Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

You literally manifest what you believe you deserve and what your self esteem allows. If you significantly improve your self-esteem, it’s only a matter of time before you start dating women that you thought were out of your league. Soon enough, you’ll start shaking your head in disbelief when you think about who you used to date. Self-esteem is as close to a silver bullet as you can get.


Not just for dating but anything.

I knew you would come back to WB, James. Sooner or later :rofl:

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Can you blame him? :grin:

Not at all. Everyone could benefit greatly from running this sub even if their goals were not related to seduction and sleeping with multiple women. Like myself, I’m not running it for the aforementioned reasons, I just revel in seducing reality.


The next chapter in the ongoing saga of Jessica Dark and John Wingliss, and as always, get teases of what’s to come in the future at Subliminal Club:



The Revelator sounds like something Saint is secretly running. :blush:


Time to check this bad boy out.

Did one loop today of Khan Black St. 1 (with modifications). 1 minute micro loop. Let’s get it. So far, very mild results. Noticing increased flowing energy. Was not expecting the increased mental cognition.


Is this image available for download?

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Just long hold your finger on it if using a phone. Right click on pc.

Plus the original Wanted Black cover in 4k desktop please

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Thanks but not real coming out properly on my desktop

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If I have time, I’ll put it together.

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What might those be :eyes:

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So, I’ve never been a fan of spicy food. Couldn’t stomach it. After seeing someone on the KB thread talk about how they could suddenly eat it, I decided to give it a try.

Had the same experience. Grabbed some exceptionally hot Indian food that I tried in the past from the same place and couldn’t stomach it. This time, I was able to eat the entire meal with minimal difficulty, while my colleagues confirmed that it was just as hot as the last time.

Very odd.


What does @Fire think about this surprising new ability? Since he wrote the script


Interesting, I always enjoyed super spicy food. But idk what’s the meaning of this?

What amazes me most about these subs is the results y’all (Saint and Fire) get.

Even with knowing the full script, you get just as surprised as us.


There’s literally nothing in the script to cause this, lol. Has to be a side effect of increased energy.


Saint 10 minutes later: “lawl I found the spicy food section of the script”