SaintSovereign @Fire

Yes, I would like to know about this too.

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Now that we’re at it – Leonardo Di Capri with the empathic abilities to be able to act upon any imaginative figure and truly embody him (like true actor abilities). Kind of like a chameleon being able to change your appearance and behavior to influence or manipulate others.

And also Leonardo Da Vinci, and of course Project Hero to mutate into green Ninja Turtles as per request from @NinjaFox & @Lion, not to forget Khan v2 of course :wink:


Yes, of course. We’re just doing LOTS of backend work right now, with an announcement coming soon on what that means.


Okay, so imagine this:

You had an exam coming up. You knew you got it. Still tense and nervous you were. But the second you clicked the submit button on the screen, your whole attitude changed. It rocketed from anxious to optimistic. Just like that.

There were no physical changes in the duration of the exam, so I believe it was purely a mental change.

So the question is: What triggered such a great response? What metal programming drove such a dramatic change?

Yes, not just Leonardo the Ninja Turtle. There’s another one called @Lion.

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Absolutely. My favorite color too: Red :grin:

Let’s bring this to another thread. I got some more thoughts about the Ninja Turtles.

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Please, don’t! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think there is something about method actors that allows them to go deep into character.

I’m sure that technique could be built into subliminals.

It’s empathy, having a lot of water energy – Stark allows me to do this to a certain extent and I’m loving it.


What programs or modules are you running?

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I wasn’t running any subliminals when I had to give give exams. I’m sure you could recall similar experience of you sort through your memories.

As of now, I’m running RICH.

Thank you for clarifying what you are running right now.

We’ve got a date today with a lucrative LIFE partner. :wink:

Pun intended.



Best wishes!

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Subliminal infused music, anyone?
