Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

The term that was getting popular before I left the corporate world was “Product Owner,” because they made many of the creative and innovative decisions on the product. It’s not a sexy title by any means, but it’s now a popular concept in mid to large companies. We even do it here. I “own” the products I create, @Fire “owns” the ones he does.

lol, I just saw you edited the question to clarify. It depends on the title. Renaissance Man is based on the idea of polymaths, I believe – people who master or become knowledge in multiple disciplines to create a new product. UA is more “stereotypical artist.”


Soon. I managed to finish the production version of Chosen From Within, and it’ll be officially released ASAP. RoS and Gaming Mastery X remake sometime after that. Maybe some other goodies. :wink:


@GoldenTiger imagine me using this after what happened yesterday :eyes::rofl:


Gaming/Pure Programming Development sub? :wink:

Edit: Let’s add data to this.


by that you mean musicians, poets, painters and others?

To be more clear, my job is to create ideas for a product, validate these ideas for needness in market, develop a validated idea into a real product and bring the product to market. What I want to develop in myself is a creative aspect of my job i.e. a creating ides as an example. I’m running Stark now, but also considering something additional for more creativity and innovation.

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Renaissance Man is the better choice here.


thanks, sir.


This is a key.

It has been said before; but it goes under the radar.

You must choose whether to execute a script or not.

Food for Thought.


Can you elaborate please?

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You must also choose to eat that brownie or not, or to go to the gym as you promised yourself, but didn’t do go anyway?

Mind control right, if it’s all just a choice, who do you think is controlling you to eat that brownie Huh?

If it’s all just a choice why don’t you just wake up tomorrow morning, and go and lead the life that you want just see for a moment how will you can direct it–I will promise you at the end of the day you will come back here and rectify that statement because it is simply inherently false.

You will quickly realize how much control you truly have.

Let’s just all be honest and fair here, the mind is weak it easily falls victim to destructive desires and there is no control whatsoever unless it is trained.

If for nothing else why do you think most people get nowhere in life, even though they wish for a better life. It’s just a choice bro

Will power is not just a choice, you go and try tl bench press 120 kilo if your actual body and it’s muscle is physically incapable of pushing that weight, you can sit there thinking it’s all a choice like in the matrix movie hoping that you will somehow defy the laws of gravity while still in a physical body, but that will not change a thing.

In the same way, you cannot turn a 120 horsepower car into a 560 horsepower car by pushing down the gas harder.

The spoon scene is literally about the limitations that we impose on ourselves, that unless these limitations are removed we will not surpass them. It was never about thinking we can do thus or so, it is about actually removing the beliefs that create a reality of limitation, which will automatically allow us to become real to ourselves.

So long you are in a physical body, and unless you change your genetics or find some other body with superior genetics you will be bound by it’s Laws and there is no delusion of the mind which can change that.

What is there to elaborate? At least you ask for an explanation when things do not ring true, it’s all a choice, but why did you decide to eat the toxic rainbow honey loops as breakfast instead of your blueberries with nuts?

Why do they have to put anti-porn scripting in sexual programs you think? Because it’s all a choice! You don’t have to get horny from it if you don’t want to bro…

As if by some miracle the tables are turned, and we now have the 95% conscious power of the 5% subconscious.

Let us just remain fair and honest; individuals absolutely do not have the Will power to rule over their conscious mind let alone the subconscious.

Only a very rare few do and this is still a matter of gradations.

How in the hell do you think you can seduce women and arouse her to a degree where she will sleep with you in the most random scenarios and circumstances if it was all just a choice?

Humans have not grown to master themselves like that let’s just be honest and fair.

To even abuse these inherent powers, by subliminal programming to influence a free will being like that is actually one of the most depraved and immoral things you can do.

I asked because it seems that what @SaintSovereign sort of unintentionally explained aspects of recon. I just wanted to see if I was correct or misunderstand him

In theory, it sounds all beautiful and cool but it’s practically nonsense.

The earlier programs did nothing but trick you into action. (if you used your Will and conscious choice to force yourself against it, it would just disturb you mentally, drain you, and cause reconciliation on top of it). If you did go with this stream of thought you would find yourself on greener pastures very quickly and the reconciliation would fade instantly.

Perhaps now it has scripting that suggests you have free will choice, this is actually a suggestion that would support this ideology but it is not an inherent faculty of the mind… The faculty here is Will Power it is the strength of your mind, your ability to direct it, …

Look up the definitions of the terms ‘Essentializing’ and ‘Reductionism’.

Your interpretations here are too extreme, therefore your critiques are too broad.

Saying that choice is a significant factor in executing the subliminals is not the same as saying choice is the only factor involved in executing a subliminal.

When I arrive home after work, I need to use my front door key to enter the apartment and settle down into my home. But having a key is not what makes it my home. There are many other factors involved in making this space into my home. Nevertheless, I’m not getting inside without that key.

I definitely don’t think that most people get nowhere in life. Who said that nonsense?

On the other hand, it is true, that everyone, without exception, inevitably bumps up against limitations in their internal or external circumstances. This can, for many people, be quite frustrating, and—in the midst of that frustration—they may complain that they’re ‘getting nowhere in life’.

Hopefully when that frustration passes, they are able to regain their senses and connect to the bounty that they do have. And then return to the important work of creating and allowing still more.


@Houdini You’re making some really broad sweeping generalizations here. I think you need to chill


I would love to have a discussion about this but you have to argue directly about the topic of discussion.

It is a fair fair judgment if you observe the general state of humanity right now…

It’s not nonsense if it is actually displayed all around. So how to gain more freedom and improve the circumstances that’s the question? It’s about everyone being first and foremost true to themselves.

It non-biased because it does not pertain to the subjective (emotions or thoughts).

Nothing is wrong about judgements, if it has to be made in a discussion, so long it is not biased.

This would be biased because it does not accurately reflect my state of emotions, it implies that I’m not chill, while I’m very chill.

So it sets a false tone, and then we cannot possibly hold a truthful conversation, If anything it creates problems that do not exist :blush:

The only reason discussions get heated is because folks take things personal and feeling themselves a target of the discussion. You are not a subliminal program are you? So , are you? So we don’t have to worry about insulting anyone :slight_smile:

For example for me it does not matter that @SaintSovereign disagrees on something, but I can argue about it perhaps if the argument changes his mind, if not, that’s equally fair to me.

I don’t personally care about being right or wrong I desire the truth, it is impersonal.

So now we have set the tone can we have a conversation?

And maybe he can argument and change my mind you know it goes in two directions.

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You turn a 120 horsepower car into a 560 horsepower car by upgrading the engine, which is exactly what subliminal audio does. You’re just including a lot of unspoken assumptions in your argument, including the notion that the subliminals are attempting to “supercharge” an unoptimized engine. That is incorrect – the goal is to get you to upgrade the engine itself. Then, it can handle the additional gas just fine, hence why many of us are noticing an incredibly increase in cognition after running RoM.

RoM does not make your mind work harder, it helps you develop enhanced cognition through changing the underlying belief that your mind is static and cannot be upgraded. But, you have to subconsciously choose to agree with that belief, we cannot force you to do so. If we could, there would be no such thing as reconciliation or stonewalling. Everyone would just execute the script, in it’s entirety and there would be no need for upgrades or making stronger titles.

I was a corporate slave. One morning, I got up and decided to quit my job, open up my Internet businesses, and now I’m living my dream life. I spend the majority of my day in deep research and meditation, I work when I please, I buy what I want, I work with who I want to work with.

I decided late last year that I wanted to become a game developer, so I got up, bought some C# courses, loaded up Index Gate into a custom and now I’m developing a game.

I can do whatever the hell I want, please refrain from forcing that negative mindset on anyone else. Whatever you’ve encountered that’s stopping you from living your dreams, that’s on you (and anyone else that feels the same way). As for me, if I want to do something or live a certain dream, I simply do it.

So, no, it’s not “inherently false.” You’ve just trapped yourself in a weird mental prison.

This is ignorant and no one is claiming this.

If you can’t lift 120 kilo now, but keep working at it, your body will literally grow stronger until you can. What the subliminal audio does is help remove negative beliefs, like “I will never be able to accomplish this goal,” which will expedite the process. This is a scientifically proven fact that your mindset largely determines an outcome. We’re not going to question something that’s pretty rock solid at this point just so you can make your argument more compelling.

Perhaps you should look into epigenetics.

As for your second post, I’m really not in the mood for anyone pretending to know our scripting and to try and cast some kind of moral doubt on us.

If I run a subliminal program to become better at selling an item, I didn’t abuse the free will of the person who bought the item. If I’m LYING about the product to trick them into purchasing it, that is immoral. There is absolutely nothing wrong with training myself how to better articulate the best attributes of a product to improve my ability to sell it.

Likewise, a subliminal that gives a person the confidence to approach someone they find attractive and sell themselves in a manner that improves the odds that they can spark attraction is NOT immoral in any way, shape or form.

You are engaging in spiritual elitism, and that’s not something we’re going to tolerate around here.


Not emotional man. I mean just chilling out on the posts. I’ve seen this pattern before in you. You’re doing that thing where you stop presenting your opinion on how you personally internalize the subs and start talking about them as fact and then Saint gets upset lol.

I understand this, the goal is to futher unlock the potential that lies dormant.

So an engine of 500 horsepower of which only a 100 is utilized at present. Attempting to utilise full amount, I’m totally with you on that.

The gas is still the gas and it will not start breaking unless you change the levers and whatever else in the car.

This is regarding the Mind and its faculty of Will Power…

This would be the car and the gas but if there is no fuel in the tank and you decide to drive to your destination nothing will happen, don’t you agree?

Maybe this discussion will not help why don’t you leave all the notions and just see what I’m saying because I practically agreed on with everything you said there :slight_smile:

Yes this came from a Desire my friend, it’s a force it moved your body. Without a force there is no movement.

Why don’t we have a discussion like this so people can understand?

I feel like we’d a agree on a lot of points

It was impersonal, was never directed at anyone but the global collective of humanity who needs to unlock there mind as you did, giving you this freedom –

I have developed a lot of control and power hence why I know from experience what is true and what is not true, just as you have from your own journey.

My dreams are mine for the taking :slight_smile:

When @Fire sees this, he’s going to ban you. And I’m not in the mood for this nonsense today, so I have absolutely no inclination to stop him.

You are literally throwing things out there as fact when you have no advanced knowledge of the subject. You just read about the ancient sacred mysteries (weird new age interpretations of them at that) and have now self-ordained yourself as a prophet. There’s a saying about the mysteries that I’ve seen pop up multiple times: Those who know don’t talk and those who talk, don’t know.

This spiritual elitism is little more than narcissism disguised as spirituality. Who are YOU to judge the entire state of humanity? You know the character and essence of all 8 billion people on Earth? What have you done to contribute to the overall wellbeing of humanity as a whole?

These are rhetorical questions to ponder upon throughout your inevitable ban, and IF Fire decides to let you come back, I suggest you stop acting like Ra’s Al Ghul and control that ego.

I’m working on launching the new version of Chosen From Within and I was incredibly excited about it. I’m not allowing you to ruin that.