Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

Hey, by how much has the subliminal increased your writing abilities? And, do you think it might help in improving your scripting of subliminals, it’s an upward spiral if that happens. Subliminal to write better subliminals.


Not sure yet, as I haven’t had time to sit down and write anything. We have a massive backlog of things that I’ve wanted to do to improve SubClub and we’re just now starting to get through that list (for example, releasing a new instruction manual). I will say this, Renaissance Man is changing my entire outlook on life, though it’s a very tough sub to run. I’m much more playful, less “cold” toward others and I have a TON of writing and musical ideas. Going to work on some music and potentially a short screenplay (there’s a contest that I want to enter) this weekend and we’ll see.


Am very much looking forward to run Renaissance Man after am done with Dragon Reborn. Especially since I feel lost regarding purpose, career, my writing talent and other hidden gifts. Even though it’s still some time away, I get excited hearing about it

It’s been many years since I have heard the concept of being a Renaissance Man. At first I thought it would be cool to do but it was an uphill task considering my mindset and circumstances at the time. But when RM releases, I will grab it with much gusto

Hoping it would have powerful wealth manifestations to go along with the various skill building. I want to take on the world and the very many exciting things in it through Mastery of various disciplines


I keep saying, subclub titles hit much deeper than they seem at first sight. I was thinking to start DR from new year, 6-8 months on each stage. I believe that’s the minimum time to stick with a subliminal for deep growth. Isn’t that right?

Also, I have a few resources to help you in your writing, if you want. I’ll be pumped to pass them along.

The funny thing is my custom is made exactly for that and hacking.


I ran six loops of Primarch Complete Ultima (should change the title, as it’s no longer a prototype) last night, and the emotional pain / reconciliation is almost unbearable. It trips me out when people say they can’t “feel” anything from the subliminals, because this is a nightmare, lol. Last week, it was Renaissance Man, this week Primarch Complete. That being said, I’m pretty sure this time it’s because of the number of loops. I looked at the script about an hero and realized that I’m probably pushing my body and mind pretty hard by running it for so many loops.


I’m guessing there is no plan to release that any time soon?


Just a guess (or more like an educated hypothesis), you’ve run a lot of loops in the past of QLQ and BLU, and there’s also the music production angle and creative outlets building that hemispheric bridge. That all primes you to be able to feel the subconscious mind better especially since QLQ brings the two closer together into alignment.

There are a wide variety of circumstances that can take those two out of alignment, and (IMO) that’s the primary cause of the conscious mind not feeling or acknowledging the messsages coded in the subs.

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Emperor Tony-Wan is correct :grin: I have began to feel the effects and sometimes, I would get a hint of the scripting, according to my mind’s interpretation, ever since I began incorporating art into my waking life with its different forms.

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By just hearing this am guessing that the recommendation on loops is just to prevent any reconciliation and stonewalling but also keep you on some stable growth with your stack.
Will there be a advance recommendation for user how have use your product for so time or like you say experiment is the name of the game at SC?

Not now. Need to test it, see how it performs. So far, so good (outside of the reconciliation).


We will give recommendations. I’m just trying to find my sweet spot for now.

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Check your messages when you get the chance please @SaintSovereign


@friday want to hear you feedback on my custom build, check on my last update
Community help with custom subs

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Well, that explains a lot. I forgot the weird Ultima error occurring with Apple music, where it plays the track for two hours instead of one. I’ve been so puzzled how 3 loops of Primarch Complete Ultima and 2 loops of Renaissance Man is causing so much reconciliation, but it looks like I’ve been running six looks of Primarch and 4 loops of Renaissance Man due to the error, hahahahaha.

Well, then.

We’ve contacted Apple to see what the issue is – we’re not the only one experiencing this. Other software developers whose applications encode mp3s are saying the same thing.


This gives a whole new meaning to “make it a double”.


Diamond ultima on vlc on pc shows up as 2 hours becomes 1 hour after it starts playing shows up fine as 1 hour on my phone and mp3 players though. thats the first ultima that its happened to me weirdly enough

We’ll look into this.

So Saint is stacking a super Big Mac.

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Not sure if this is relevant but there is alot of internet chatter (Search) on this, might find some information inside the rabbit hole.


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