Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

Patience getting harder for RoS, waiting to go balls deep with into tao :smiley:


RoS = Monday / Tuesday.
GMX and GMX for League = Friday.

As of right now, we have no plans to release a Q Core for ROS. I know many of you will be disappointed, but the title is just that profound and I know that regardless of how many warnings we give, someone will make a dangerous custom. This is the only way I felt comfortable releasing the title without massive nerfs.


This is the longest I’ve ever washed out. I’m doing it because I want to be as close to “clear” as possible for ZP v3 testing.


Add it to the roadmap. We’re looking at specific skills, like Poker and Blackjack. We may add more later.


What does that mean?

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What about Rob? @SaintSovereign

Great news! really looking forward to working with this.
Can you or any of testers share your experiences so far with RoS?

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Right at 3333 posts :slight_smile: and the last post 3h ago

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heh heh. yep.

Took a screenshot of that in honor of you.


haha ,thanks :slight_smile:
Love me some synchronicities . The craziest number type i seen was 111 car plate numbers into a family member showing me an insta post with 111 likes and the post was about mountain climbers tour with exactly 111 people being there lol probably some more 111 synchs that same day

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Sadness , I wanted to make a spiritual sub with ROM and ros puré light master of elements and stuff.

Since I’m now learning energy healing as well.

Oh well.

Just stack your custom with the RoS major title :ok_hand:


Trust us when we say that RoS is too potent for you to create a custom with the core directly in it. You’re going to want to create a complimentary custom that will work with RoS allowing you to control the level of exposure to it.

The alternative was nerfing it to a former shell of itself, which I didn’t feel comfortable doing.


@Malkuth Funny enough few hours after my last post decided to see a game i havent watched in a while, one of the players was rank 6 at 66.6% win rate lol , 4x 3s into 4x 6s stack same day, matrix is glitching :upside_down_face:

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What subs are you playing these days?

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Thank you for this explanation. I visited the forum for this.

ST2 DR and RoM

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@SaintSovereign I might have missed it if you posted it already but what exactly can we expect from ZP v3 in comparison to V2.?

I’m not sure yet. Theoretically, faster results with minimal to no recon, 3-5 minute loops once or twice a week. Don’t expect anything until later this year, early next year.



ZPT2 v3 gonna be 3 mins every 2 weeks.