Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

From another post, but relevant for discussion:

People have this obsession with wanting to blame something else – ANYTHING else for the things messed up in their lives. This allows them to run away from their shadow and throw their hands in the air. Misunderstanding and misinformation about how subliminals work makes things worse.

People want to diminish their subconscious minds to a kind of “dumb computer” that can “fall in line” with a subliminal – nonsense that was being pushed by people who didn’t have everyone’s best interests in mind. Even more annoying is the fact that some people who push that nonsense are obsessed with the ancient mysteries, in which the subconscious mind is allegedly part of the only eternal thing in existence. And yet, they maintain that a subliminal has the capacity to completely control and change someone without their knowledge. In this situation, they are either lying or are ignorant about the deeper secrets of these mysteries and shouldn’t be allowed near such things.

Either way, Genesis’s script is far less affective than something like Wanted Black. It’s just that Wanted Black is geared toward something extremely pleasurable, where an individual wouldn’t care about how dirty the floor is as long as they’re getting their appendages wet in the process. Any internal revelations on Genesis can feel a bit raw, as you discover who you truly are.

The secret to success on subliminal audio is to OWN the journey. Your flaws are your flaws. Blaming a title for the issues you had before you even ran them is absurd. I remember when the “alwayscometolight” individual tried to blame Wanted for his problems, and yet we all remember them claiming that long before they ran a subliminal, they would sit in their room masturbating all day and not taking showers and avoiding people, etc.

And yet, even after getting laid on Wanted (and apparently women professing their love for them), somehow it was Wanted that “broke him.” And to this I say:

Are you fucking serious?

When you have a diagnosis of mental illness and are taking multiple medicines for this – things that occurred BEFORE you touched subliminal audio, how detached from reality do you need to be to try and retcon history in order to make your issues the subliminal’s fault?

Clean your dirty floor. Face your shadow. Own your journey and overcome fate.


And I think this is the last time that we release multiple alpha / healing titles at once. :rofl:

I never want to hear another PMS joke again. Nothing’s worse than a bunch of dudes with recon.


Exactly this.

We’ve all got so much potential it’s ridiculous - most people have not even the slightest inkling of it. Don’t trip yourself over but use it.

Use it.



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Humans are insanely good at rationalising (even if it doesn’t make sense). Imagine if you have mental health issues that morph and skew those rationalisations even more. I wish that on no one.

Btw I don’t have diagnosed issues but just with the mental fallacies I see in myself from time to time, it’s crazy how the mind can play tricks on you.


Get Wanted Black: Fate Never Lies – a John Wingliss Short Story. A tease for one of our next titles in the shocking conclusion:



@SaintSovereign : you’re dropping music and stories. Why do I feel like you ran your own version of Genesis? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


What is a PMS joke
I searched google and could not find an exact amswer

Honestly, all of this (and there’s much more to come) is our unique solution to a problem that pervades the entire subliminal industry: how do we share as much information about the scripts without actually revealing trade secret?

I’ve said it before: anyone can make a subliminal title. What makes that title unique is the scripting and the knowledge of the person scripting it. So, given the nature of this industry as a whole – the necessity for secrecy as a well as the fact that a subliminal will affect everyone differently – how do we convey what the title does when the description fails?

The answer to us is easy: through art. By creating stories, music, games and other experiences, you get to live out the idea of the subliminal title in a different and more conscious manner. It’s one thing to list a bunch of objectives. It’s another thing for you to actually enter the mind of a character built upon a title – like John Wingliss.

Does this mean that Wanted Black has scripting to make you fall for a woman like Wingliss has? No, of course not. But the intention here is to illustrate that even the Wanted man has a desire to find that person that can make them feel whole in ways they never knew. But in the mean time, he will enjoy the life of a libertine – wallowing in earthly pleasures and desire. And now, you’ve been given a lens to view the title and its goals through.

Same with the musical tracks. The BDLM track sounds the way it does because it’s such a fun, quirky title but with a serious goal for many. The “rave” part that occurs later in the song illustrates this, as the rhythmic pounding is very much a parallel to the act of sex itself.

And yes, we really thought it through like that.

Pretty soon, you’re probably going to see others stealing this concept, or trying to insult us for doing it. They’ll claim it’s just marketing or has no higher meaning (same stuff they said last time, then began stealing from us), but we have a deep understanding on what expression means to people and why its important. And now you have another tool to do so.

Welcome to SubClub Beyond. :wink:


And spy :wink:


I’m not sure it’s habits as much as ingrained beliefs

They’re pretty much the same. Beliefs are habits.

But the cool thing is, they can be broken/changed.


4k STKS Desktop Background Drop #2 (Click to Download):

“John and Jessica”


“A Used BDLM” (nsfw-ish):

Click at your own risk ;)



I have my arch alchemist discount for 25% but I never actually used the “First Time User” discount for 30%… what is the coupon code for that?

@AnswerGroup @Forum_Ambassadors


lol. Not sure if it’ll let you use both, though.


I only wanted to use the one, don’t worry :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not cheeky like that haha


I always smirk at this because my wife is called Jessica.

(But I’m not John. Dammit)

((Not yet :grin:))


Now that’s a real businessman


This is something I’ve been wondering about - what would it be like for a spiritual person, who is trying to achieve pleasures of the soul, to run WB?

I feel like @AnswerGroup Fire would be able to answer this question well too since he’s been making these physical/spiritual subs lately as well.

I have spiritual goals, and I don’t want to be a hedonist, I want to prioritize my spiritual, moral and energetic growth, but I also want to be WANTED and chased and validated for being sexy and all those good Wanted Black things.

Wat do


Wanted Black can be consciously guided. If you’re chased, simply don’t sleep with them, lol.