Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

KB raises the energy level overall and while in the beginning you might have to channel it into specific directions, after a while it flows where it is needed. I use KB and it powers up my productivity sub with NRICH beautifully.

It often feels like… you always knew what to do and why, with KB you have the power to do it.


I don’t see anything to agree with or to disagree with.

I just think it’s worth observing how an experienced, advanced person who understands subliminals deeply and implicitly is approaching his practice.

You have to proceed based on who you are and where you are right now. But it’s informative and inspiring to see various visions and versions of where you may be possibly be in the future. Who knows?

That is an intriguing question.

My model of life is like the face of a clock.


You start at one point (or time point), and then over time you keep making your way around and around, gradually hitting and integrating more and more of the possible points.

So, I’m not sure about endgame.

I think Khan Black would be an excellent endgame integrative program for someone.

But I think it could also be a great mid-point program or even for some an opening program.

haha. oh well, didn’t add much with that one.

but I think it depends on the nature and orientation of the person.


On the flip side. Maybe subliminal processing can be the equivalent of innate talent. There are some individuals who despite not having as much experience or training under their belt just acclimate to them better. And neither Saint or Fire should be used as the benchmark for what to expect despite being the creators.

I will say though I’ve seen some stacks pop up on here that just seem like recon city and putting blocks in place by biting off more than you can chew. But that’s from my own subjective perception. I don’t know how everyone else gauges what they can tolerate.

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Life is a cycle that keeps repeating.


Guys. Seriously.


Stop killing my stack.

Now I wanna run KB :rofl:


KB isn’t just an endgame sub. If every man on this planet spent some time running it, many of the issues we have as a whole would subside.

The results are quite profound but hard to explain, like others have reported. It’s like my mind just functions differently than before, one with less “impurities” blocking freedom of thought.

Life has begun to take on a more mythic quality, with beautiful symbology hidden everywhere (note: this began with RoS). There have been moments of transcendent — dare I say divine — beauty that has left me breathless.

If I tried to explain exactly what I’d mean, I’d have to write it as scripture and now I understand why they wrote the way they did.

There have been moments of profound stillness. A type of being that literally feels like it rejuvenates your soul. And I mean, it would come on at strange times, like when I was waiting for my order at food truck. And boom, there was nothing within, and nothing without. I was just there, but not quite, completely present and yet completely still.

And the one thing that went through my head was: I want to feel like this forever.

I can go into deep meditative states quicker than before, which is odd because my meditative practice isn’t based on anything structured. I try to keep myself in a light state all day, and go into deep states before I work.

Here’s what’s interesting: this scripting is in The Revelation of Mind, but I didn’t get those results as much when I actually ran it, or during washout. But as I ran KB, I noticed past scripting that I really wanted coming to life. This leads me to the notion that KB helps unlock what you’ve integrated from past titles but could never express due to blockages.

Thing is, you may not have these same results, because what I just described is how I’ve always wanted to live life, but suppressed that side because I wanted to play the role of rich high powered executive, and so I shut off my highly creative and intuitive side.

KB has helped free the creative artistic side and helped me integrate it into SubClub. I know you’ve all noticed how the boxes, copy, stories and music have changed.

They’re more creative because I’ve become more creative and internally expressive — meaning, I’m experiencing emotions that I didn’t even know existed, which translates into form as “enhanced creativity.” To those who are creators, you know what I mean. It’s like there’s more source material to channel into what I’m building.

I’ve also seamlessly overcome fears that I’ve had for awhile, like writing my own lyrics to a song. I don’t know why, but songwriting always seemed out of my league, and then one day I caught myself writing the lyrics to PRIMAL SEDUCTION and humming out the melody.

My issue is that I never knew how to approach song writing as opposed to something I’m familiar with, like copy. So, I just put myself in a meditative mood, visualized the type of person I needed to write about and the next thing I knew, I had written the first verse. And when I hit that line, “of never being alone,” I just knew to run with that as the main symbol.

It felt spiritual and interestingly enough, after I finished the first mix, I felt something clear in my mind, the feeling I get when recon breaks, leading me to believe that writing the song and hearing it helped me clear the blockage that existed all this time.

EDIT: Since then, I’ve written two more tracks and I’m falling in love with the idea of pursuing this a bit more like a craft.

I’m off the market, but I can just imagine how absurd my romance skills would be, especially since I never had a problem meeting and holding a woman’s attention anyway.

But as someone said, we shouldn’t be the benchmark, as many of you have tried more stacks and products than we have. I may know the exact scripting, but we’re pretty open about exactly what’s in the titles, hence why we started using that new format of copy. It’s designed for you to “feel” what the title could help you develop through your emotional response to emotional copy.


@SaintSovereign this has to be the best sub yet, those effects from when first playing kbst1 are so profound,

Lbfh may be joint first.

Kb really does awaken something latent inside.


Ffs now I need to run it :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

KB doesn’t have the NSE right ?


I have been on KB since release, I did a loop of ST4 yesterday to see how I would respond, since I have mainly been on ST1 and 2. Its amazing on how I feel right now.


It’s the best feeling ever, the first time i felt it from KB was when i went into a restaurant with the entire family of my gf, i was very nervous

But when we swt down i was fully present, feeling deeply into my stomach, i wasn’t nervous at all, i don’t want to say i was authentic, it’s more like I was flowing and just being and engaging in conversation and saying what i feel like saying

It was amazing


I’m not running KB but I’m going through something similar.

Do you find KB is more about releasing and channeling? Or has it aided in skill cultivating as well?

For a friend of mine, it was one of his first subs (His first was DR). For him, it was lifechanging.
I’m with SC now for about three months, and I will start with it first cycle in the new year.


And…KB is now finding a way into my stack

Amazing review -thank you

Glad I asked


OMG, I bought this on your recommendation and it finally arrived. Only took two pills and feel amazing……

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Tried buying it too, but cant find it in europe, damn

One ingredient (Desert Cistanche) is sadly not allowed to be sold for humon consumption in the European Union.

This is not true. I have had already like five bottles of cistanche from different brands and I am in EU

Interesting. My favourite (dutch) supplements shop had it, but not any longer:

Nootropic depo, barlows, iherb. Those are my sourcies.

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Thank you!

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